Should free speech include hate speech if it doesnt advocate violence or create imminent danger? Canadas constitution says no, americas yes, who has the better democratic political theory
Free speech v hate speech
Free speech includes every form of expression that doesn't directly result in violence or harm
Hate speech is too difficult to define in a way that isn't horribly subjective and easy to manipulate for the exclusion of speech for the sake of convenience of those making the determination.
depends if a threat is creditable or not imo
Threatning someone isnt a part of free speech in canada or usa
Only the US has free speech. Maybe Switzerland too.
>Only the US has free speech
You burgers sure are funny
Great response
Baring false witness should be illegal, hate speech should not.
Definitely the U.S.
You can't have "hate speech" laws AND free speech, because those laws limit your freedom of expression.
Canada. America is of the rich by the rich and for the rich, ONLY.
Fox News has been freely spewing hate speech against liberals for 30 years because Murdoch is rich enough to buy the Republican party.
I guess technically if you limit it in any way, it's not truly free.
Define hate speech.
I think even speech advocating violence should be protected. Especially if it leads to nothing, in fact i think one should be able to shout fire in a crowded theatre I'd probably try it myself if I actually ever went to a theatre. We cannot fuck around when it comes to our rights, a small loss can lead to even less rights in the future. Just look at my country..
>Canadas constitution says
there is no free speech in Canada
The article in the constitution on Freedom of Expression makes this perfectly clear
Also, define hate speech.
All speech is hate speech... pie in the sky feelings crap is highly offensive to me.
However, the war profiteers are allowed to stand before their government on national TV and have a General advocate for war in other countries. Those wars will hurt many innocent civilians and kill perhaps millions of people.
That "hate" speech is permitted. The "hate" speech of the little people is forbidden unless the government approves of the target. Stop giving your government more rights than its citizens. (That's a fucking laugh.)
Canada says the Koran, which instructs the faithful to kill infidels in horrific ways, is Good.
But saying Moslem who kill infidels are bad, is OUTLAWED.
Cuckada. And you come here to throw shit at Americans?
Im the op in canada its "Hate speech (which refers to the advocacy and incitement of genocide or violence against a particular defined racial, ethnic, gender, sexual, religious or other identifiable group),[3][4] and obscenity (a broad term referring to literature that is unreasonable, dangerous or intensely inappropriate to society at large" so the 2nd part about obscentity, a few comedians have been chRged in bc and quebec for offending a group
you can't define "hate speech" in a singular, coherent way.
perhaps i take gross offence to strawberries. is it hate speech if you speak about strawberries with me in the room? and what if strawberry hatred became a religion?
Still better than being locked up simply for stating my opinion desu.
I disagree with cdns laws and you too? Creating an emergency EVEN in an emergency is a bad idea thats why at mu apt building we do fire drills once a month in case a real emergency happens u know what to do and dont create a panic
OP look at what is happening to Canada as a result of hate speech laws. Now it's literally illegal to not use preferred pronouns for the mentally ill. Canada is too focused on being nice rather than free, and the results in this case are absolute bullshit.
So why aren't the anti white folks being charged with it? Promoting immigration and policys that harm white people does exactly that. If the law isn't equally applied it's meaningless and doesn't deserve to be observed.
There is no such thing as hate speech.
Free speech should include ALL speech, with no restrictions whatsoever.
They mean Pro White Speech when they say Hate Speech. They do not care about "racism" or "hate." They only care when White People want to live white and regulate who can live in their own communities. Whites can be discriminated against for crimes they never committed or for merely wanting to have a white community. That is government enforced discrimination.
>"Hate speech (which refers to the advocacy and incitement of genocide or violence against a particular defined racial, ethnic, gender, sexual, religious or other identifiable group),[3][4] and obscenity (a broad term referring to literature that is unreasonable, dangerous or intensely inappropriate to society at large"
So, anything can be hate speech
And there is currently a ton of antiwhite hate speech happening in Canada and nothing is being done about it
So I think it'd be a lot better if we had unlimited speech, since the hate speech law, like most laws, is only being used to promote the agenda of a few
This is my issue with canada well 1 issue with our speech laws
Can u give me an example im confused at what u mean
Hears basically what the Constitution of Canada says regarding most Rights:
A citizen can wear any color they want to wear in public, other than: white, black, red, green, yellow, blue, orange, purple or any color arrived at by mixing two or more of the banned colors listed
>I'm gonna beat you up with sound waves
>I wish death on all canadians, you are the scum of the earth and we would be so much better off if all you retard faggots died
Not allowed
>Canada sure is cucked and you have dumb citizens, laws and politicians
Canada is breaking up. There will be new constitutions written for the new balkanized countries.
So it doesnt matter how shitty Canadian law is, because Canada has served its purpose and we need to move on.
How do u define harm
Fuck hate speech!
In Canada, if you don't address a college student by their preferred gender pronoun, you get fined. If you refuse to pay the fine, you go to jail. This is the law passed by the Canadian government.
The government is forcing re-education through pain compliance. The faster you learn, the less you'll suffer. This is government re-education camps in its infancy stage.
>>I wish death on all canadians, you are the scum of the earth and we would be so much better off if all you retard faggots died
That doesn't directly result in violence
That clause is supposed to be in regards to literally ordering and calling for violence,like getting on a mic in front of a crowd and yelling "attack that man, he's your enemy"
The fact that hate speech is legal in America is a jewel for the nation. On this America stands as the last free nation on earth.
Fuck Canada
The fucking worst Country on this planet.
But what if they directly insult my race/ethnic group? Or if they threaten my family?
America doesnt say hate speech is protected. It says hate speech isnt even a thing. Its too vague and subjective. Therefore america is most logical, less emotional. At least on that front.
Physical or mental damage caused willingly
If you're under a bridge and I let a stone fall on your head from the top and kill you I'm not the killer, gravity is. See the fallacy? Of course what I'm saying could be exploited, like most laws, but that regards the application, not the law
I said america doesnt limit hate speech that doesnt advocate violence
>Death threats aren’t violent
M8 cmon
So if i drew a funny comic of jesus or mohammed that should be against the law cause ot offends religious people? I dont think you believe in free speech
Can’t limit what doesn’t exist
"Hate speech" is too subjective to be restricted.
Speech should only be restricted on serious threats of violence and that's it. As a matter of fact that's not a restriction but a normal legal consequence that exists in every civilized country.
>meme flag
nigger turn on CNN
>See the fallacy?
But what your saying, is that any stone that falls by you, even if it was unintentional and missed, should be reason to charge the man who knocked it over.
You said:
>Canada sure is cucked and you have dumb citizens, laws and politicians
It is allowed. But
>Canada sure is cucked and you have dumb niggers, laws and politicians
isn't allowed
>Canada sure is cucked and you have dumb whites, laws and politicians
will be a headline on the CBC
See the issues?
At this point I'm confident you're missing the point on purpose, so I'll write it once again and then stop. Inciting violence against muslims is hate speech. Drawing Muhammed comics, saying islam is fucked, and that muslims enrich europe through rape and trucks, is allowed. Over and out
I'm using a meme flag because I'm from europe but I'm in montreal right now, happy now?
If they insult your race thats their right, jewish lawyers represented nazis in America after ww2 to protect their freedom of expression; they cant directly threaten you imo
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me.
Maybe more faggot liberals ought to pay heed to this saying.
Why it shouldn't? Free speech is the first step in making bydlos genocide each other. It's not like the rich cunts won't find ways to shut down everyone when it will ACTUALLY threaten the establlishment.
But drawing a religious prophet is harm under your definition... u want to redefine harm?
There even isn't such a thing called "hate speech", what you are looking for is "incitement". Hate speech is a nonsensical term constructed to discredit any form of opposition. It's an undefinable unprovable term in itself, but privilege is given by law to certain institutions to basically define it as they wish. Anything can be "hate speech", that's the whole point. It is used in the same exact manner that heresy was during certain historical periods. It's a method of shutting the truth for protection of the ruling classes.
>M8 cmon
You read that wrong m8
I'm saying the clause is meant for death threats and direct calls to violence, not vague forms of autism like
>I wish death on all canadians, you are the scum of the earth and we would be so much better off if all you retard faggots died
Free speech is absolute, or nonexistent.
Hate speech is when certain expressions are criminalised, thus preventing all speech from being free.
It's still hard to define desu.
For instance: is pic related a form of violence?
Hate speech doesn't exist. Speech that directly incites violence is not Kosher. Anything else is fine.
But can it be considered hate speech if they directly threaten me based on race? imo if you threaten anyone based on race that's hate speech. Ya know, like it was originally supposed to be.
mental damage caused willingly , a muslim could say that drawing the comic is willingly causing damage to muslims, im not mispresenting your point, if youre too dumb to collect your thoughts and explain themlogically thats your issue not mine kid
Spain and the United Kingdom have the similar hate speech laws, except I think they skip the fine and throw your ass in prison to get raped/murdered by one of the many wonderful refugees they imported. Can't learn fast enough that you're being re-educated by the government? Die a horrific death by the government by proxy.
It's a strong kek, but I'd also call it violence since physical harm was caused on purpose. They have the right to report him to the police, althought I can hardly call it hate speech since there was no speech
>if you threaten anyone based on race that's hate speech
If I beat the shit out of you while calling you a nigger, the punishment for calling you a nigger should be greater than the punishment for kicking your face in?
I violated your human rights by calling you nigger, even though you call yourself and your friends nigger, but I didn't violate any human rights when I knocked your teeth out
This is Canada's autism in a nutshell
Great answer
No. Threats are violent speech. The crime would be someone threatening your life. Whether you were called a nigger in the process is irrelevant.
Free speech should include hate speech, as well as speech advocating for criminal activity. Speech is about whether you can fight for what you say, not whether someone else says you're allowed.
No the threat is a crime, we sre all the human race, suggesting we are different based on coloe is just a way to divide and bring legitimacy to a flawed claim
You burgers think you have freedom with all your guns and shit, in reality you're only slaves to the system.
There is no such thing as hate speech. Now kill yourself
But muh feels!
Free speech does include hate speech.
Hate speech isn't free speech because its very existence is anti-free speech.
Hate speech just means you're saying things other don't like. It doesn't mean it's anti-free speech. It only seems like it right now because leftist governments are trying to ban hate speech.
The concept of "hate speech", and "hate crimes" in general, is retarded. If someone violates your rights they should be brought to justice with no shits given about whether they're a Racist, Sexist, Bigot, Homophobe, Ableist, Islamophobe, ...
There aren't many types of speech that violate other people's rights. Intentional misrepresentation of facts (fraud, slander) and direct incitement or threat of violence are about it. Incitement of violence means speech directly coordinating an immediate effort to commit violence, not expression opinions about the use of violence.
Advocating genocide does not violate anyone's rights. If genocide is so bad then its advocates will be unable to present a convincing argument, so you don't have anything to worry about.
It might make sense in some cases for law enforcement to monitor "hate groups" to determine how to most effectively distribute their resources in an effort to prevent actual crimes, but no special legislation is warranted.
It's weird how I learned that while before even entering kindergarten, yet stupid faggots somehow forgot it.
No, they still know it. They just know it doesn't work for them. Everyone else can just get physical if necessary. They can only cry.
>ban hate speech
>ugh, yes please
Either you can say anything or you can say nothing. What I mean by this is either you raise your people to value the ability to say anything and teach them how to constructively deal with offensive utterances or you have a government and people who believe that giving offense is a what is a crime will change with the times. Today you can't call a woman with a vagina a woman if she decided she was a man yesterday, in canda, without facing possible invesutgation. I don't think that financially feasible to maintain for a long time. So I think your policies will lead to your down fall.
Free speech is a blanket term, covering every form of speech. So free speech without hate speech isn't free.
>Maybe Switzerland too
German speaking countries in general have no freedom of speech whatsoever
>But what if they directly insult my race/ethnic group?
Then you can do the same.
>Or if they threaten my family?
The threat has to provide a clear and present danger (or similarly an incitement) in order to constitute a legally definable and chargeable offense. You "feeling" threatened cannot be evaluated impartially in court by a jury or a judge and therefore is immaterial.
>See the fallacy?
Your analogy would still lead to a charge of manslaughter unless it could be proved that you had intend to kill that person under the bridge.
Now apply the same standard to the hypothetical/wishful statement of "wanting all canadians dead". The statement includes no described actions to be undertaken to achieve that end, no outline for timeframe, no clear and present danger of same statement becoming fact, and therefore no imminent threat of any kind.
What is the actual danger within that statement outside the expression of the individual making it? You are attempting to equate the feeling of hatred with the ACTION of committing (or attempting commit) homicide.
Do you not see how ridiculous that is?
There is no such thing as hate speech execute yourself cuck fag
Free speech already includes hate speech that doesn't advocate violence or create imminent danger.
At least in the countries (read: country) that matter.
i think the guy youre talking to may be retarded lol
Gas the Kikes
Race war now
Hate Speech does not even exist: The definition is artificial and malleable.
You have two choices:
>people are allowed to have opinions
>people are sent to jail for having opinions
which sounds better?
Can we test this? Posters that advocate for the open killing of whites and bearing the logo of some liberal group?
See what happens.