What happened Sup Forums? It feels like individually right wingers are divided. Milo and Ben hate each other, James Allsup hates everyone, BlackPigeon basically hates us, why does it feel like there's so much divide on our side?
Why does it feel like conservatives hate each other
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they're honest about it
You are
something, but i will let it slip this time.
mongols > whites
I think you are overreacting, Mr. Schlomoberg
>Mr. Schlomoberg
but if they don't work together then surely it'll lead to more harm than good
Name 1 political affiliation or movement that doesn't have internal differences.
>BlackPigeon basically hates us
BPS doesn't hate anyone, he just knows you can't go shouting 'SIEG HEIL GAS THE KIKES' and expect to get anywhere.
Reminder Milo and Ben are kikes
Why wouldn't the right hate (((milo)))? Hes a filthy black fucking Jew.
Islam hasn't macro attacked yet. When Islam breaches into the EU by force (not population replacement), the Right will get their shit together. As a note, 2018 in the US will have many right wingers band together because that's actually quite an easy victory in US Politics for midterms. But in the 2020, it will be more 'divided' than ever, this is nothing.
Its obvious. There are two very different visions of where a 'conservative america' should look like.
Look at trump ans then look no further than mccain.
Thw divide is there.
We will win.
I suppose so. But did he not make a video basically saying that'd we'd be taken down soon.
Well, he hates immigration, feminists, globalists, antifa, etc. He's more of a good guy than a bad guy.
Yea he did and somehow the retards here take offense to him stating the fucking obvious
>one jew hates another jew
that's a good thing
>why does it feel like conservatives hate each other
Because they do? The "left eats its own" meme might be true, but the right is guilty of it too with all the
>oi bruv ur not REALLY white
>heh your not as white as US
prove me wrong, you cannot
You do know that left hates it's own too, right?
If you are a white leftist you hate yourself as well.
>says something about right wingers
>uses ONLY gay YouTube personas as examples
it's just bantz, m8
because part of (((their))) plan is to put controlled opposition, like those muppets you mentioned. also, appeasing the fuckin boomers, and yet again, right wing turns to (((MUH BIGGEST ALLY))).
this is how (((they))) always win, guys.
I don't blame them, I fucking hate you faggots too.
If some punk ass shitter told me they browsed this dump in real life I'd beat the living shit out of them.
jews bein jewish
>Milo is right wing
Who made this meme up and why do people believe it????
Vox Day and his minions. They also think Cerno is legit.
No he doesn't. He's all for (((legal))) immigration. Doesn't care about demographics at all.
Yeah, blue-haired feminists. I don't hear him say jack shit about the original (((movement))) which effectively destroyed everything the Western Civilization has valued.
He's a kike, I doubt that he does. Globalism is a euphemism for International Jewry.
He hates communist terrorists, what a brave man.
He's not more of a good guy, the standards for conservatism are just extremely low.
He also explicitly told white people to not act as a group because they might win. He might be a Neo-Cohen but he is definitely not on our side.
>He also explicitly told white people to not act as a group because they might win
It's shit like this that makes me think he's /ourguy/ plant because it's so retarded.
>He might be a Neo-Cohen but he is definitely not on our side.
pro-war in Iraq, textbook neo-Cohen
It's almost as though all your (((leaders))) are controlled opposition.
Try reading the Protocols, newfriend.
Nope. But commies need to be curb stomped
>Doesn't even have a country flag
>Think I follow Vox
Fuck off