what are some redpilled haircuts?
What are some redpilled haircuts?
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Nice politics thread you have here. Would be a shame if everyone saged it.
The only haircut a man should have is a buzz-cut.
Short hair is lice free, easy to clean and never gives you a bad hair day.
electric shaver in the mirror by myself once a week master race.
considering changing to safety razors this week.
>buzz crew cut
The only cut that i have had since i was a little kid.
>worrying about lice
>not having access to a shower and sufficient funds to purchase shampoo and spend 1-2 minutes washing your own hair
>worrying about lice
You still in Auschwitz mate?
pic is me. I am bald
go away chad
True red pill is long hair.
>Protects scalp from shit when innawood
Men's hair should be short and if you don't have hair on your chin it means that you suck dicks regularly.
This isn't you
But you keep posting it
I live next to Goyim......you wouldn't understand
And for males?
Don King style.
>How do you want it bro?
>Slice the top off.
Long hair for sixth sense
You look like that Canadian who does the gay top 10 videos
Kek fucking Australia.
This is true for people of germanic ancestry.
Traditionally males from germanic tribes wore long hair, short hair including faggy HY cuts popular with alt-kike faggots is just modern merchant brainwashing.
My cousin back in Tokyo got this one. He is the most red-pilled gook I know.
>he doesn't Hitler Youth
Bald too, shaven here taken 2 months ago but I have grown facial hair now.
There are plenty of options user
Me 1 month into growing my facial hair. Excuse the cheesy smile.
Needs a "Jojo" badge or two on there for the full effect
I'm 38 and a small time youtuber who doesn't hide his face nor his values.
faces of Sup Forums, face of the alt right
>saved inb4 high meme potential
Enjoy it bro, I know yo momma will. I've posted before. I go outside showing my beliefs. You are German too.. don't be such a coward.
who is this cute girl
Just uploaded a new video about being allowed pride in ones own race.
our boy jackie chan vikernes
Sorry user but you should stop being an edgelord teenager when you become 40. Please stop posting here.
You should let reason and order into your life you seem to lack that. And when I say reason I mean Jesus Christ.
go back to your methlab
pussy smasher/10
how can chads even compete?
I'm not 40 though. I am 38 and an urban survivalist who would have served Hitler better than your pathetic kike ass.
You seem like a decent guy, but maybe ditch the skinhead style stuff. You'd look fine in a sweater or a shirt or something.
desu senpai
Go ahead and grow your locks out the Zyklon B will take care of your lice
How about I go back to yo mommas bed?
This is my ex g/f, she even paid for my bus ticket to the city I live in now. Stay jealous.
user you literally live in Chaos and honestly want to give other people advices?
Clean your mirror and then start to sort yourself out for whatever reason is holding you back.
Also only people with no cultural identity nor individual identity will resort to race. You are a victim of the divide and conquer scheme. Your next is not your enemy the old order is.
this is black propaganda (where they pretend to be you) done by a shill
Matumbos Bizarre Niggering: Blood Diamond market is crash
You like yiu vote NPD and visit their cringy parades..
Lol I'm bald dude, the battle jacket is because I am into metal too. I wear a lot of military surplus.
enjoy your report lole :^)
I'm not giving advice, you merely have the option to watch my videos or not. I believe in freedom of choice.
I uploaded a video like 10 minutes ago to my channel dude when I started posting here.
Is varg autistic? because he just screams it in his latest videos
I was suffering from lack of sleep at this point, had a few weeks on the streets.
Hurr durr i sue pol all day but when someone is open about what i believe i attack them
Go fuck yourself you weak kike