>getting rid of sjw cancer
megaphone edition
Getting rid of sjw cancer
All the male feminists are being exposed as rapists. I love it
We all called it, said they were just in it for pussy years ago when the occupy wallstreet retardation began
I sense Mr. Pie has changed. Wondering what could have happened
So they were pulling a Gus Fring? Feeding cops fried chicken so they dont suspect his meth business,
"Male feminist turns out to be a creep/rapist" is quickly becoming the new "pastor turns out to be gay"
So SJWs continue to prove nothing but projection.
Feminazis are rape fetishists.
Same in Sweden, one of our top left newspaper's most famous writer, Fredrik Virtanen, who has been championing feministic causes and anti-everything bs raped a chick whilst she was drunk, came out in the #metoo drove. He also asked a 14 year old girl if she wanted to have sex with him because she wrote a letter admiring his journalism. It's imploding. The hypocricy of the left never ends.
Its odd, right?
It's like they over-do their self-righteous act against all evil-doers to atone for something, huh?
Fuck off Pewdiepie with a German proxy. Your career is dead, deal with it.
Always amazing how normalfags don't seem to realize that humans have a very strong tendency to project like crazy.
Whenever they are obsessively campaigning against something, there's a huge chance that it's exactly what they did at some point in the past.
Are Out mentally impaired?
I think he thinks that he has a choice what allies he can call his own.
Times are dire and he challenges the Status Quo and where it goes, he's welcome on my end even though he makes Videos that are akin to shaking keys in my face.
uh, salt, uh so salty. wuhh
You want to bet that all these anti-racists hate shit skins secretly too?
Can you say that again in proper English or do you have to speak fucking German?
He's not doing a bloody thing for your cause. The man can't stand being a Youtube faggot anymore and he barely has any ideas anymore. He's not challenging anything, he's just saying things that belong to the realm of common sense. He's not an ally or an enemy, he doesn't give a shit as long as he keeps making money.
Actually I prefer his new content because he feels more sincere (key word here being "feels") and it's more caustic. But the fact is that he feels and looks like he's at the end of his rope.
He's all but an entertainer, but when it comes to politics, he is on the more right-wing and skeptic side of things, and considering he has a large platform which many consumers take part in, he is valueable. stop playing down his role just because you waffle-eater want to ruin his reputation by forcing him to go 14/88 just so you can go on twitter and call him #OurSwede.
You are an absolute retard if you think an ally must be 100% on your page and there is either 14/88 or leftists.
Go back to eating waffles and fart on EU Parliament-seats, Juncker.
You ever see how a Democrat reacts to a non-white who doesn't agree with them? The shit they spew makes even Sup Forums blush.
stupid kraut
If we're talking about projection, does Sup Forums actually love niggers then?
oh hey merkel
they don't necessarily hate them, but they sure as fuck see them as inferior and in need of constant help from white people. it's why the democratic party can oppose voter IDs with an excuse that boils down to "black are too retarded to get one" and all the lefties do is shrug and accept it.
You really put a lot of anger because i fail to think that Anti-racists means a fucking thing.
Beady-eyed Anglo man has to see things Objectively, Racist has lost every meaning thanks to people calling it on people who vote differently or do not want to mention things the way they want, Nazi doesn't mean anything whilst Leftist burn Martin Sellner books, Fascist doesn't mean anything since Antifa has taken the monopoly of violence against "nazis" to be beaten, but it's okay, we called them fascists first, so their fascist action is justified, r-right?
I am not trying to be a Pickle Rick here, but what the fuck does anything mean at this point?
I am actually losing my bearing here, because i don't know wether you meant that in the SJW-definition or normal-speak.
But by all means, go ooba booga about how i didn't answer your retarded question.
yes whitey must love nigar
Sup Forums just wants to get away from non-whites, let them stew in their own shitty countries and leave whites alone.
Democrats want more non-whites as vote farms, low skill labor, and as a political bludgeon.
>and considering he has a large platform which many consumers take part in, he is valueable.
this. why do people here think the burger media outlets ran hitpieces on him and then offered their shit-rags as a platform for him to "tell his side of the story"?
because he can smoke each of them individually in a pipe when it comes to reach/audience size. they attacked him to get the attention of his audience, because it outnumbers theirs.
>stop playing down his role just because you waffle-eater want to ruin his reputation by forcing him to go 14/88 just so you can go on twitter and call him #OurSwed
I don't even have a Twitter account. Or Facebook.
The point is, he's not political at all. If anything, he's just promoting common sense, not conservatism of any kind, and skepticism isn't a trait of right-wingers only.
considering he has a large platform which many consumers take part in
His platform has grown smaller these years and a good portion of his viewership has already reached an age where they already have their political opinions. At best, he's contributing to what they already feel and think because current medias shower them with leftist bullshit.
>You are an absolute retard if you think an ally must be 100% on your page and there is either 14/88 or leftists.
Good. Because I never made that point.
Go back to eating waffles and fart on EU Parliament-seats, Juncker.
Juncker is from Luxemburg and I hate that cunt.
Fuck off Nazi
This desu.
The absolute state of this timeline.
male feminist behavior is basically like going
>Haha, don't look into the ward robe, I swear there isn't a lover hiding in there
out of nowhere.
There was no external trigger that made them act this way and get overly emotional about it, so it must have come from the inside. i.e. they assaulted and harassed women and now either feel bad about it or want to use rampant feminism as a cover.
Hurry up and fuck a baby into Marjah, nigger.
The great war starts soon.
Saying Nazi on Sup Forums is like exclaiming "Sand!" in Gobi.
What i'm saying: You're a retard if you are here but aren't at least Right-Wing enough to not see that as an insult.
Gott Strafe England
What you're describing is called projection.
>Fuck off Nazi
Do you even know where you are, kid?
Du bist ein Turkë
For someone who thinks pewdiepie's career is 'dead' you sure do spend a lot of time circlejerking about his content on Sup Forums.
Also if 3 million viewers per daily video is a dead channel, I'd hate to see Felix at peak influence
>tfw Rogan called out male feminists years ago
the Aristotle of our time confirmed?
>Also if 3 million viewers per daily video is a dead channel, I'd hate to see Felix at peak influence
He makes his views mostly on the basis of his clickbait and his name. He used to make much more a video, and they didn't get demonetized back then.
>For someone who thinks pewdiepie's career is 'dead' you sure do spend a lot of time circlejerking about his content on Sup Forums.
I actually like him, I've got no reason to beat him down or anything. I do like to take the piss out of him, but hey.
But the fact of the matter is, it doesn't work as well as it used to, and he's getting tired.
Pewdipie is far from apolitical, he's said very normie-infuriating things like how globalization mainly benefits corporations, talked down feminism on many occassions, had the balls to exclaim how jews must die, yells nigger on live broadcast.
He is mainly a entertainer and he doesn't want to curb his main audience in favor of getting his acc locked up for good, but he throws in a wrench every now and then.
This is Facebook isn't it?
Jew or Muslim, you will pay for ever touching our lands.
You tried, Tea-Jew.
Who would ever even touch that sick looking fuck? Looks like he collects used tampons from dumpsters and licks them.
'Nice Guys'
Sup Forums is satire, most of the nazis here are larpers
Sup Forums's true political affiliation is libertarian/ancap because we don't give a fuck
which is exactly why he needs to revert to sexual assault to get any intimacy
These people act all high and mighty but have the biggest skeletons in their closet. SJWs are hypocrite scum.
>how globalization mainly benefits corporations, talked down feminism on many occassions, had the balls to exclaim how jews must die, yells nigger on live broadcast.
1) is obvious and everyone says that, except for the people obviously profitting from it directly.
2) is not ballsy, people have been taking the piss out of radical feminists for literal decades.
3) and 4) aren't ballsy either, this is just Felix acting like a retard because he doesn't really give a shit about the consequences beforehand but immediately panicks once he realises his act may cost him money.
It explains a lot though.
>Hollywood constantly screeching about misogyny and rape-culture
>because they actually live in one and don't understand that this isn't normal
This is why you stop with that mask wearing bullshit in college. It's all fun and games to larp as an sjw cuck for the easy whore pussy but sooner or later that shit catches up with you either with a kid you dont want, a disease you dont want or being dragged out and placed on full view for society to stone to death.
Be true to yourself and being called out as a phony won't happen.
>ad I known the extent to which I was making her uncomfortable at this point I would not have pursued it further. Again, this is entirely my fault, for not being properly attentive and not picking up on her signals.
He is clearly an autist.
I know you all want to hate on the guy, but these "harassment" accusations are getting to far.
Imagine, if you will, sitting in a diner with a girl and you are all friendly with each other and you mistakenly interpret her friendliness with romanticism and decide to try to make a pass on her - this move on your part can instantly be labeled as "harassment" - if rejected!
Do not play into this feminist babble. Next time you will be signing contracts on for every next step in the mating process. I shit you not.
Keep those (you)s flowing boys
Lol didn't think of it that way but you are right it's becoming cliche.
It goes way back, back to when we invented the white knight.
But they do. They might have fetishes about fucking them but they never see them as equal (exoticism) they keep them down by feeding them charity (welfare) and they give them help to get jobs (affirmative action) so they never have to see them as equal in the workplace.
I don't like nigs in general, at least here we have the odd educated Nigerian and not just west Indian yardies. Yank nigs are actual scum but statistically there must be some who are ok. The left keeps them down far more than the right does.
>Sup Forums is satire, most of the nazis here are larpers
Why do you think people larp as nazis? Because they are, deep down, but they never truly have the courage of their convictions.
>Sup Forums's true political affiliation is libertarian/ancap because we don't give a fuck
Accurate. I don't give a fuck.
kek, this guy is top faggot
>You are an absolute retard if you think an ally must be 100% on your page and there is either 14/88 or leftists
This is common and very depressing. It'll be what does for us in the end
Absolutely no one says that, because they would have to agree (Muh freedom of movement!)
You might be true there, it has gotten trendy in some way and the "FeMiNiSt" is now nothing more than a meme.
Things that can if taken the wrong way and offense is taken can land you in fucking jail.
It IS ballsy to risk life and neck just "fer da lulz XDD"
You wouldn't fucking dare to go outside and shout "Fuck niggers, Kill the Jews to free us from our Jewish overlords, we need another shoah" because they'd incarcerate your nigger-ass.
It's because they project.
I'm a shitty misogynistic male with rape fantasies that has trouble controlling his urges. ALL MEN ON THE PLANET MUST BE LIKE ME TOO.
Oh my god those feminists were right! Better go support them!
Sounds plausible, Burger-kun!
Have a Höcke eating a Niggerkiss(confection).
It's a currency on Kraut/pol/
>I am not trying to be a Pickle Rick here, but what the fuck does anything mean at this point?
>I am actually losing my bearing here, because i don't know wether you meant that in the SJW-definition or normal-speak.
This is how you know they are winning. When you cannot tell what reality is anymore, when you cannot discuss reality with other rational people.
>You wouldn't fucking dare to go outside and shout "Fuck niggers, Kill the Jews to free us from our Jewish overlords, we need another shoah" because they'd incarcerate your nigger-ass.
That's not what he did, though.
"It IS ballsy to risk life and neck just "fer da lulz XDD""
He admits it himself that he doesn't give a shit about the consequences. Does it still qualify as ballsy if you just act recklessly?
>Absolutely no one says that, because they would have to agree (Muh freedom of movement!)
No-one on the right of the political spectrum actually says it, it's more of a leftist kind of thing.
uh, GKzNDX0o sure does his thing. Plebbit spacing and keeping the bait in the tub. I wonder what his end game is.
>I wonder what his end game is.
The same that most people have here: none.
Thanks Patton Oswalt
Wtf I love #MeToo now
>Be true to yourself and being called out as a phony won't happen.
But being beat up for being an asshole might happen.
It's best to take the middle road. Pick some fights.
Male SJWs having secret rape fantasies and a predilection for the fetishization of violence against women is not something people in the alt-right/manosphere/whatever haven't already known about for years. It's so well known at this point that it's sort of becoming a running gag. Even Gavin McInnes knows about it and has made jokes about it on several occasions
Just recently there was a movie called Brimstone directed by the Dutch filmmaker Martin Koolhoven. The film is based in 19th century America and details the life of a nursemaid who performed some kind of abortion on a baby to save its mother's life. Some EEEVIL Christian preacher doesn't particularly like that and sets out to kill this nursemaid. Along the way, we find out the preacher likes to whip women, beat them and lock them up in a contraption called a "scold's bridle." The scold's bridle was an English punishment given to women who were public nuisances (picture modern women in London or Birmingham after too many drinks)
In the film, it's implied that this punishment was issued by the state to any woman for seemingly nebulous reasons. Or just to torture them. But that's absolute bullshit because we have no record of it being used in America. Ever. The film glorifies violence against women so much that many people have questioned the supposedly feminist narrative the director insisted the movie has. The violence is so completely excessive and sexualized that it's hard to see how it's NOT just an excuse to show women being brutalized
That's what feminism is. An excuse to talk about and show women being abused. That's why female feminists defend rape fantasies as a healthy outlet for women who have SUPPOSEDLY faced sexual abuse at the hands of men: it's the entire point of feminism. And it always has been. Susan B. Anthony employed similar tactics of narrating extreme violence committed against women in order to garner sympathy from men, even though the violence in many cases was fabricated
It's such a joy to see the people who wanted Pewds to crash and burn actually crash and burn themselves. Does Pewds wield the same powers as Trump does with the Trump Curse?
can we get a list going?
Sam Kriss..
holy hell this is too great. this year is incredible.
all of the big hollywood execs and directors about to be outed
It mentions:
>repeatedly groped me
>twisted my neck to forcibly kiss me
>ignored any attempt to make him stop
>refused to let me drink non-alcohol
Pretty sure that goes past "haha, whoops, guess I misinterpreted it" and clearly implies forceful behavior after being told to stop. And he denies none of it.
He's just a shitbag who thought no one would ever catch on if he just virtue signals against it often enough.
Joss Whedon
I can't wait for the right-wing revival of all europe.
I can't wait for the EU to crumble into thousand pieces.
I can't wait for the wars that will shaken back feminist morality back in place.
I'm so fucking tired of this all.
>"Jews (like, for instance, Kobi Snitz, or myself) who want to tear down the barriers..."
Hello my fellow white males
their obsession with violence against women is really disconcerting.
got a bunch of thrillers for free lately that were all written by women, and the blatantly common theme in all of them is excessive violence against women (as in, quite detailed descriptions of the rape).
it was always way past the point where it could be considered to be relevant for the story. if it was just about that, they could have had the part where he gets aggressive, then pulls down the pants and skip to the next chapter. instead you got a graphic description of the penetration and all that shit.
what the fuck is wrong with them?
Let us not "Le Eternal Kraut/Beady-Anglo" Around, this is a place of Brotherhood for the Right-wing (and Antifa, but they're trying to figure out how heirachy should work in an anarchy first) and other commie-spooks.
>"scold's bridle."
Holy shit, our based forefathers actually muzzled women for being too fucking annoying.
>That's what feminism is. An excuse to talk about and show women being abused.
A mans greatest weakness is his facade of strength. A woman's greatest strength is her facade of weakness.
>what the fuck is wrong with them?
They WANT us to know how bad rape is. As if we weren't told that all the time.
As if awareness was the issue.
They're masochists and that's an acceptable outlet for their fantasies.
Women are obsessed with violence and pain in general. This is well known in Western culture and is usually blamed on patriarchy and internalized misogyny. But what feminists don't want you to know about is women's sadism. Go on any YouTube video about FEMALE serial killers and you'll find the comment's section disproportionately represents women. It's as if women only comment on videos about serial killers or Taylor Swift's new music video.
They fantasize about it. It makes them wet knowing the details. They know it's terrible but they still want it, just like they wanted that fucking apple.
The fag got fragged. Sad.
They muzzled men too and made them wear weird contraptions. A big myth is that only women were unjustly punished by the law (noblemen were allowed to kill peasants just for stepping onto their property).
good, fuck game journos
everyone hates shitskins, even other shitskins
Sometimes I really think they get some kind of self-worth out of the idea that they get raped.
>Oh, yeah, I am so irresistible that men lose their control around me and have to mount me like an animal
Pretty repulsive to be honest.
>be beta male
>be “intellectual”
>have insufferable superiority complex
>attach myself to feminism because it allows me to believe I’m better than those sexist brutes who beat me up for my lunch money at school
>virtue signal against normal male behaviour as sexist because I’m too much of a fucking pussy to act like a man
>holy shit I’m actually getting female attention! Maybe this feminism shit will get me laid!
>nope.jpg - no one respects emasculated men, especially not the women who emasculated them
>do the usual beta creep stuff with girls but under the impression that I can do no wrong because I’m a “feminist”
>raping is what those sexist men do, I can’t possibly be a rapist, right?
>turns out im a creepy rapist, whoops!
Every girl who calls herself a feminist but is still a mentally stable straight cisgender woman recognises how creepy male feminists are and even if they won’t admit it they know that a man with traditional views on relationships is going to treat them with more respect.
You hit the nail on the head, old chum! It's more about the gratification of ego than it is about sexual gratification.
It also plays into something called the "Women are Wonderful" effect. Women look better in contrast to men when they set themselves up as beauties savagely "deflowered" by brutish beasts (men). Very insecure or narcissistic women use these cultural archetypes to feel better about themselves. We have plenty of these women on the right, however. They're the Stepford Wife types.
no they just hate whites