Love Live

Best Aqours.

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Best µ's.

Who's this random loli?

µ's is best, that's correct.



Let's play the staring the game? What dull Kanan.

>What a dull moment

Is what I meant to say

Piece of shit girl.

Just retcon her existence already

I feel like it's wrong to judge her for the mistakes of a director/writers who think the third-year tension is way more exciting than it actually is. I think we'll get a sweet Kanan eventually even if it takes too long

Today is ルビィ火曜日。 It's time for everyone to wub wooby.

What that's cute

Her face is too innocent to bully.

>She is actually an imaginary friend the 3rd year came up with to make their club meet the member quota back in the old days.


>Click and drag for results.

What raibu did you get Sup Forums?

>Future Honoka had made contact with herself several years ago in NYC
>She will be waiting for us in the Love Live competition
>The 9 of us will bring about the eternal idols
>Mari, what is your endgame?
>The second coming of µ's

Nico for me. I'm not complaining, but there's no case where I would complain


I can't wait for the updated one

>Got Honoka twice
But I don't want a whore...

>imaginary friend the 3rd year came up with

She should be at Foster's home for imaginary friends

This is a really bad day

Get the latest Ruby noises here. The bigiiis just keep getting cuter.


Maybe I have to expend the image first

I get Maki every time this gif is posted. Maybe it means something.

Go away!

Am I the only one who thinks Mari is best raibu?

This is a really sad time for Kanan.

Mari a shit. Literally the poor man's Nozomi.

I wish Ruby would stick her tongue out at me

At least she's more interesting than nozomi.

She is hotter at least

If Ruby is ever shown as a true loli Sunrise will have blood on their hands for all the heart attacks caused. A hundred times worse than Porygon. It could potentially end anime.

I'm glad my best girl loves me.

>5 min into break in and chill and she gives you that look.

Probably, but she's my favorite 3rd year if that helps.

>not fat, funnier, hotter
>poor man's Nozomi

yoshiko is objectively the best singer and no one can prove me wrong on this matter

>people likes Ruby than Pana
>people likes Yoshiko than Nico
>people likes Mari than Nozomi

Does this mean Aqours is better than Muse?

But Mari is richer than Nozomi will ever hope to be

Yes, yes it does.

You need 2 more Aqours to make that assertion true

I think it will be by the time we have two seasons and a movie.

don't mind me

just posting a picture of my future wife

>people like You better than Kotori
>people like Maru better than Rin
Your move.

I want to lick Kanan's salty tits

All false considering Aqours fanbase is way smaller than μ's. Try again in three years

>Can actually sing
>Cute Engrish
>Not a rapist


Bitter moosefags' opinions are irrelevant, we're talking about people who actually like both.

I'll give you You, Maru, Mari, Ruby

But Kotori is one of the top and Nico is practically a deity with her own worshipers

Mari has something going on, she rapes to get attention and then lets herself get raped later. Dia and Kanan are the perfect example with both getting hugged and groped then breaking into Mari's house

Fakes will never beat the original.

>there are a shitton of people that like group A
>there are many people that like group B but way less than those that like group A
>among those there are some that like group A and B
>but we'll only consider those that like A and B
That isn't an accurate popularity depiction at all.

Girls aside, the previous director was a genius. I don't think the new guy can match him with the same amount of material.

What we need is raw numbers in a survey or idol sorter that is up to date with Aqours

Riko will always be inferior to Umi. Aqours wins everywhere else.


Umi is like Nico and it seems like she has her own worshipers too

It's just the sort of play they're into.

>a shit
Why do you guys feel the need to put down good girls just to validate your liking another? You don't have to force yourself to pretend to dislike one so you can say you like another more by comparison. They're all perfect. Reevaluate yourself.


>popularity depiction
The phrasing was "People like X more than Y", not "More people like X than Y". It's a qualitative measurement, not a quantitative. A lot of people reject Aqours by default simply for not being µ's, taking those opinions into account wouldn't reflect a fair judgment.

That's fair enough though, Sunshine's direction is visibly inferior unfortunately.

>judging Aquors before the first season is over

Haters gonna hate, most of them are just after (You)s anyway so it's best to ignore them unless they're actually coming up with a thoughtful criticism.

Nothing against Chika but if anyone believes Honoka isn't the best leader ever forever then I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

Chuuni is best girl from Aqours.


You have been warned to up your secruity Mari.

I know Kanan will have a role nextweek and will steal nextweek's episode. I know she will.


I really like Chika but I have to agree, it's impossible to top Honk.

Always Rin, it's fate anons, and I love her!

>A lot of people reject Aqours by default simply for not being µ's, taking those opinions into account wouldn't reflect a fair judgment.
Whether the reasons for disliking each group was fair was never stated nor it is actually relevant.

As a ghost maybe.

Kanan will go to Tokyo and just when Aqours start dropping their spaghetti all over the place she'll step up in the stage and save their performance.
You'll see. You'll all see.

Might as well count the opinion of people who didn't even watch one or the other in that case.

Kanan died in an School Idol related accident which was the end of the third year's idol club. She has haunted Mari and Dia ever since.


>Not het op
>thread is shit
Not even surprised

Don't be retarded, as long as they watch both shows it doesn't matter how petty the reasons they have to dislike any of them are.

It's my survey and I get to choose the statistical population!
Seriously though, since we're talking about qualitative preference and not quantitative popularity, this matter is really arbitrary. It would probably be interesting to measure both sets of fans and compare the results actually.

>Aqours in its current state gets destroyed by Saint Snow bitches
>They visit Otonokizaka to find the school closed down (the real reason why Riko transferred)
>Chika loses her drive and Aqours begins to fall apart
>Third years can't bear to see Aqours fall apart so they perform the old song from when they were idols two years ago for them
>Chika is inspired and realizes they can't continue blindly copying µ's and that she should continue for the love of school idols
>Third years join Aqours
>Everyone is happy
>The end
A better ending than we deserve.

>They visit Otonokizaka to find the school closed down (the real reason why Riko transferred)


>Chika realizes they can't continue blindly copying µ's
That would be a good way to tone down the self-references from now on and even retroactively justify its excess if they manage to turn this into a meaningful development for her.

Good luck with that. I'm actually very interested in the results myself.
Why would the third years start an idol group when they can't sing? Mari is a good singer even though her VA isn't using her full potential, Dia is so-so although I particularly like her voice, but Kanan is just bad.

Would you NTR your favorite raibu?


>NTR your favorite raibu
You mean having sex with her boyfriend?

Has anybody else been noticing many of the reaction faces look similar? There was an almost Ren & Stimpy level of variety in the past.

user, you ARE the boyfriend.

When how can I ntr her from someone?

arr rook same

>you ARE the boyfriend

>aqours gained notoriety before they even finished assembling
>u's didn't become relevant until they had 9 members

Aqours confirmed as superior

fuuuuuuuuck yeaaaaaaaaaaah

>gained notoriety
That just means they will crash and burn harder before stepping up and actually achieving something.

But user, that's my future wife.