Shhh! Aoba is working.
New Game!
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My wife Aoba is so sleepy.
>no cute /k/o-worker to sabagebu with
>no ahagon to make ahegao
nice to see a little anime original scene of them shooting stuff though, pretty sure aoba just straight pussied out in the manga
I want to give Aoba an enema.
How does Hajime make it to work every day without being raped?
Would you wear Aoba?
Because it's japan
Aoba is a lesbian.
How tight is Aoba's asshole?
We haven't tried that yet.
>type バリウム on Google Images
>get a billion images of people feeling uncomfortable due to swallowing that barium solution (and these cats)
Why would Aoba ever want that?
wow that barium meal knocked her out faster than I thought it would
>that top and shorts
I seriously want to punch anyone who says "my wife x is so x"
My wife user is so tsundere.
>Implying elevens have the balls to rape real girls
They probably will stick to stealing her panties from the laundry.
She definitely gets train groped.
I just knew that she didn't play games. Doesn't even know what an FPS is.
She's fast on a bike. But, boy, would I try.
You should stop being jealous.
>not a cute and busty girl
>no lesbo airsoft gf
>can't even own airsoft at all in this country
What did I do to deserve this hellish existence?
>>can't even own airsoft at all in this country
What kind of neo liberal shithole are you from?
>I just knew that she didn't play games. Doesn't even know what an FPS is
I'm guessing her family had connection or she is ridiculously talented at art if they hired someone that doesn't know shit about games to design stuff for games.
They must have long arms to be able to reach her bike all the way from the train.
Are ANY of the New Gaymes straight?
Nenecchi's thighs are a miracle.
>tfw we're finally getting to the Nenecchi episodes
Best girl in the series. Doujins when?
I come from a land down under.
Why would a cute little girl ever care about FPSs? She was busy playing good games instead.
My wife Yun is so cute holy shit
Your wife Yun is fat.
My wife Hifumi is stacked!
I may be misremembering but I thought she said she took the train with her bike then biked from the station to work. Lots of Japs take the train to the closest stop then ride their bike.
No airshits and no A-cup porn stars. You guys have it rough.
Japanese gamers are casuals. Same as in the west, there are stories about games being made easier or dumbed down after testing or in sequels because players could not figure something out. She should at least know what FPSs are, how else would she avoid them?
why does this boy have such nice breasts?
How come Aoba doesn't buy new work clothes already?
>this boy
His name is Robert Paulson
She said it in the first episode, do you people really watch the series, or not?
The problem is she's not old enough to have even been playing FPS games when good FPS games were being made on top of being a console gamer.
What's goldeneye
What's medal of honor
What's Doom
What's Wolfenstein 3D
holy shit, I didn't even notices their faces until the second watch
>be fat man studying programming
>a brown girl sits next to me
>'oh shit, the diversity quota.'
>she just begins working quietly and efficiently
>her COMPUTER CODE is competently done
>a fat purple-haired feminist studies major dunders in and starts lecturing about how programming is patriarchy and language should be nonbinaryfluid
>the brown girl whips around and shoots the fatty with an airsoft gun until she waddles out of the room
>by now i'm sweating profusely
>can't hold myself back any longer
>she just looks at me with a look of disgust
She's a 17 year old girl.
She's fit, she could beat you up.
She could beat me off.
Wait does this really exist
I want to wrestle with Hajime.
Where the fuck is my updated Yun collage
Why is the OP/ED so cute?
Because it's like a 90s sitcom during the jingle at the very end of the OP.
The songs or the animation?
Thank you
This could have been somewhat believable if it wasn't for "marry me" part and what comes next.
She's 18.
Would you take it easy on her?
This show is selling well enough to get a 2nd season, right? And they're going to call it New Game+, right guys?
What's funny about the name Ahagon? Is it just a strange name or am I missing some linguistic joke?
They will make an OVA called Paid DLC.
Oh, I asked because the same guy who storyboarded the Sansha OP/EDs also did New Game's.
Both are nice
>does a fucking suit and tie actually exist?
What a way to hide your powerlevels
No. Aoba is for the roughest fucking.
I would be very mean to her, bully her and have rough sex with her.
>Paid DLC
Nah, those have to be 5 minute shorts.
OVA should be called "NEW GAME! EXPANSION!"
And ONA will be called "FREE TO PLAY!"
Sounds more like the JAV to me.
>nice to see a little anime original scene of them shooting stuff
I like that they elaborated on Yagami and Ahagon's weird friendship. Ahagon boasted she can outdrink Yagami in the manga so I guess they put a scene where Yagami challenges Ahagon on her hobby and made their friendly rivalry a thing.
It also made Aoba seem friendlier because in the manga she never even gave it a chance and just wanted Ahagon to leave.
My guess its because it sounds like some monster's name, -gon is the usual suffix for that stuff, sounded funny enough to me just from anime/manga exposure
Okay what the FUCK is her problem
Is Ahagon 5 years old?
>join a company of autist nerd dykes
>still feel like an outsider
That's her problem.
This makes me wonder, do you guys like New Game or SS better?
Gotta say I like NG better even though I liked SS quite a bit.
SS was just too good, I like NG but not nearly as much.
Until Aoba brought up the enema, I was kinda on the fence.
I liked Sansha better, but the number of people who read the source material before that anime was 0.
So obviously New Game wins in terms of popularity
>when penis inspection day is over
Being a stranger to society.
i want to have sex with ahagon
She has a bike. That's why she has a nice body (unlike Yun)
Girls SHOULD NOT touch girls.
>unlike Yun
Please stop lying.
NG just by merit of having cuter girls. SS had the better OP, though.
SS didn't even have scanlations until the show.
Moe as fuck. Would let her take blood from my collapsed veins
She is not your wife, she is my wife. We've already held hands, faggot.
Why does Yun speak funny?
>she will never inject a needle into your cock to take away the "swelling"
Yeah, this show is definitely yuri.
You faggots were lying since episode 1.
Nope, because Aoba-chan is my wife
>that bod and short hair