>raising 3 children costs $700k (not including college)
Who the fuck can afford that? And even if you can, why would you want to spend almost a million on kids instead of something far more enjoyable?
>raising 3 children costs $700k (not including college)
Who the fuck can afford that? And even if you can, why would you want to spend almost a million on kids instead of something far more enjoyable?
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That's not as bad as I thought
Hmm really makes me think
Goy, ah (cough) Sir, just borrow some money, just short term, youll pay it back in no time!
something tells me this was created by a divorce lawyer to justify their claims of what is owed for child support
its about $13k per kid per year. Also, this figures, for some reason, always tend to be skewed to make it seem that it costs more. I know my parents didnt drop $13k a year on me.
Yes yes, we all agree, us white goys shouldn't have kids!
not even fucking close.
i have 2 kids and they cost me very little extra over what I was paying before.
In fact due to the generous gibs programs in canada I am probably turning a profit on each one
Extra expenses per kid, probably 200$/mo each.
Gibs, $400/mo each
Total to raise one kid to 18 (without gibs), $43,200
Plus college, but that shit's indoctrination so I will probably give them 10k for either trade school or business startup.
kids are easy and cheap as fuck, just make sure one parent stays home with them (no day care) or my cost estimates go out the fucking window.
>why would you want to spend almost a million on kids instead of something far more enjoyable?
I look forward to every trace of you dying along with your body.
The only way it could possibly cost that much is if they factor in sending all your kids to the most expensive college in your country in getting them MBA's and buying them a badass brand new car as soon as they can drive.
>Who the fuck can afford that?
Basically every
That's like $13K a year per child
A two parent household should swing that pretty easily
Spoiler alert: that will happen to you and your offspring, too
Cost to raise 3 kids innawoods: $0.00.
Oy vey! Don't reproduce you goiym! Use the money on weed and video games instead.
clinton foundation is exploding
shills in full force after soros new funding
don't let them slide it
>I wouldn't need housing if I didn't have kids
Not bad, better than I thought. Guess it's time to get my girl off these degenerate BC pills.
I guess we should cut off welfare to the parasites and subsidise human children instead
>he reposts crap peddled by washed up 90s celebrity "scientist" with no lasting contributions to his field.
> spend almost a million on kids instead of something far more enjoyable?
That is literally the central tenet of atheism. This is why we need god.
>Why work toward betterment when we're just going to die without judgement?
Man up and procreate. It was your purpose on this planet. Your progeny will bring you more joy than any material object.
What's more enjoyable than raising and educating the next generation?, Nothing we'll ever do will last except our genetics.
Swede on holiday...
University is free. Child care is free. Healthcare is free. Food costs I assume are a bit higher (Let's average that out at $3k/yr til 21). Housing and transportation I'd have to get anyway?
You're looking at roughly $63k as a base cost, plus clothing, money for social activities, and anything you want to gift the child.
Let's roll that out at about $100k per year (likely inflated, but oh well).
It's not an awful lot over the span of 21 years. Just under $5k per year and much cheaper in the earlier years.
Now let's look at the new iPhone, in Sweden that's going to cost you around $860 + a contract at $40 a month. By not being a fag and falling for the trend, or just getting your company to pay for that shit, you're already accounting for more than 25% of that child. Same goes for buying clothes that are a bit cheaper, and your earnings increasing over time. That right there could nearly account for 75% of the child. Then you're looking at an average of $1250 a year.
This seems like anti-white propaganda, scaring whites away from breeding.
It does't cost that much
People who advocate for the (((childfree life))) love to spread the meme that it costs some ungodly amount to raise someone.
It really doesn't. Especially if you do it correctly.
So, you deny that the universe will eventually die and everything related to humans will disappear?
>In fact due to the generous gibs programs in canada I am probably turning a profit on each one
Make money in the first world, move to the third world, knock up your wife, raise your progeny.
no he is just calling you a fag for trying to rationalize a defeatist attitude.
Anyone that does not want to see their lineage prosper throughout humanities years to make a lasting impact should just jump into a volcano
Having kids gives you a fuckton of extra energy and motivation to make more money.
Single unmarried women actually make more money than men, that is, until the men get married and have kids, then the men's income skyrockets.
>This seems like anti-white propaganda, scaring whites away from breeding.
That's exactly what it is
>University is free. Child care is free. Healthcare is free.
Join me in my helicopter, Sven.
$100k per child*
If you can't understand why raising children isn't the most fulfilling thing a person can do, you're just not ready for kids.
Think of everything you owe your parents and imagine giving that to a person you created.
Father of 2 kids here with a 3rd on the way. They really aren't that expensive. This is just a lie to keep people from having kids.
It also accounts 29% of the cost for housing, as if the kid was supposed to fucking live on his own off your money in a rented apartament or some shit.
A retard made this image. Raising kids IS expensive and time consuming, but it's not as expensive as this.
no it doesnt
>annual housing cost per child
What the fuck do they even meant by that?
I was raised in a 700 square foot bungalow. If you need space you fucking went outside. Mom sat on the steps outside and read a book, dad always had his home improvement projects. My brothers and I went and put pennies on the railroad tracks and spread mayhem around the neighborhood. This whole idea that you suddenly need to sell your fucking house and buy a bigger one because kids are on the way is completely fucking retarded.
>700,000 / 18(years) = 39k per year of 3 children
>he can't afford 39k a year.
You could be a pleb working a factory for 35k a year and your wife a teacher working for 29k and you'd have more than enough. Stop being such a weak faggot
Rooms gotta get payed user.
Homesteading eliminates most of the cost, really makes you think why zog is against it
>This whole idea that you suddenly need to sell your fucking house and buy a bigger one because kids are on the way is completely fucking retarded.
Gee I wonder where that (((idea))) came from.
haha damn thats cheap... 1 to t.5 mio here
If we kicked out all our nogs, we'd be nazi Germany.
There's nothing wrong with the level of socialism we have. Would love to take even more benefits once the nogs are gone. Free volvos would be nice, or maybe grants to developing land to increase the number of Swedish farmer families.
One thing I'd like to see is employees, once they reach a certain age/exp level, having a say in a companies/departments direction by default.
No it doesn't. Housing, healthcare, and transportation are hardly a childcare costs because you need them too and kids are often covered by what you already have.
You buy your kids cheap clothes because kids don't give a fuck and they grow out of them in a month. When they actually care about what they wear, they're old enough to get a job or earn money in some way.
You mean those taxes that you have to pay even when you don't have a kid?
Like phones and other needless shit that costs thousands of dollars?
Waste of money unless the kid is going into something that's actually worthwhile. Even then, 2 years community college ----> 2 years real college.
No I'm calling him a fag for shitting out Hawkings as though it's the only workable model for the future of the Universe. It's one of many potential ends. He hasn't even done his own math in the last 30 years. He gets his interns to do it for him. He's been barely more than a vegetable the whole time. He just comes up with wild presumptions and then gets his interns to work out a mathematical model for it. That's not science. That's garbage. It's ass backwards. Somebody needs to pull the plug on that guy already.
>not feeding him low costing healthy food
>not getting everything from the thrift store
>not homeschooling him
>not teaching him a trade as oppossed to just sending him off to a 100k brainwashing factory
Because it's the primary purpose to my existence.
Though we are only having two...
Worth it... having three kids is like having three treasure chests full of gold.
>10K for a startup
>$1145 per month per child
this is utter bullshit
You have a house with 3 spare bedrooms so that every child can have their own room? Nice for you, most people don't.
Kids do cost money. You can save quite a lot of money by accepting a decline in living standards, yes. But that isn't a cost in itself?
>Buying a house with an extra room every kid you have
But honestly I think the (((divorce lawyer))) who made this image accounted for how much the average person would've got by renting out the space on airbnb.
If any of you sacks of shit are lucky enough to find a girl who will let you breed her, then just do it, don't be a pussy.
You have the option of just not feeding your kids, not taking them for doctors checkup or vision test, etc. and using them for labor, that's what my parents did and look how good I turned out.
It's ridiculous though. People used to raise families of 6+ in tiny 4 room houses. Like I'm trying to help a friend of mine find a house and she keeps looking at retarded mcmansions with basically zero land value. And whenever I show her a nice humble little property on a primo piece of land she turns her nose up at it. She's a fucking spinster. She doesn't need a big fucking house. She's never going to do anything with most of it. It's just going to turn into a giant garbage can.
it's generous. i started up my business for 20$ webhost, 100$ in domain names and a 1000$ computer (already had). Business makes 20k-33k per year, COMPED. get good faget.
>it's the primary purpose to my existence
are you cattle?
2.7K dollars per year for a 15 year old's food? alright bro lol
Vasectomy crew reporting in
>not re-using items, hand-me-downs
>not combining transportation costs when taking multiple children to the same school
>not checking these digits
>20K-33K per year
Are you actually proud of that? Invest money to make money nigger
>tfw I'll have to spend $25.7m to match my great-grandparents kid-for-kid
It was way easier to be a Catholic family in the early 1900s
This. I grew up on hand-me-down clothing. My extended family has a gigantic cache of children's clothing to draw upon. People need to be more fucking thrifty. Other than socks and underwear I never buy brand new clothing.
Totally what I was thinking. What sinks you is daycare.. I know people who spend $1500/month so that a daycare can take their kids AFTER SCHOOL for an hour per day. Insanity. Their kids are literally spending more time with daycare staff per week than their own parents. It's sad. We put our kids in daycare at most twice a week and my wife and I work 75% to accomplish that.
I don't know about your estimates for the gibs... I think The Faggot cancelled all the good gibs when he came to power and pretended to lower taxes.
>It's ridiculous though. People used to raise families of 6+ in tiny 4 room houses.
Well, if you do that today you are some kind of white trash hobo person. Do you want to be treated like that?
>yes goys don't have kids
Ladyboys and gentlemen, I present, the Jew
A house with 3 bedrooms is the standard. If not, you can always convert the basement or attic into a bedroom. You eurofags always hate on us for our shitty wooden houses, but maybe 300 year old stone buildings built for 2 people aren't superior.
Only $13k per year, oooohhhh so expensive.
Get jobs faggots.
I am a living organism. I am alive because my forefathers procreated, and our species will keep existing for the same reason. I can find no other purpose to life as a whole, or why it exists. other than because it can.
That being said just because it is my primary purpose, it is not my only. Because that would be retarded.
>Oh no why would anyone ever give up their poison of choice in order to afford reproducing
I can't stand the shitty houses here, I can hear everything that happens several blocks away with these paper walls.
Also this. My brother's and I had shared living quarters growing up. As we grew up he remodeled the house a little bit at a time, developed the basement, etc, whatever he could afford whenever he could afford and we all eventually had our own bedrooms.
>Make a few porn tube sites
>Make $300 a month off ad revenue
>Breed your qt
>Child paid for by porn money
>a complete home
>more money
Hmmm... Which one, which one?
Mommy poster here.
I saved my receipts, our 6mo old cost us roughly 7k so far, excluding health costs and sunk opportunity cost (i.e. me not working). I do breastfeed and cloth diaper, tho
This is by far the most expensive part of a child's life, it will get cheaper from here. For baby #2 we're expecting to spend about 1/2.
200k is for lazy people who don't cook from scratch, are too lazy to do a load of cloth diapers every other day, buy their kids all brand new clothes not on sale, armloads of toys, etc etc etc.
Like fuck does it cost anything near that. Reminds me of that photo of "what $50 of groceries looks like". $50 of expensive meme foods that 90% of people don't eat. Just like 90% of people won't (CAN'T) spend anywhere near 230 grand on raising a kid.
Here is the better question, who can afford that while paying for some welfare fuck's kids. Litteraly bidding up prices against yourself and having to pay for their share.
Welfare IS genocide
>why would you want to spend almost a million on kids instead of something far more enjoyable?
The fact you would consider material possessions "more enjoyable" than raising children points to a fairly serious mental disorder
Including housing and transportation costs into child raising. As if you didn't have a house before you had a child. Some "expenses" occur regardless of whether the child exists.
Note most of the real "cost" is from "education". Which is overinflated by administration fees.
I want to have a turn of breeding you.
gib mommy milk.
700K over 21 years for three kids is not that bad.
Its not even just clothes, but if you are planning on multiple young children withn a few years, then there is cribs, clothing, bottles, walkers, car seats etc. A lot of the "miscellaneous" items will be re-used. How many soccer balls do you need? Do you have to buy a new trampoline for each child? Do toys have an expiration date?
who said that ?
a child support welfare judge case?
You fuckin' weirdo.
Jokes on you, nobody can buy houses in big cities in Europe. Try to rent an apartment with 3-4 bedrooms in London or Paris.
Either you accept living in the country-side or you deal with having a tiny, overcrowded apartment. And yes, most people don't like those prospects.
Also as far as child care goes... like what the fuck. My grand parents babysat me any time whenever. People love seeing their fucking grandkids, and kids love the grandparents because they get spoiled rotten by them. I got through my entire childhood without ever being in any kind of after-school daycare program.
There was always an aunt, or uncle, or grandparent that was dying to hang out after school. Don't burn fucking familial bridges. Like learn to let little petty bullshit go before it turns your family into one of those shitty ones that never talks to each other.
Whi the fuck raises kids in a city? No onder its so expensive you dumb shits, affording a living space with enough room probably does most of the damage.
Thats 7 Dollars a day, if you can feed on less then you're used to it bc youre poor
it's comped so 0 effort. Passive income. So yes it is something to be proud of. I could get a job or work harder but I rather stay home, shitpost and raise kids and not pay $3000 per month in daycare.
Also, the more you earn the less gibs you get and the more taxes you pay and I'm trying to starve the beast here, not feed it.
>The fact you would consider material possessions "more enjoyable" than raising children points to a fairly serious mental disorder
The fact that you would consider "material possessions" the only form of enjoyment outside of rasing kids points to a fairly serious mental disorder
$10 a day for food and $1,000 a year for school times 3 is 251k
I know damn well my parents raised me age 1-18 for probably less than 20k
What the fuck are parents doing these days?
black holes dont exist dumb ass
redo that
Probably closer to $50k.
Exactly, or "traveling". Once I started making a bit of money I bought the car I wanted, a motorcycle, the computer I always wanted, I traveled a bit (alone), spent money on clothes, expensive alcohol. None of that spending made me happy for more than 30 minutes, I was still single and alone. Really alone and bored. I would trade it all in for a red pilled wife to spend my life with, can't seem to find that type of woman these days though.
>He didn't have his own personal trampoline growing up
My foods comped though.
Lol imagine if this was true
Progressives like to exaggerate the math. Helps justify taxing you to death to pay for their gay pride parades.
This article suggests that a child costs about a thousand dollars a month. This is stupid. Children do not cost a thousand dollars a month. If I had cost my dad a thousand dollars a month he would have murdered me in my sleep to save money. They blame 30% of that thousand dollars a month on housing. You have to live in a house anyway, and no one who has a wife has a 1 bdr apartment. Even then the comparative cost difference between 1 and 2 bdr apartments isn't $300 a month (unless you're a cali cuck) So you stash your kid in your spare bedroom for free. $700 a month.
I believe food is accurate, so let's move onto the next biggest: childcare and education. Notice how sneaky that shit it? They merge two categories that have nothing to do with each other. First your wife ought to be chained up in the kitchen so why the fuck are you spending money on child care unless you want to take her someplace fancy? Even then you call up your mom and remind her that she can slake her child lust for an evening by babysitting her grandchildren while you take your wife out for dinner. Education in America is (((free))) through your property taxes, so its part of your housing cost. Now it costs $550 a month to have a child.
No one should buy clothing for kids. they should be naked unless at church or it is winter. Then you buy them 1 ($10) coat a year, and dress them entirely in hand-me-down that have been in your family for generations. Never let your wife out with a credit card near baby clothes. Now it costs $475 a month for your kid.
$475 * 12 * 18 = $109,136.84.
You're welcome :^)
>Especially if you do it correctly
i.e. government gibs
My state gives free community college for students so long as they aren't absolute dindus, maintain a solid GPA and stay out of trouble. Course the only people I knew who took up the offer had a relative who was a carpenter or trucker or something necessary. Everyone else wanted to go to California or some other state on the coasts.