She's greeting you. Quick, what do you say back to her?
She's greeting you. Quick, what do you say back to her?
Other urls found in this thread:
"What the fuck does that mean"
"fuck off demon scum"
Why do you have a star? I've never seen someone get a star before.
>he doesn't have Sup Forums gold
She's a japanese goburin, not a western goblin.
They dictate the level at which the user shitposts.
Time to purge the unclean demon!
then I kill it.
>not green
>basically just a human with some horns
Why is this allowed?
I say the father fucks her in the end.
Spawn more Overlords
he's a jew
"I'm your father honey... even if youre adopted and i'm single i'll protect you and raise you, Never NEVER get the idea that i could be your possible husband one day! don't worry , i still love you as a daughter"
*pat head* (good thing thing i'm impotent ...Sigh)
Really, they're shitpost stars?
You have to eat all the eggs.
Never have a cute demon loli daugther that you can just adopt without going through the hell that is TODDLER PHASE.
I swear to god I'll never had kids because everyone I know looked DEAD INSIDE for 2~5 years until their children where like 5 years old and they could finally sleep.
Why do you have so much stars?
who said she was a goblin?
*Sniff Sniff*
"I guess it's another bathtime!"
"*****?****bad dime?"
"You clean , i Bath Fixated, use i force"
"*****!!!****No Bat dime!"
"Yes Bath time!"
"*****Hate, I, dad!"
"I love bathtime!"
Wait a minute this aint dinner this is paint thinner, You ate it yesterday I aint hear no complaints did I?
Now here's a plate full of pain killers now just wait till I crush the Valium and put it in your potatoes you little mother fucker ill make you sit there and make that retarded fucking face without even tasting it, you better lick the fucking plate you aint wasting it, Put your face in it before I throw you in the basement again,
And I aint giving in, your gonna just sit there in one fucking place spinning again till next thanksgiving and if you still aint finished it I use the same shit again then when I make spinach dip it will be placed into shit, you little shit want to sit there and play innocent, A rack fell and hit me at k mart and they witnessed it, child support, your mother she aint sent us shit and so what if he did that aint none of your dang business kid.
Here want a snack, you hungry you fuckin rat Look at that, it's a Xanax, take it and take a nap
Eat it, but I don't need it, well fuck it then break it up
Take a little piece and beat it before you wake that Goblin up , all right pa you win, I don't feel like arguein
I'll do it, pop it gobble it and start wobblin Stumble hobble tumble slip drip then I fall in bed
With a bottle of meds and a Heath Ledger bobblehead.
no silly user... you have to wait till she is old enough for those things!
Just read its. My heart.
Name? Google search gives me nothing.
For My Daughter, I Might Even Be Able to Defeat the Demon King
Ultimate healing so far.
Here you go user.
Shouldn't have broken off the horn.
Usagi Dropped
Fuck you Japan, why can't you make a heartwarming story without sexualizing shit?
>muh daughter never think of him as dad!
Westermack effect motherfucker, if she stay with him that long and from such young age she is normally bound to not think of him that way.
So cute. Thanks.
i wish you was in his place , suicide-like status for having failed as a father and turned her into a Electra-complexed girl
No excuse.
It's just yet another hack that can't write a familial, platonic love between family and has to resort to sexualizing shit.
Purity or death.
well my first thing about this genre (comfy story about how a boy adopt a girl and then he mess things up when she grows up) was Himanatsu , thats why i can't really say i'm disappointed , i would once see rather a story where the "adopted father" act as a father till the end , but they keep giving us this cliche, its a cute end, buts its still a romance cliche
Selemat Pagi!
I want to adopt this demon loli
What do?
Fuck off normalfag, little girls are sexual, period.
It's pronounced morning you fucking mong.
>good thing thing i'm impotent
She's what, like 8?
>tfw I sleep like a log
The phone doesn't even wake me, I'm safe as long as I'm not single.
well like usagi drop, like this WN and like my beloved and worshiped Himanatsu
you don't get to touch the little girl (you sicko)
but you raise her , then you fuck things up when she whisper to your hear at night crying thinking you sleep.
"i can't do it, i can't see you as a father , i would try but it hurts! i love you, i really do... but ... but..."
you know how you fix these adorable plots? you make the MC marry a woman.
so the "daughter" don't feel Guilty for her "father" singleness.
Electra Complex and Guilty feeling are a bad combination and excuse
"I fucking hate you so much fuck"
>Westermack effect
Doesn't actually exist.
What a fucking retarded title.
>muh Westermack effect
>he still believes this propaganda
in himanatsu? she is probably 8-7 at the time or even 6,and the Mc is 19, in her route he keep being an awesome and "true" Father for 10 years, believing in his role till the end, he fuck things up when she grows up.
Both are equally guilty: she first tease him for some dumb reasons , then he have to compensate ordering some "stuff" on Amason that she find out that are "porn Dvds" and then she realize that hes a wizard and she start blaming herself the fact that the Mc never married one of the previous Heroines and so goes on... but you get her when she is grown up.
well this is a VN but have a similar plot of uchimusume , hope no one is going to insult me for posting this Vn , maybe someone will even try it
So he ends up wanting to fuck her as usual?
Japanese writers are more creatively bankrupt than Hollywood.
I'm too busy with my diabetes to answer.
that would be me
Is there any actual work on that or are you simply making that up, since it fits your world view better?
Not that user, but there's quite a lot of research supporting that.
Some time ago an user made a post explaining and citing sources about it. Search in the archives if you want.
Sup Forums pass gives you stars silly
no it don't faggot! just buy the pass for the love of Moo... i mean that japanese guy i can't remember the name.
Give daddy a kiss on the cheek!
Y-You too.
Wrong. If you can't differentiate loli for sexualizing and loli for daughtering than you are no better than common normalfag degenerate.
Be confused and pretend you didn't hear or see her. Run away.
wrong , no one say anything about feeling a fatherly instinct towards a loli , that May when she grows up become another kind of love, but sexualizing a loli instead of daughtering till she is enough old is just the trashiest and most retarded taste ever.
man have you ever eaten a unripe fruit? it just does taste bad! like your tastes !
nice ribbons
And people say he doesn't treat her like a daughter. I mean, it's in the fucking title.
>Expecting it to only be familial when they are not blood related.
>Not expecting the love to grow so big they'd cross the line since they're not blood related anyways.
>In a medieval setting
Calm your balls man, it's just a story.
Much loli
Very cute
>Running away from this
so ... are you a fag or just dumb?
Kill youreself, cancer.
How could anyone see their daughteru is a sexual manner? I just don't get it.
Why does she have these dumb highlights in her eyes that look like she's always crying?
couse she is *GLOWING*
>you will never guilt your daughteru into becoming your wife after spending your best years raising her
>nop instead you will spend your best years (if you haven't spend them already) alone working your ass off for nothing and watching anime and mangas/WN/LN/VN about happiness you'll never have
Japan got me " raise your own waifu " fetish.
Who cares, she's cute, CUTE!
Where is the horn? The only horn I see is in my pants.
Which one was sexually attracted to the other first in the WN? The loli or Dale?
All this could've been prevented if the author made the MC an old, seasoned adventurer instead of a generic kirito from the get-go.
The was obviously going to be a fantasy Usagi Drop right from the start. Japs love the whole "turning your daughter until your wife" thing.
Loli, she never call Dale "papa", She constantly try to make things for him and she thinks that Dale as his most important person in the world.
Dale in the first vol thinks that Latina is more like his daughter but with the illustration of vol3 and 4 The confession of Latina to Dale, he have conflicted feelings but he accept her
loli, he only found her cute and made him develop a father-instinct , she instead saw him as an hero and then later feel in love with him, that made him forget his role of father and also develop a mutual love for having cherished her too much , thats the usual cliché
Mine more minerals
Is breakfast ready yet?
Paradox schould promote Crusader King in japan more then
Ignore her and inform authorities. Find some village grirl with twin braids to have fun with.
>good morning forehead crusher
check my get
You know it's possible to brainwash children like that from an early age. They're pretty stupid
rub a dub dub thanks for the Sup Forums Gold™
but user
you require more vespene gas
check em
What did she meme by this?
Into the trash it goes.
now bow to your König bitch!
also no-more loli win the Dale-bowl and his dick and its GREAT!
He really doesn't. Go read the source material. Dale is at best like an older brother. The people that act like her surrogate parents are the inn couple. Also the story is hinting pretty hard that Latina is going to become a Demon King. So we might end up having that happen and Dale fight her to reunite the family, say if they have a daughter.
>Dale will never be your daddy