How do we fix Japan?
How do we fix Japan?
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Only the chinese are this degenerate
White piggu go home
it's the Fukushima radiation
you are witnessing the Godzilla transitioning
>not showing her your white penis right then and there and race-mixing to create a supreme gentleman.
Why even live anywhere elese
Japan is in a need of about 20 million blacks from the deepest jungles of Africa otherwise Japan will become a third world country.
She probably sexually exploded because no japanese man wants to fuck anymore. This is her way of telling the train passengers that she needs cock and be impregnated
Japan doesn't need fixing.
The thing about that image is that mental illnesses go undiagnosed in Japan. Whereas in America 75% of all women take some sort of anti-psychotic medication, here in Japan it's closer to 0%. It's a cultural thing. Parents ignore warning signs their children are psychotic and it snowballs as they get older. Putting a greater focus on mental health could benefit society, but it's small beans compared to greater issues like SJWs trying to infect Japan with diversity bullshit.
Based Japanon strikes again. Thanks for the facts, sensei.
As usual Nippon is the only sane one in the room. What does that say about the rest of us?
based english teacher
Is the Globalist agenda being pushed in Japan?
Here on Sup Forums it sure is, but that's mostly misinformation. Like several months ago there was a fake news story about anti-Trump graffiti in Tokyo comparing him to the KKK. People in Japan don't think Trump is racist. People in Japan don't know what the KKK is.
The UN is really pushing for globalism. They want to take away our sexy video games and manga, and they're pushing feminist bullshit hard. But Japan doesn't care what the UN says. We know our country has less crime than any country in Europe, so why would we listen to their advice?
Is water wet? If fire hot? Are jews subhuman?
>cute asian girl finger blasting on bus
So whats the problem?
It's some BBA hag dude how low can your standards go?
Not enough context here. How do we know she doesn't have Vietnamese crabs and just had to scratch badly?
>The thing about that image is that mental illnesses go undiagnosed in Japan.
Same here in Hong Bong. It's not uncommon to see some guy muttering to himself in public or doing something else strange, but it causes hardly any issues from what I've seen. Asia in general is pretty negligent in the mental health field.
Leftist insanity is seeping into society here too though. Pic related
>United Nations
More like United Niggerfaggots am I rite lads
Thanks for the reply. I heard that there is a female running for president in the upcoming Japanese elections that wants to open up the borders or that seemed globalist somehow, can you confirm if true or not?
japan is truly cahaya asia
They're trampling on their own flag lol
sign is in chinese. no furigana whatsoever.
i want to fuck her right then and there and explode a months worth of goop deep into her throbbing tight pussy
Stay awesome, Japan
>believing in the jew pills
sure buddy
it's japan
already was posted and thread will be deleted in 2 minutes, so be fast
BBA hag?
Can we talk about the suicide rate in Japan?
Taito Hey! Akihabara
One of my favorite places
We dick everyone of their women with long white dick creating a super white/Asian hybrid. These offspring will fix Japan within weeks due to the white genes
Japan is the #1 wageslave capital of the world. Here is a close second and suicide rates are pretty high here too.
Yes for sure.
Race mixing is encouraged by the media
The Bleached or Blacked race mixing?
Dont fall for "they" tricks. God speed based nip.
rofl pissed toothpaste autist
>japan doesnt need fixing
Saw some photo theyre putting mein kampf back into classrooms
god bless the land the eastern sun touches as it has the west
the fire rises
Just poking fun at Sup Forums, mr English teacher
just poking fun at you, khowda
Why the name calling though =((
Saw the スー in the the top right corner?
>send blacks to country to PREVENT it turning into a shithole
maybe you should be a pissy whiny faggot on reddit
Yeah, Yuriko Koike. Gook Hillary. Not much I can do about it. Japanese citizens can't vote for their prime minister.
I don't believe in Jew pills, but there are some messed up people who are completely undiagnosed.
Here's your you, not-Denmark.
Do women really fap?
Isn't coming here illegal in china?
I sense a lot of underlying anger, want to talk about it?
>Japan doesn't need fixing.
baste english teaching racemixing sex tourist
>How do we fix Japan?
USA have how many nuclear?
>adult high-ground drivel
lol go back to redddit dude
It's probably a downie.
Can you not tell that's a picture of a Japanese woman you weeaboo fucking leaf?
>people itt saying Japan has no social problems
Japanese society is decaying just like ours except they have no non-majorities. If the US was 100% it'd still have social problems, and that's Japan's situation.
fix your own shitty country eurofag, leave the nips alone
>hey japan, adopt some niggers, it's going great for us in Sweden!
Based sexpat strikes again
every country has problems, japan just doesnt care. eventually old farts will die and stuff will change, but for now we can only wait
>that image
God dammit yurop stop fucking with shit
The Japanese media push race mixing? Every Japanese I have ever met are incredibly racist. They will openly tell you they hate blacks because they stink, Jews because they lie and steal, and Koreans and chinks because they are inferior subhumans. Surely race mixing propaganda doesn't go down well? Or do you mean white race mixing?
Two more nukes.
>Every Japanese I have ever met are incredibly racist.
lol? what fucking jap has even met a nigger or a kike? if you're asking japs in the UK you might as well ask anyone since everyone knows that niggers jews bad news
That's Japan.
Such a meme. Their population issues are temporary and will fix themselves, ours are permanent.
>Race mixing is encouraged by the media
Fuck off shlomo
>Such a meme. Their population issues are temporary and will fix themselves, ours are permanent.
So true on a global scale whites are only about billion out of the seven billion.
And leftist still fill the need to push the race mixing and immigrant shit on white countries.
who the hell gives a shit about white people you stupid autist? does your mother own a minivan?
Rosenblatt pls take off the proxy
made me kek way more than it should have
it doesn't need fixing it needs a couple more A-bombs dropped on it. preferably in areas where faggot engrish teachers like you congregate
of six paths
Pls diagnose your crazy women so pic related doesn't happen when I try to get some nippon snu snu
this fat stack of fukuzawas says otherwise
What's wrong with public masturbation?
You guys are overreacting as usual.
What a jew
>implying heebyjeeby diagnoses are comparable among japanese
>What's wrong with public masturbation?
7 min ago
>Fuck off shlomo
sort yourself
Kike spotted.
Would it be acceptable for me to bukkake all over her in this situation?
me on the left
I just love Japan
Yes, its impolite in Japanese society not to
we tried. twice.