They are destroying Cernovich
They are destroying Cernovich
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he has completely come unhinged. He was literally doing the sam hyde
"listen if i was in a self defense situation with richard spencer i would kill him" only with a lisp and a little ferret voice
here is the video since cernovich deleted it in a coke fueled panic
He's part of the Washington's press machine now and he wants to keep that going after Trump's gone (be it in 3 years or 7), so this was always inevitable.
Cernovich saying people who follow him on twitter that will be going to prison
Saying people are going to start dying for being alt right.
Literally going mentally insane because richard spencer is making the news and he isnt.
Alt lite are 2016. Maybe Milo's media career will survive because he's flamboyant.
Richards response to cernoviches chimpout. Pretty good
All these alt right morons are the biggest drama queens and literal faggots in the world. I don't understand why there is thread after thread about this nonsense
>because richard spencer is making the news
He's been in the news the second he appeared. His entire purpose is to act stupid on TV and be humiliated over and over
>Act stupid
Pic one
He's well spoken and argues for white interests, something NOONE is doing irl besides Jared Taylor who can't into current year anyways
Of course ((((they)))) will try to humiliate him
The pic related of your post is actually your own representation, filthy kike
you didn know about cernovich?
watch this video hold on to your sides. The dude is a legit fucking insane grifter traveling salesman
>Deep State agents threatening other Deep State agents
I suggest you all watch the Periscopes Richard Spencer, Nick Fjuentes and James Allsup made about the Cernovich threats last night.
The archeologist that made the original claim was paid 450 000 sek last year to create a archeological display that challenges xenophobia by the swedish government. The project questioned gender, social roles and national identity during the viking age.
Spencer is a fucking idiot mate, he can barely argue his point. He jumped on the alt train to gain popularity and money. What has he done to further the white race ? Have a daughter ? Grow a ridiculous potbelly ?
>He's well spoken and argues for white interests,
Are you literally retarded? Jared Taylor is well-spoken. This guy is the opposite of well-spoken. He makes the worst arguments, he puts on stupid little inflections on purpose, his political views are intentionally retarded, and he acts like a stupid faggot (as seen in the video I posted). He goes out of his way to get punched and back down like a coward, of course with news cameras all set up and waiting for the perfect shot he promised them. There's a reason (((they're))) propping this guy up and not intelligent people like Jared Taylor. It's because he's a pant.
I've been in that elevator.
>uses (((jew echos)))
>sucks jared taylors cock
Whats the one thing jared taylor refuses to talk about?
I will give you a hint its jewish power in america
He coined the term ''Alt-Right'' around 2008 you moron. He IS the Alt-Right.
Nobody heard of him nor cared until the media propped him up last year.
What's the name of his book?
no YOU didnt hear about him
He was talked about on Sup Forums as early as 2013
And I coined it in 2006 to my dog. He didn't coin shit. He just up and decided that everything that is somewhat to the right and not republican is alt-right. Facism, nazism, white supremacy and other all under the same umbrella that he flogs around like a monkey ruining everything it touches with it's stupidity and lack of forethought.
>if ure outed as a nahtzee ur friends will abandon u because they don't want to be associated with a nahtzee on kikebook
is this all friendship between men is worth to alt lite ecelebs?
bonobo brainspasm
>Whats the one thing jared taylor refuses to talk about?
The same thing Richard Spencer refuses to talk about. The same thing Thernovich refuses to talk about. The same thing Molyneux refuses to talk about. The same thing Laura Southern refuses to talk about. Pretty telling that no major figure in the alt-right talks about (((them))) and most of them are either full or part Jew. Nice Reddit spacing by the way. Did you stumble upon this board by accident?
>* stands in your way *
>Hey. I see you coming from that Spencer rally. That's assault and I am now allowed to attack you in self defense
they are in it for the money which is why they are concerned with such things
negros ethos
what was his books name again?
Mike Enoch is literally a larping faggot that whines like a bitch, agree with lots that he says, but he seriously is a bitch
the bonobo behavior
Is "deep state" code for Russia now or something? Everyone seems to be alleging that people with Russian ties like Richard Spencer are really controlled by "the deep state"
It is.
I either fast forward or just turn off Infowars when Thernovich hosts or is a guest. He’s the cringiest “me-too” faggot there is. Not sure why AJ keeps him around.
Why is he wearing a blouse?
Cern is very smart, but he was unable to land a white girl, and now he has a half-persian child with dark hair and eyes.. so his psychology re:white genocide is fucked up.
the deep state wants to co opt the term deep state in order to have it associate with the muh Russia narrative in some manner in order to subvert it.
Spencer's response:
In some obscure threads nobody cared about.
>nobody cared about
you are right. You only cared about white people in 2015 and on
>fash bashing themselves
>Trap bar deadlift
What a fag
He has been in white nationalism longer than most people on Sup Forums retard. He didn't get into this recently
Cern's a kike, if you couldn't tell from the obvious neurosis
the worst thing in the world. I hate when some fag at my gym leaves it on the platform
Richard Spencer is not well spoken, he’s a fucking clown and makes himself look retarded.
Don’t put him in the same category as Taylor who actually is well spoken and makes good arguments.
I'm probably longer here than you and I tell you Richard Spencer was as far I can tell never a thing. Same with rediceradio or whatever it's called and every time someone mentioned either of those outside of some barren general that person got told to fuck off or didn't get any responses at all. Only places where they guy might have been known was stormfront maybe.
>i want to install a communist system which inevitably lead to the slaughter of millions during the purges
That's why people can't tell the difference (there is none and they are both commie crap)
>looking up during deadlifts
What the actual fuck, his gaze is literally 90 degrees from where it should be, on the floor a few feet ahead of him
Warmup weight, but still, always do it right
>Not sure why AJ keeps him around.
What demographic is he even supposed to be broadcasting to? The other hosts make sense.
>Whats the one thing jared taylor refuses to talk about?
>I will give you a hint its jewish power in america
He doesn't think its about jews - he thinks its about libtards (who are both jews and non-jews). And to be honest, he's completely right - all libtards, i.e. race unrealists, are the problem. If we are not careful, nazis with their conspiracy theory kike obsessions are going to kill our movement.
>I say this so that makes it true
>that video
the reality is that the alt right is the future of Western nations and you're going to have to apologize or perish in the coming decade
He also manages somehow to always look retarded at the right moments. Like his hail Trump bullshit. Yeah, that wasn't a roman salute at all, you know? Pff.
Daily reminder that Cernovich was behind the doxing of the TRS goys. He paid a few thousand dollars to a couple people to do it. They then dumped the info on cripplechan and /leftypol/ got blamed for it. lel
why are they all over a periscope cerno did like 3 months ago ? are they bored ?
can we set up a duel between spencer and cernovich?
The Arboreal Alpha
Catarrhine Casanova
Macaques and Muh Cock
Orangutan Outlook
More like
>I want a totalitarian state that controls your life and kills people I disagree with
>I want a totalitarian state that controls your life and kills people I disagree with
>Whoah guys these are totally different, look at the flags
To be fair. Cernovich is not completely unprovoked. Let's not pretend some of us have left threatening comments on his twitter or wherever. While this does not warrant what he said towards Spencer- it explains his mind set on why he is talking about how he wants to " fight us if we come near him " whatever that means.
>tfw post glitched somehow and replies don't count as (You)s
It's no fun like this.
I don't wanna be a pirate!
literally the only reason he posted that is because richard spencers name is plastered in the headlines.
He gets REALLY mad about spencers popularity and how he cant manage to rub together more than 30 people to come to his events
he cant understand why he has hundreds of thousands of followers but none of them give a shit about him
>macaques and muh cock
He didnt do any salute, a couple retards in the audience did
I fucking hate Cernovich so much. He's pretty much the epitome of alt-lite cuckoldry.
Deep state is the state within the state, the FBI/CIA who're controlling the government. In this case he's basically saying Thernovitth calls Spencer a FBI plant but wants to assault him which would be assaulting a government agent if he believes his own shit.
>Lifts hand while saying "Hail Victory" where a ton of media happened to have cameras even though he was a nobody to the public at the time
>Jews just happen to be in the crowd at the right time, with cameras on them, to lift up their hands in roman salute
>Not fishy as fuck
Can you imagine what kind of clown you'd have to be to be an ardent Mike Cernovich fan? To have Cernovich inspire passion in you? I cant because the guy doesn't stand for anything except social media statistics.
Um, no sweetie, he's the kind of childish retard who fantasizes about beating people up to prove himself, like in those dreams you have in middle school. Really plebeian. Spencer OTOH is patrician af and would never stoop to that kind of thing.
There's no substitute for breeding. Cerno is shtetl trash and he always will be.
There's nothing fishy about a trust fund kid with no experience in this having no understanding of PR.
most of the people who follow him follow him for news
I always hate that dumb jew.
Exactly and that's why no one will show up for him in IRL and travel for him. And that infuriates him.
>he was a nobody to the public at the time
and now he's well-known
And you say it was a BAD thing
>the absolute state of memeflags
what the fuck happened to his skin
wow its like a cuck-off
mike ecuck
richard b. cuck
doesnt matter who wins, they're all retarded e-celeb losers.
and they all get less views than the larping conservative waifu wannabes
bad kike exema genetics
No one was meant to have a camera and it was the ending toast for his speech.
I suppose toasts are banned now because it looks too anti-Semitic for you people.
I want to fight and die for Jack Posobiec
I think he's just saying he's Jewish to fuck with WNs. Lauren Southern did the same.
At the end of the day, Mike and Richard are better. No matter how much sperging you will do cus muh e-celebs, they will have done more for our Race than you.
Why are any of those people important?
Not being ironic, I still don't understand wtf the alt-right is about, or even if it really exists. I understand gamergate, the memewars, etc etc, but is this about leadership for white identity movement? Pls explain.
PS: Carl Tuckson is the shit, make him the leader of the alt-right.
>lauren southern did the same
Southern never said she was jewish, she just made fun of WNs and said her family were affected by the holohoax. Their business vehicles were confiscated by Germany or something like that.
(((cernokike))) is a fucking nobody
at least (((kike enoch))) isn't mentally ill
Good Fuck him and all these bandwagon e-celebs that steal Sup Forums content as pass it off as their own.
>you need to start embracing the way we see the world so we can coexist
How very tolerant of him.
Cernovich is an alt-lite (basically mainstream conservative) cuck. Here's his shitskin family.
lol (((cernokike))) got called out like this recently and now he's changing it up to attack richard?
(((cernokike))), you are the one that bumbles around and gets into other peoples' personal space and then uploads the photo to your fitjuice instagram
dude is gonna get his ass kicked
Alt-right is about white advocacy, alt-lite is about civic nationalism at best. Tuck is great but he's more of the gateway conservative (who might secretly be /ourguy/),.
>all these bandwagon e-celebs that steal content as pass it off as their own
Sorry I can't side with someone like Richard Spencer, who is not a nationalist (is pro-EU, was anti-Brexit).
When are Larpers going to realize their tactics are not effective, and their "leaders" are not nationalist?
WTF did I just watch... The cringe was so high I couldn't take more than 20 seconds.