Why did this guy go all patritard all of a sudden? All his posts are about American nationalism. I'm starting to think this guy is low iq.
Andrew Anglin
Other urls found in this thread:
He said what you need to show the normies are American flags, not weird made up ones like project evropa or larping ones like nazi flags.
he's a ginger neo-nazi. like most trumpcucks, he is VERY low iq.
Yup. Left says fuck the USA. So it's ours now. Always has been. Started by racist white men for racist white men.
He's a 5'4" mongrel manlet
Who cares what he thinks lol
He had an idea on TDS that was pretty good. "I'm not going to die for some symbol created in photoshop." Can't say I disagree. The U.S. flag already has a deep emotional appeal to the people he's trying to recruit and causes deep emotional distress to the people he claims are enemies.
Dunno who he is but he is right.
He's American....much better angle for him.
Obviously triggered you.
He's a genius and you are obviously too retarded to realize it..
American nationalism is literally white supremacy. America was founded on white supremacy.
This is a way to divide leftists and true Americans further.
Conservatives will have to choose America(a white supremacist nation) or brown nationalism.
What's your choice American man?
My choice? Put people like you in a camp. Or an oven.
He's fucking right bro.
American Nationalism is the way to go.
Yeah. That discussion felt like a watershed moment for the alt-right... when they final realized the best approach was right in front of them the whole time.
I suggest everyone here listen to at least that portion of the TDS podcast, as there is more nuance to his argument than is put forward in this thread.
Flying the Nazi flag will never get anyone on your side outside of Sup Forums or stormfront
You need to have good optics, and with the left saying fuck the flag we should embrace it
Great move politically. Wrap this shit up in the flag. The gun is on the table. We just took it.
>American Nationalism is the way to go.
America. Fuck yeah!!
Literally everyone who chooses nazi flag on Sup Forums is a subversive brown skinned faggot
>Yeah. That discussion felt like a watershed moment for the alt-right... when they final realized the best approach was right in front of them the whole time.
Problem is that there is massive disconnect between alt-right beliefs and what the vast majority of people think american flag represents - e.g. a nation of immigrants, equal rights, religious freedom.
You're right... but I think it gave a goal to the guys from TRS and the Stormer. A post Trump objective to chip away at... instead of just having rallies filled with mixed groups for vague reasons.
I don't know what took them so long. There's tons of material from historical characters that Americans actually respect that backs up what they're trying to do. It's an extremely deep well that they can keep going back to if they play their cards correctly.
It shouldn't be that hard for a fucking fascist to meme E Pluribus Unum and "In God We Trust".
>and what the vast majority of people think american flag represents
- e.g. 46%merica
>talking about people instead of ideas or plans for future
Pretty much explains why all Nazi flag LARPers are underage.
I think he should focus on making that free-speech DNS provider thing.
>There's tons of material from historical characters that Americans actually respect that backs up what they're trying to do. It's an extremely deep well that they can keep going back to if they play their cards correctly.
Yeah - "we want to go back to slavery" is going to work really well....lol
The American founder beliefs are in line with the alt right..
All we have to do is pick up those symbols and the left will do the job for us
I'm pretty sure no thought leaders on the alt right would want that and our economy doesn't require it.
A good American Nationalist would see slavery as a mistake. We shouldn't have let (((them))) bring a single one over here.
I get it, you're a kike. No alt right group wants to enslave the blacks. There's plenty of documentation about how the use of slavery was a racket run by the kikes that held slave-using nations back from technological progress. There's also plenty of documentation about how various founding fathers had problems with slavery and wished to return the negroes to their natural habitat.
>swastika at home
>American flag in the street
The star spangled banner literally talks about killing slaves
Unrelated to this topic at hand..
JFC these are like weaponzied advertisements. The urg to click on these is over powering
Nothing he does can make him not a profane manlet pos
>There's plenty of documentation about how the use of slavery was a racket run by the kikes that held slave-using nations back from technological progress. There's also plenty of documentation about how various founding fathers had problems with slavery and wished to return the negroes to their natural habitat.
That documentation doesn't change the fact that white christians owned the vast majority of the 4 million slaves in the US. There's a big difference between trading and owning.
As much as I like the swastika, I understand the stigma attached to it. Anyone that flies it now-a-days in public is most likely a falseflagging leftist or a low IQ retard.
Who cares
So what you're saying is there's a long tradition of white Christians being okay with racism in the U.S.? How is this supposed to be a rebuttal to the stuff Anglin is peddling?
That's what he is saying
>America Christian
>America is racist
>America is the first white nation
>Americanism is white supremacy
This exactly. Nothing we are claiming is any different than the founders
Good post
This, and he's right.
Forget about alt right, it's a word the Jews can use to discredit us. American Nationalism, not so much and if they try to discredit that, it won't go well for them.
>in God we trust
>Gott Mitt Uns
Optics. We are playing a whole new game now that we have reached critical mass.
Anglin, Spencer, Enoch and Cantwell are feared by the kikes, and that's why kikes shill against them so hard.
Once we have won, National Socialism can come, but only once we win. Even though I don't think we will need it right away.
But that can change once we keep the numbers pouring in of Whites who want America back. One/or many of them will have the money, skills and property to help us push the idea that America is for Whites and if you want to regain your fucking power and happiness, then you take up that flag.
Fuck Americucks. We real Americans (Whites) now.
I was unaware this was even a thing.
he's a nigger resembling dwarf homo. wtf is wrong with his lip anyway. it looks like he was born with a harelip.
>1 post by this ID
Really makes you think
The fun thing about anglin is that he trashtalked pretty much everyone for years and then when he went after a fat nubile woman he got holocausted from the web.
It is meme judo. He has explained it already. If you don't understand, it is because you're a brainlet.
They're all Zionists in Alt-Right clothing
>Your opinion matters more to me as another man if I find you sexually attractive
Found the faggot
he looks like the failure kid from your old neighborhood that dropped out of high school and now sells flowers
Almost certainly mongrel of some sort
Fucked Asian whores, doesn't think anything's wrong with that
Advocates having sex with "girl's within 1-2 years of puberty"
30-something, unmarried
Degenerate smoker
I have no idea why this guy has a following
I don't see the point in shying away from the Nazi flag. Do we want to deport non-whites or not? Why beat around the bush?
Nazis are the best commie killers. Do you want to be in a camp or not?
Anglin - pedo mongrel
Spencer - The picture with him and Laura Bush is too much, sorry
Enoch - obvious Kike
Cantwell - some potential here
well technically commies are better at killing nazis than the other way around
they're also better at taking care of their widowed women :)
He's unironically one of the most intelligent people on the far right. His exchange with Sarcuck a while back over the Rotherham scandal in particular made me realize he's a lot smarter and more worldly than his usual stormnigger sense of humour would lead one to believe. He's absolutely correct when he says we should be using normie-appealing symbols in conjunction with our ideology, instead of instant put-offs. I love the swastika/black sun etc but they are not marketable.
Somewhere there's an oven lonely for your corpse
why are you even discussing a jewish plant for?
>today must be e celeb promo day at schlomo's viral marketing firm
Anglin is right. He is a smart dude, who I think is the most important person in the game right now.
But one year ago he was saying the opposite, to push the extreme to make room for frankly discussing the race question. Why the change?
He does have a high verbal IQ, assuming he's one person and not CIA or something
Political movements have phases. He's explained that currently they've got a hardened core who don't care about Nazi symbolism and this change in strategy is intended to take their ideology more main stream.
if you kill your enemies, you lose
Softening the message has been a losing strategy for conservatives for decades. I don't see why that changed in the last 5min
The message isn't changing. Just instead of using the symbol of a defunct political party in a foreign nation or some random shit they cooked up with no historical meaning whatsoever they're going to start using the symbolism from their home nation.
Imagine that a nationalist movement using the symbols of their nation. How triggering.
I don't think Nazi-ism is defunct. From where I sit, the anti-fa types and their masters want to put us in literal concentration camps. The Nazi party is the most effective commie stopper in existence. The Americans handed Poland over to the commies. Right now is a bad time to be giving oxygen to "muh lolbertarian small gov" types.
Germans aren't really that foreign, in terms of blood ties (if you're a WASP, anyway)
Liberals already associate the American flag with evil racists. The only people you'll trigger are colorblind civic nationalists
The problem is that you're Canadian so no one cares about your opinion on this matter.
because racism is as American as apple pie
if everyone is trying to shut him down he must be effective.
if he is effective he would not be low iq
It's not like the U.S. never killed communists. We killed plenty of communists in Korea and Vietnam.
the ideals live on but the aesthetics of 'Nazism' are toxic, maybe unfairly but for now they simply are. Old school American nationalism has the aesthetics and a much broader range of appeal adopting these that already exist and are swallowed by normies much easier than 'Hitler did nothing wrong'
it would take the alt right more time to than they have left* to rehabilitate Nazi's in the eyes of white/american people.
*immigration will irreparably destroy the country in a matter of decades whereas it would take generations to rehabilitate nazi's to the common man.
Anglin even said on the podcast that non Americans might signal against it and their opinion is irrelevant.
What do you think about 1476 instead of 1488?
slaves take jobs from the white working class
I still think that it's too toxic, that type of rebranding isn't going to be getting normies in droves as what it really means would come out in short order and social shaming would continue just as if it was 1488. For this entire movement to not just survive in dark corners but flourish it's not about capturing the die hards who already hold the same values as you do. It's about capturing the normies and once they're receptive you simply keep pushing it further until you reach that tipping point when social shaming and outcasting becomes your advantage versus that of your opponents. Once that point is reached you could go full 1488 gas the kikes race war now imo and normies would march in lockstep
> kekistan flag. The gas chambers are thatta way, bro.
>America has always been a nation of mongrel. European mongrelization is a thing too.
AmNat reporting. Just continuing Jefferson's dream of a homeland for whites in America.
That and it's actually more cost inefficient to own & care for people than to rent them as wage cucks. The South was poor, even with slaves; & only 4% of the South owned them anyway.
Very aesthetic.
Its time for the americans of Sup Forums to claim the US flag, as the left is giving it us with both hands
Anglin just needs to follow and promote Jared Taylor's ideas. JQ aside, he's 1,000% right on both message and presentation.
Because normie americans don't have any connection to a flag people waved in Germany in the 1930s.
but the earliest found recipe of apple pie is from the netherlands.
does that mean usa is not racist at all?
I can deal with his attempt to seize the American flag as a white nationalist symbol but he started talking about how he's pro-Enlightenment, how he likes the rule of law and dislikes the divine right of kings. Wtf. Take your liberal democratic crap somewhere else, ya Irish potato nigger.
The American flag now means civic nationalism. You cannot change its meaning overnight.