Is it just me...

Is it just me, or did the popular view of Code Geass switch from "ridiculous bullshit that people enjoy because of how dumb it is" to "true masterpiece that people enjoy because of how smart it is" at some point when I wasn't looking?

It manages to be both at the same time

We call this phenomenon "neo Sup Forums" or "newfags"

It never switched. The former viewpoint is held by people who watched it while it was airing, while the latter viewpoint is held by everyone who was lured here because >muh code trainwreck geass sundays.

>Is it just me, or did the popular view of Code Geass switch from "ridiculous bullshit that people enjoy because of how dumb it is" to "true masterpiece that people enjoy because of how smart it is" at some point when I wasn't looking?

It was actually the other way around. When Code Geass first aired till it finished, tons of people LOVED it, especially on Sup Forums. When Lulu died... Sup Forums really cried and made a shitload of threads about it. Lulu also held the number 1 slot for best male protag for YEARS in some poll in some animu magazine form japan.

Over time newfags came in and started shitting on Code Geass and nobody really cares enough to give a fuck. Now when Sunrise announced the code geass 10 year anniversary thing.. all the old fans are popping up.

So if you joined Sup Forums after the Code Geass craze, it may seem as if Sup Forums hated it back then and then people enjoyed it now but it's really the other way around.

Only people who consider geass a masterpiece are newfags trying to "fit in"

> that people enjoy because of how smart it is
You're either spewing bullshit or lurking in some cancerous places, because I don't think anyone's been saying that. The popular opinion is and always has been that it's ridiculous and over-the-top fun, but only cancerous fucks think that makes something bad. R2 is a different matter, of course.

Yes, but now is "ridiculous bullshit that people enjoy because of how smart it is".

1. neo v is a term originated from Sup Forums to further their shitposting

2. CG had entire episodes devoted to comedy/ecchi, which I feel is appropriate so a drama doesn't come across as overly histronic and thus unrealistic

3. Finally, I feel your use of these terms and inability to appreciative levity is indicative that you are the newfag who favors garbage like rezero and overlord

The SoL parts of Geass were bad, let's not kid ourselves, and the Emperor's plan was a lame knockoff of Instrumentality.

Still, the military/thriller parts were fun and pizza butt was a great character, solid 7.5 overall counting both seasons.

S1 was kind of ridiculous, but you could see where they were planning on going with it. Just enough HAPPENING to make it interesting.

S2 took the notes of where it was going, went from multi-track drifting to jumping the tracks completely and was this ridiculous katamari trainwreck that just kept getting more and more insane. All's you have to do is follow the progression of orange (and the memes surrounding him) through the series to see how crazy everything became.

It became something terrible, but it was a shared terrible. It was fun because everyone was part of the experience that was Sup Forums on the days it aired. If you weren't here for that, s1 is mediocre and s2 is nothing but a mess.

The reason is because people have rewatched the show OP.

CG is extremely dense and fast paced. Lots of symbolism, forshadowing and just general plot developments that it is pretty damn hard to notice or get on the first viewing.
On top of that you have to rewatch it sometime soon after your first viewing to fully get it all.
I was the same way when I watched. Wasn't until I rewatched with the dub that I could notice all the visual symbolism since I didn't have to read subtitles. Then ofcourse on my third rewatch with subs is where it was obvious how many things were hinted at in a weird way that makes much more sense in Japanese syntax.

There is another small reason. Fast paced shows are much more popular lately. Because of all the adaptations recently, a lot of anime tend to rush through their content. Making CG pace much more acceptable nowadays.

I'm not OP, but I enjoy Overlord and still agree with points 1 and 2. What does that mean?

This. The school episodes and the comedy are ridiculous bullshit, but on the other hand, its themes and ideological conflicts presented by the characters are reasonably deep. It's not NGE, but it's not trying to be, even if it did rip off Instrumentality.

only the second season of Code Geass is stupid really and even then not much stupider than the majority of anime

>SoL parts of Geass were bad
Do you people still visit Sup Forums? I thought you anti SoL fags ran off.

Only the first SoL is bad. The rest of them are good and in particular the last one with cupid day was the best. Absolutely great humor which completely fit the style of the show and perfectly matched up with the characterization of everyone. If CG had bad character you might be right, but CG is known for having a great, likable cast.
In fact, the last one is probably one of the best episode in the series.

Also the comments about ripping off instrumentality is retarded and shows how newfag you guys are when you don't realize that CG is just a ton of mecha shows thrown in with Lelouche.

>I thought you anti SoL fags ran off.
What rock have you been living under? I see them at least once a day.

>Also the comments about ripping off instrumentality is retarded and shows how newfag you guys are when you don't realize that CG is just a ton of mecha shows thrown in with Lelouche.
Not him, but the Instrumentality shit really didn't fit, this isn't some sort of rare opinion.

The SoL is bad until you've seen the down time handled in every other mecha in a way that makes naruto filler look meaningful. They did have some funny moments but it would only be like a line or something in the plot focused episodes

Any way what CG did best was its plot, most anime is episodic, next to nothing happens, there's no dramatic twists. You can say something like taxami galaxy and samurai champloo is good, and it is, but it still barely has a plot and nothing unexpected happens

A literal master piece wouldn't have flaw, but I prefer anime with one thing done great than everything above average

>school episodes and the comedy are ridiculous bullshit

They're meant to juxtapose the situation the students are in (living in a world at war) with attempting to have some kind of personal happiness in spite of that kind of turmoil (school festivals). They're important to developing the characters and balancing the dark and heavy mood the show can take at times. It's quite well done and doesn't really feel out of place in the grand scheme of things.

I said "ridiculous bullshit"; I didn't say bad. I thought it was fucking hilarious. It also gave Lulu a down-to-earth aspect of his characterization.

Nor did I say that ripping off Instrumentality is necessarily a bad thing, I was neutral towards it, but come on, you can't deny that it is a fairly blatant ripoff.

Would you give him something to drink?

I tried so hard to get into this since everyone was talking about it but it just felt like a sub-par Gundam series to me with more transparent wish fulfillment.

I don't disagree.

But complaining about CG ripping off evangelion is something only a low level fag would complain about. CG "rips off" much more blatantly from other sunrise shows. Not just references but themes and character dynamics. The only unique thing about this show is really Lelouche's personality and C.C.

>Lelouche's personality and C.C.

If you have seen less than 10 anime, perhaps

So basically what you're saying is CG is good because of le ebin twists

>neo Sup Forums

They're not new Sup Forums, they're Sup Forumsermin garbage. If you ever say that word again I swear to god I will come to you in your sleep and I'll remind you of that really fucking embarrassing moment in your life that you dread being reminded of and only find peace when it is totally out of your head and forgotten.

I didn't mean it as a complaint; it's just something of note.

No there's goals, characters actually move towards them while developing in a way that even clashes with each other, even the antagonist are getting development, in addition to the le ebin twists

Honestly it really detracts from the plot if you can see and predict every thing coming. I prefer the term 'dynamic plot'

What was the point of this character? Is he going to be related to this anniversary thing?

That's every plot driven show, chode gayass is no different because the characters have le goals. Just another mediocre shounen overrated by nostalgia googles.