I think we need to come up with a new strategy

I think we need to come up with a new strategy.
The mainstream will never like swastikas and the N word.
We should come up with our own symbol and stop using words that offend people, this way more people may join.

Or we can just keep feeding them red pills and they will embrace that Hitler did nothing wrong by themselves.
Let us be us and they will follow eventually, its a matter of time.

you can always go full Strasser

I just read on drudge the renaming Jefferson Davis high school after Obama someplace

AnCap is the only way

Leftists can't argue against us because we are socially liberal


no we have no social doctrine and we don't care if you ruin your live


Everyone likes the aesthetic, it's you who they don't like, they like Hitler in the history channel.

What they have it's a conceptual dissociation between WW2 and their own countries and problems.

Time is a luxury we don't have.

There is a better way, comrades.


Fak of comi

Finally some adequate thoughts.

Communism? With a "Don't tread on me"flag? really? You must be an "accelerationist".

This, it's gaining a pretty big name here in Hungary right now.

the gondola posting is just to show how enlightened communism is


more Hitler Pepe
Sieg Heil nignogs

Got to be anime
Everyone loves anime

Nationalist movements, first pic is generation identitaire, second one i don't know