"You're talking about this now, and you're not going to talk about it again"
"You're talking about this now, and you're not going to talk about it again"
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>listen fatso, you either get your story straight or else
I suppose he got briefed didn't he?
He didn't even have to be. Ellen literally told his entire story for him.
Campos can't remember his lines well.
Absolutely fuck that. This guy was security at the hotel, I dont care how traumatized he was, its part of his fucking job to cooperate as much as possible with police. He can be traumatized and deal with his problems later. This was a major national event, he has a duty to perform.
That's one of the key lines people should be talking about. What the fuck kind of shit do they think they're pulling? Talk on some show for housewives and homos and that's it? Have some old dyke explain you story while your FBI handler ensures you don't go off script,all in front of an empty audience, and days after you mysteriously dodge prior meeting with press? This is ridiculous.
The guy is a rent-a-cop
His job is to look imposing so people don't commit crime or wreck the hotel, and call the police when something bad happens
He doesn't have a "duty" to do anything, except as an American to help his country, but his name is Jesus Campos so I doubt he has any loyalty to his nation.
>Jeezus Camper
yeah not an American name, at all. Him and the other guy were the shooters. Paddock was a patsy
which one of them was the sniper? is ahmed abu khattala still alive?
the sniper was campos aka camper
>This video contains content from Warner Bros (The Ellen Show), who has blocked it on copyright grounds.
Nice try nigger
>woulda needed jesus to make the shot
>good old "shucks" there to shoot up the crowd when jesus failed to give khattala a haircut during transfer at the janet terminal
and for good measure, why the fuck isn't the window by the couch broken? looks to me like the only broken window is behind that chair, where you can see the curtain blowing in.
That shooter sure bumped that stock with his ass when he commited suicide.
lol it does seem odd that the gun is underneath him.
also, how the fuck did his foot slide under the tripod of the other gun?
weird as fuck.
"You're going to shut you fucking mouth right?"
So basically he called maintenance for the fire escape door and the fake Steve shows up at the end just be be shot when Campos and his buddy finished shooting, 1 in one room the other in the 2d.
Where's the elevated platform he was supposedly firing from?
thanks. fucking warner bros...
>You're a hero because you got shot
it isn't there, unless you count the chair. could've fired from the bar (which to me, makes the most sense) but if he used the bar as the "sniper nest" then why are all the magazines and shells so close to the window? what is that blue hose? there are "shooting calculations" but what about the dictaphone (the device that looks like a fat pen)?. the crime scene is doctored i think.
some things to remember: those photos were all first leaked here. why would someone do that? on Sup Forums of all places? we haven't heard anything at all about what happened in the second room or what was found in there. i think a sniper was set up in the adjoining bedroom. specialized rifle, stable firing platform, the works.
ty fucking wankers wont let me see
Yeah and I'm sure the guy named "Stephen" had a lot of loyalty to his nation as he gunned down hundreds.
Can someone give me a rundown on why Sup Forums thinks this guy is significant?
WTF is this? ELLEN? Absolutely horrific interview.
>Both guys given NFL gear and tickets at the end
This is a FUCK YOU from the Deep State to Trump.
Everything is a conspiracy
Ellen is MGM shill
Here she is 5 days before stephen checks in
Earning her medal today
allegedly first one on the scene. responding to door alarm. sketchy details, award/picture/narratives don't align.
Shitty graphics. Looks like amnesia the dark descent in vegas
He's supposed to be dead or something. Shot in Vegas. Lot of other people shot in Vegas but this guy and the shooter's brother seem to be the only important leads for the media.
Pic related.
so ellen degenerate has mgm connections... what the fuck. how deep does it go lads?
What rank of deep cuck uniform is that?
Thank you user
>The Presidential Medal of Freedom is an award bestowed by the President of the United States and is—along with the comparable Congressional Gold Medal—the highest civilian award of the United States. It recognizes those people who have made "an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors".
Why the fuck did she get one then? Why the fuck did half of those cunts get one from Obama?
She's saying that because he doesn't want to continue to be bothered by the media. He told what happened now leave the guy alone. He doesn't owe you a response to all your will conspiracy theories.
Test mods are fags
>blocked for copyright
can't make this shit up kek
Obama got a Nobel Prize over someone who was literally saving people, just because he's black and speaks well.
Oh and because of the Nobel (((committee)))
i dont quite understand either. a very strange position to finally off yourself. i find it hard to see him ending up like that by shooting himself standing up. maybe he wrote the note last and sat down and shot himself? very odd foot positioning
Where is the double entrance to the stairwell? The one in Ellen's picture?
He's the actual intended patsy, Hispanic (potentially illegal) shooting up a bunch of white country rednecks. Fuel to the race war. He had all the means to carry it out. Plan went south and he killed the handler. Then carried out the attack. They are covering themselves by claiming he's the hero.
>very odd foot positioning
The gun on his foot is a signal to his handler. It says the plan didn't go according to plan because security showed up and had him pinned down and couldn't follow through with the mission as planned.
this i checked his earlobes and it was a match for a mass shooter
clearly a different floor.
interesting that the room next door doesn't have adjoining doors on either floor.
which diagram is more accurate?
Obama was carpetbombing sandniggers for the better part of 8 years and he got the peace prize? You fucking wot
>Implying Obama isn't the second coming of Jesus
>Implying Trump isn't the second coming of punctious pilot
>Implying Trump wasnt put on Earth to literally hang the nigger to a plank of wood