Me too
cancer, easy to take everything off the OG topic and make it about "LOOK AT ME I AM IMPORTANT" makes me cringe
Funny how the only people posting this on Facebook and other social media outlets are leftist women and gay men. They're the same people who posted "I have a pre-existing condition" three months ago.
>Be me
>Be 31
>Be good looking
>Women at work (especially 25 to 50 year olds) make sexual comments everyday
>Go home to see they're the ones posting "me too"
Laugh at th hypocrites
I thought it was supposed to be about actual physical assault, not just comments
Should every man start spamming this?
omg me too omg reee omg google omg this is propoganda from google and facebook and the rest who are out to rid the world internet of hate
>they where deleting old songs off some site i cant remember
old=idont know country, patriotic
but your posting it on here. so your in on it too
hey guys what do you think of googles new advertising strategy to rid the world of hate and
get advertising dollars
Exactly this. I've been sexually harassed at work many, many times, especially when I was an intern.
I was really, really tempted to post something like that on social media, but I'm sure I'd be labeled as a misogynist.
You should've fought back.
Who's this Me Too?
its godamn google advertising like half the topics on this board are
I think it reveals a major shortcoming of how we talk about sexual assault/harassment in that it makes it clear just how broad and subjective people's definitions of "assault" and "harassment" really are. What EXACTLY does sexual harassment/assault mean?
I mean, I should be posting "me too" if all it takes is someone making an unwanted sexual advance at me.
Every woman I've seen post this on fb is a slut with shit taste in men. And I don't mean that in a fedora sort of way. They date drug addicts and niggers. They probably have been attacked and harassed but it's due to the company they select.
clinton foundation scandal is exploding
shills in full force after soros new funding
don't let them slide it
And god forbid you should ask that someone disclose the details of what happened to them so that they might clarify how they're defining being sexually assaulted or harassed.
They'll just turn it into some "the victim doesn't OWE you an explanation in order for their pain to be valid" accusation.
How much of a social retard do you have to be to hate women this much?
No Ralston or ethics in this group of human filth. These are literally victims trying to stop the covering up of abuse to protect future victims. Fuck you guys
>inb4 'white knight'
>inb4 'sjw'
I'm just a normal person
Its a way to down play and minimize the magnitude of the happening. An easy me too, and youre names no details, just s simple me too and never speak of it again because they feel empowered now. Total bullshit.
I'm convinced that over half of the people who claim they've been sexually harrassed in the street is lying for attention or to boost their confidence or something
no way some of the cows and river monsters that posted some lame story are telling the truth. I wouldn't even fuck them if they were laying naked in front of me
>why don't you just believe victims?
This is one I've seen a lot, pretty worrying that they're setting a precedent for somebody to be convicted in public of acts falling under the totally undefined label of 'sexual misconduct'. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Is it not for the courts to decide if somebody is guilty of a crime or not? I saw someone on zuckbook bemoaning the use of the word 'alledged' by an online news source in regards to allegations made against some director (Lars von Trier iirc), some woman responded to say that _unfortunately_ they could be sued for libel if they printed the allegations as a statement of fact.
None of these things have yet been established as fact.
This is for the courts to decide if someone wishes to bring a case forward.
One of the few acceptable infringements on total freedom of speech is libel laws, for good reason.
These people are trying to redefine the idea of justice in the public consciousness to favour any woman who makes an accusation against a man.
Apparently you're also a newfag since you don't realize how much normies are hated here.
I wonder how quickly roasties, and sjws would tell me to fuck off if i posted that, just because I'm a man. I was legitamatley sexually assaulted ((((several)))) times by members of our church as a child. I was also full on drugged and raped later in life. But I have white male privlidge, so it doesn't count, right?
At least I'm not an amoral cockmunching faggot like you
>homos and women posting 'me too' on my feed
>a few stood out to me
>flaming homosexual who tried to solicit sex, suck my dick, and kiss me multiple times back in high school
>two girls who isolated me in phys ed back in middle school
>forced me to remove my pants and show them my genitals
>made fun of my curvy penis
y-you t-too
>These are literally victims trying to stop the covering up of abuse to protect future victims
I don't disagree with you in principle. I think, however, this is one of those cases where both sides know the other side better than they know themselves.
As a man, I don't deal day in and day out in the many shades of male sexuality. I know MY personal habits and experiences, but I don't know the shit men at large do to women on the streets, on dates, in the bedroom, etc., the way most women who have been dealing in a plethora of men since puberty do. We don't deal regularly in the ways many men overtly and subtly suggest/demand sex from women. I don't doubt in the slightest that this many women speaking up is indicative of a very real problem.
By the same token, women don't deal day in and day out in female sexuality. They know THEIR personal habits and whatever biased accounts they hear from their girlfriends, but they don't know the shit that women at large are out there doing to men on the streets, in relationships, in the bedroom, etc., the way any guy who has been regularly engaging with women in a sexual/romantic context since puberty has. They don't deal regularly in the dual empowered/victimized behaviors of a generation of women that are objectified, yet coddled. They don't deal day in and day out with girlfriends' exaggerated stories of pains inflicted upon them or injustices committed against them and think "I've had that happen, and it wasn't THAT bad..." They don't deal regularly in the lies women tell because they learn very early the power of their tears and their bodies over men.
I think the problem is that as sweeping as this problem is, we're forgetting that a CLAIM of sexual harassment/assault does not automatically mean it happened, that how we define assault/harassment is very subjective, and that FEELING victimized is not the same as actually being a victim. This is movement is not as uniform as it present itself.
>>forced me to remove my pants and show them my genitals
>>made fun of my curvy penis
what the fuck man
how much of a pussy do you have to be to be forced into anything by middle school girls?
So easily triggered. Girl, gay, or plebbitor?
Depends on how long ago it happened. If he's an oldfag, then yeah, laugh at him. But if he's in his teens or early twenties, he went to middle school at a time when boys are automatically considered the aggressor in any conflict with a girl. Girls who realize they can act poorly with impunity make a game of seeing how much shit they can get away with. If the boy fights back in anyway, even just verbally, he's suspended.
context. they got me good. one on one, perhaps, but not two of them. also no witnesses. It would be their word vs mine if I did anything physical and I would lose 100% (precedent set). I was in a no-win situation.
My fat skank sister in law posted a "me too" my wife brought it up to me just a few minutes ago while rolling her eyes. We both know exactly what the "incident" she's referring to was. Her fat skank sister got drunk at a college party during her senior year. She had a crush on some chad who also got drunk. He used her as his slam pig for a night of drunken humping. At the time she had bragged to my wife about getting the chad dick and how they were going to start dating now. Instead, chad sobered up, realized what he had done, and refused to talk to her ever again. It was at that moment that she decided her drunken sex romp was no longer fun, pleasurable and neat-o but rather a sexual assault.
This is what the majority of these women are like. I've been catcalled before by women, and that's not a joke. I thought it was odd, and just sort of gave them a smile and a sort of "hello there" wave as I continued walking to show them that I was indeed autistic. I guess I've been sexually assaulted. What others have said here is true, they LOVE sexual advances, just not unwanted sexual advances. If you're a smoking hot chad and you cat call a women, you're a sexy man being playful and fun, they'll be flattered and probably stop to give you their number to come over and pound their pussies. If you cat call a woman and they find you to be ugly then you've committed mind-rape or something. In the end it comes back to women getting what they want. If they get what they want out of sexual situations then nothing is wrong. If they don't get what they want, a crime has been committed. It's because they're so childish and self-centered. Most of them at least.
what does it mean?
A new artist all the young normies listen to.
I've got a PA at my job. We talked about this campaign and she said "all these women knew full well what they were getting out of the deal and chose to sell themselves. They weren't worth hiring if they didn't."
Interesting viewpoint on it, and I'm sure one popular here.
Gay attention whoring that will be forgotten about in a week once the next Facebook fad catches on.
Me too
It's just free reign to play the victim card.
As someone who has experienced ACTUAL sexual assault, I am a bit confused.
Some of my friends actually are posting about being molested as kids, or being jumped and raped on the street, etc... black and white cases, so to speak.
It's the fuzziness of harassment that is making this weird. The third wave femists did this. Saying "you look nice today" is not the same as assaulting someone.
That said, I also feel like there is some mass bonding being orchestrated around sharing real or perceived trauma... this is absolutely disturbng to me.
Here's how it goes:
Stage 1:
>small number of guys with shitty parents/ghetto culture/no conscience harass/assault/rape women
>those women rightly complain about it
Stage 2:
>legitimate victims from stage 1 form an anti-rape coalition
>people starved for attention see how much sympathy stage 1 victims receive
>"I'm a victim too"
>problem looks larger than it really is
Stage 3:
>people see the problem as an epidemic
>become paranoid
>on the lookout
>guy does something questionable
>"all men are rapists"
Stage 4:
>guys get falsely accused
>defend themselves
>normal men say "hey, I don't appreciate being lumped in with assholes"
Stage 5:
>actual assholes pretend to be normal guys from stage 4
>"What? Me? Rape? Never! #NotAllMen"
Stage 6:
>the genders now hate each other
You forgot stage 1 1/2:
>innocuous looking everday uncles, aunts, parents, neighbors, and teachers molesting kids everyday, under everyone's noses
me three