If you could use the Dragon Balls to wosh for anything, what would it be?

If you could use the Dragon Balls to wosh for anything, what would it be?


I'll wish for this user's happiness.

By KyoAni

Well what are they good at woshing? Clothes? Dishes? Cars?

I wish i'm not a animu watching loser.

Human extinction.

A real waifu, duh

for everything to be all right

For the Sun to burn out.

The willpower to do something with my life. Being content with mediocrity is driving me nuts, but not enough to do anything about it.

Live a million years without harm to the body

Bring Matsuki Miyu back to life so she can voice Yoshinoya-sensei once again.

For Lord Freeza-sama's resurrection.

To grant every human on earth strength of heart so that maybe we can finally fix things for the next generation.

The hidden potential and natural talent of every fictional character ever with none of the terrible events from which those spring.

I could master any skill by glancing at a pamphlet.

Wish japanese people become self sufficent robots whose only purpose is to produce anime and manga.

True death.

it's like you don't even know how dragon balls work

>wish for omnipotence so I could come up with a solution to prevent the heat death of the universe
>attain the knowledge there's nothing I can do, the universe is fucked

God dammit, every time!

Just figure out how to move everyone out of this universe and into another one.

Something something about multiverses touching in multidimensional space creating a bubble which became our universe expanding into the void left by the two other universes high-fiving.

A bigger dick

I wish dragon balls didn't exist

Delete the emojis from Sup Forums. This will actually kill the site.

i would wosh for a girlfriend

Powers over time, such as rewinding time, fast forwarding time, freezing time, de-age/freeze the age of myself and others (and by extension, I could completely halt or undo cancerous growths/diseases).

Honestly I'd probably just use it to sleep a lot more so I wouldn't have to get up tired for work in the morning.

Mind control abilities and immortality.


join military

I wish for OP to have flawless spelling.

I'd wosh that OP would become a qt girl and suck everyone in this thread dicks.

Shenlong can't grant wishes beyond his creator's powers so Omnipotence/Omniscience is impossible

cow tits and lolis


Terrorist have the heart and will to kill.

People having strenght of heart dont mean it isn't going to used badly

Revive Satoshi Kon

That Naruto be erased from existence.


I would like to be a loli

You're going to fuck old, fat men, aren't you, user?

What a waste, you probably wont even remember what you wished for let alone know you had a wish seeing how removing something as big as that from the past would change the present significantly enough to at least change your current location.

>wishing to be a girl
Why in god's name do you think that would make your life any better?

Someone has to save anime. Don't be so selfish, user-kun.

You're talking about omniscience.
If you actually got omnipotence, then by the very definition of the word you would have the power to fix things. Otherwise, you really aren't omnipotent.

I never understood that.
If Shenlong has the power to Bring people back to life, Shouldn't that mean his creator would also have that power?

>Shouldn't that mean his creator would also have that power?
Kami doesn't have magical grant-wishing powers only Shenlong does

Bringing someone back to life is putting their soul back into their body. Kami can technically do that.

For Lord Hitler-sama's resurrection.

Make the Eva Rebuild movies good.

>to wosh for anything
i would wosh for my laundry to be finished