Hilarious reminder that Celtic FC went to England and got BTFO

Celtic FC is a football club consisting of a bunch of Irish/Scottish LARPers mad that England won't take rapefugees. They went to Sunderland (a leftist English city) and got beaten up. Even leftist English are more based than 'nationalist' lrish and Scots lmao.

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them Celtic lads showed great character.

About time we had some fuckin good news

Yes it was hilarious, when the russian nationalists smashed your fat chavs and multicultural trannies in Marseille last year, laughable indeed



Celtic is a club for gay Irish larpers. They also 'support' Palestine. They're pathetic. Earlier this season they got kicked out of Europa League qualifiers (yes, qualifiers) by a tiny club from Luxembourg, which made me laugh.

Hope that cunt got brain damage, chanting about Lee Rigby was bang out of order

Also the italians (ss lazio) did more, singing fascist songs in the atrium of liverpool station in London


rotfl, when other europeans have to teach brits what glory means

The absolute state of Celtic f.c

Every single fight between antifa and fascists in the UK has resulted in the right wingers getting a fucking tanking and running away.

Up the fuckin RA you sad cunt. British Nationalism is fuck all. You know it and I know it.

i imagine a ratio of 10.1
Try that in Russia, Serbia or Poland and see what happens you antifa traitors

Lol pussy anglos resort to football violence because they're completely impotent when it comes to pakis raping their daughters.

Fuck England, their queen and their army.

And fuck Lee Rigby the dead english cunt lol


Celtic fans are pathetic
>in other shocking news water is wet

u have a bullshit loicense?



>Irish "Nationalism"
lmaoing at you brah

>Earlier this season they got kicked out of Europa League qualifiers (yes, qualifiers) by a tiny club from Luxembourg, which made me laugh.

Wrong Scottish team, that was Rangers. Celtic are playing Bayern Munich tonight

The best part was Tommy Robinson was there, in a shop, with a Rangers shirt on.

We don't have much of it anymore. It's mostly fat old blokes LARPing about their youth and a few opportunistic chavs.

Still knocked some sense in to Celtic lads though, kek.


Wait I thought the English were the rapefugee riddled cucks and the Irish were still pretty rape free>


yes, I realized later. I'm not laughing anymore (I was amused when it happened, but I don't hate Glasgow Rangers)




>being this mad and larping this hard on Sup Forums
i'm a scot and even i think you're a cunt

I ever thought there was some Codex. Not punching/kicking people that are down, fair fighting and not swarming. But this is some nig nog shit here.

Fuck bobby sands heeee's deeeeed

Russians take the hooligan thing to an entirely different level. It isn't just a few lads having a fight, they train MMA 24/7 and are highly organised, it's like a paramilitary. Have to respect the dedication though, we're too lazy for that.

Italians are pussies. Always have been always will be

Do what you like. I don't know about your country.

there is, but eastern euros usually don't abide by those
in free fights they do apply

When I was younger I always though Scots were cool, but now I realize they are gay. They actually want to leave the UK because they are not getting blacked fast enough. Same with IRA and now Catalonia. What is it with these secessionist groups who go on about muh culture and muh heritage but then want to secede so they can bring even more Africans to their nation?

Anyway, reminder that english hooligans are gay too and slavs are the champions of hooliganism and always will be

Isn't Scotland becoming increasingly "diverse" now?. They wont be laughing when their kids are eventually being nonced by gangs of Pakis while being backed up by lefty politicians

>Isn't Scotland becoming increasingly "diverse" now?.
Not fast enough apparently. You British imperialists are hogging all the melanin for yourselves.

give what for old fucks

Can't be arsed replying to all this pish. Reality is Brit Nationalist matches are very small. They have to be protected from not just Antifa but normies. In UK normies will weigh in with violence against Nazi scum. They are a pathetic joke here. I think there are far bigger movements in other European countries, but any UK flag fascists on here are LARPING out their fuckin nut.

t. Jew

>Ahmed butthurt someone doesn't like his fellow Palestinian sandniggers

>implying I'm larping
>defending English cunts who in 2017 still go on imperial jollys in the middle east whilst inviting all of them to live in Britain


free palestine and fuck the anglo kikes


We're nothing like you scumbags. The time Ackbar tried it up here they got fuckin totalled you soft English prick. Can't stand ackbars but they do fuck all up here. Long as that's the case I'm ok with them. I despise you cowardly English fucks. You're utter scum. Fantasy men on keyboards. At least the burgers are real. They're crazy bastards with guns etc willing to pay it on the line.

Say Nigger to Naysayers

>caring about Islamic sand Pakis

Yes, good goyim! Keep supporting Israel, the cause of the current Western downfall!


You'll never beat the Irish you dumb English cunt.

>caring about Kike sand niggers so much you give them their own country


English have never had a problem displacing natives I guess. Not even their own.

DESU I'm a devout Catholic and I'd pick Rangers over septic.

Better get rid of the SNP though, they're on the EU's side, not the UK's. They demanded the UK government devolve immigration laws to the Scottish Parliament. You know what that means.

No, saracens don't want to bother with Scotland because the gibs aren't as good as they are in England.

>Implying you're a jew or a zionist if you don't support paleswine

Or maybe Ahmed, just maybe, you can hate both sides.

Really? What about Kriss Donald? Wasn't there a Paki rape gang uncovered in Glasgow recently?. All your heroin comes from Pakis in Bradford and Keighley too. You're just as fucked as we are.
You're going to have to drop the anti English thing sooner or later because you've got people who despise you and your way of life moving in

I don't give a shit about either of them. You're pathetic.

The Scottish/Irish people are the best of peoples

>It isn't just a few lads having a fight, they train MMA 24/7 and are highly organised
>Have to respect the dedication though

Of course subhuman slavs have to take it way too far to prove they're not worthless. Fights over footy aren't meant to be so dangerous; just a few fat pissed lads wanting a scrap.

You don't know what you're talking about, lad. The Pakis have already got control over their drugs trade there and they're busy setting up enclaves that are hostile to Scots..Pollok shields is already known to be Scotland's Rotherham.

Who /uptotheirkneesinfenianblood/ here

Well shit, I thought Scotland was avoided by everyone that wasn't Scottish. I guess I'm wrong. What's the SNP doing about it?

If you're going to do something then do it right. I'd say the guys who want to fight but aren't prepared for it are the worthless ones. You're justifying weakness, lad.

Also: cheeky bit of divide and conquer there. Slavs are white

Absolutely nothing. Pandering to Pakis = votes, no matter the cost to their own people. We're just as fucked as England but the majority of people are too left to say anything.They use the English as a strawman and a means to deflect


Shut up you fuckin child. Krissy was 1 guy years ago now. You'll get some support from pish stained incoherent Rangers supporting alcoholics, but young people up here (under 40) voted 75% for Independence. We literally fuckin hate you. Fuck off and die.

faggotball belongs on


It's so ironic that all of these fights break out at soccer games. Soccer is the GAYEST sport on Earth. The only possibility is all of these people are closet homosexuals, and the intense amount of sexual frustration they're experiencing manifests itself as violence at soccer games. The truth is they want to have sex with each other, not fight each other. TOP KEK

Disgusting! I hope JRM takes over as PM and cleans up Britain before it's too late.

Did I say you cared? I said England cared enough, or actually were cucked enough by the Rothschild family to set up a country for jews in the middle east creating a shit storm ever since. I don't care about muslims. It's just the situation is a nice comparison to nothern Ireland.

Hail hail

I was in Pollockshields last night you fuckin clown. Stop the fuckin BS pretends, and save it for the dumb yanks



Know your place hun scum. We run things now.

>You can hate both sides of the paleswine-kikeland debate
Y-you're a cuck!

His head on a Union Jack cushion, well played! Well played ha..

Nice flag, hahahaha

Royal Family has Rothschild blood FFS. These bangers are incoherent.

Football is for faggots. I don't know what could be more homo than a bunch of sweaty hairy men running around a field chasing a ball


You can be smug knowing NI will leave the union one day,

I can be smug knowing you lot each have a direct ticket to hell.

Ha. Riot.


Anyone who watches football is a retard, no matter what team.


There's no-one Scottish involved with Celtic. It's all fenians all the time.

Her maj vaj was seeded by red shields back in 19C. How do you feel about this fact?

The kikes are a much bigger threat to Western civilization. Their damage is a thousand fold worse than Palestine's


I find the IRA like a typical paddy and murphy joke and the epitome of true stereotype.

A nationalist militia thats fighting for foreigners to displace them

Hardly our first team
Russia is training and selecting hooligans
We banned them all in the 90's
Nobody could compete with England unfettered as the history books prove
>all football is gay anyway


>Hate the English
>Love Pakis

Yes, Kriss Donald was years ago, it's far far worse now. Don't forget the Paki rape gangs in Glasgow and Edinburgh

It was fucking Rangers who got knocker out in the Qualifiers, Pretty sure celtic is playing the champions of German today in the champions league


>Slavs are white
Caucasian, yes, Aryan... no.

Depressed, as do most things about the god awful country.

But at least we're not irish.

Yeah, it's pathetic. I know a "yes" voter who in the end was glad "yes" lost.


Joke post I must assume
Based on (((media))) who definitely aren't scared of people who will bring them to justice and therefore even more biased than usual, if such a thing is possible

you're calling >95% of the world population gay, retard. your national team is ridiculously bad, so I guess your hate roots in that.

There are no bigger cucks in Britain than Rangers supporters. Vote for indy then vote the SNP out you fucking idiots! Westminster does NOTHING for Scotland! I'm an SNP supporter but would gladly vote for the Scottish Tories if we became independent.

Shut up dumb English wank. I live here. You're talking fuckin shite.