Trump says Dem rep 'fabricated' account of call to soldier's widow, has 'proof'

Donald Trump via Twitter
> Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!


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Shocked Trump would lie

Has Trump ever lied in his life?

If you believe fake news, everyday since his conception.

Nothing would be funnier if Trump had the phone conversation recorded hahaha

>Trump records all his conversations like Nixon
>Waits for Democrats to pull this stunt
>Stoke the flames with silence
>Laugh heartily as they get BTFO
Why not post the full quote? what too afraid you'll be shown for the truth spinning shit you are?

The widow said she wasn't sure what Trump exactly said LMFAO - you are pathetic

They're awfully desperate now. You know POTUS has that call recorded, it's a damn official White House line! He's just letting them whip themselves into a frenzy before he lays the hammer down.
God I love this man.

It's Mueller time! #CRINGE

Everything he does with the public in terms of interactions is recorded....the NSA have a fresh copy as it went through THEIR lines anyways.

As we all know, a Democratic congresswoman from a swing state would have no reason to smear the president. If she said she has no reason to lie, that means she's telling the truth

> Democratic congresswoman
> No reason to smear the president
chose one

That was the joke.

low-energy today - difficulty getting sarcasm

Also your post is blessed by Kek

The phone calls to vets are likely vetted and filtered through campaign, communications people. And he probably reads something prepared and offers some personal remarks that are 100% nice.

He's giving these phone calls to show up Obama. So he probably tries to be extra nice.

And he likely records these conversations because of what happened with the Pakistani dude during the campaign.

He simply wouldn't trust POCs anymore.

He recorded the phone call.

Why are Democrats so dumb? He probably records anything he says to any Mexican, Arab, black, etc.

He probably won't even meat a woman without his wife or Ivanka around... Mike Pence rule.

I meant MEET.

meat is funnier
get it ?

Go gouge out a kid's eye and make him beg for your gypsy money, you Bulgarian fisherman fuck.

Jesus, what a moron you are. Are you wearing a helmet?

When is the leftist groupthink microchip installed?
Or is it telepathy?
How do they coordinate their projectionism so effectively?

They are told by their late night show hosts reptilian overlords

They transcribe every call, that's why he won't release it

Man i bet he records everything, most sensationalised president ever hes got to.

>the mother and wife of a soldier just waited til their loved one was killed so they could make the president look bad
Trumpfags actually believe this

This Trump fellow seems trustworthy! I will believe him!

You mean like those alleged Comey tapes that never materialized?

You do know that it was the congresswoman who overheard them that claimed Trump said this?
Like literally democrats have every reason in the world to lie about Trump

Why would he release the Comey tapes - he used them to make Comey kneel.

>(s)hillery slams hands onto table
What difference does it make?

I like how he said, "I got proof" but didn't show it or say what it is. i call bluff, he's just trying to win time until this story vanishes from the news

When someone says "I have a proof!" without providing the proof or describing specifically what the proof is, he is most likely lying.

The mother of the soldier verified what the congresswoman said and also said trump disrespected her son in the phone call

Remember when Comey was so brave and Trump mentioned about recordings he had and Comey withdrew and faggotted out?

> disrespected her son in the phone call

WoW He really has proof then - The motherfucker records everything

They're women and black. The black soldier defied his mom and his GF when he enlisted. Did it to get out of the hood.

His women don't appreciate his sacrifice. Democrats pounce on widow and drive her around until Trump calls.

she took the call with the Miami-Dade commissioner and Democratic Representative in the car with her.

No, i remember comey actually testifying in front of congress that Trump was commiting an obstruction of justice.

And i also remember that Trump never provided those tapes

Totally not suspicious digits

the black bitch is a never trumper, who should believe?

You are confused about the timeline. After Trump announced about the tapes, Comey said he won't say shit anymore.

No one actually believes this when the only witnesses are three sheboons, one of which is a Dem senator, and another says "I don't know what he said exactly"
Sounds like nigger bullshit.

wasn't the recording of his phone call to the Mexicans or Australians leaked?

He records outbound calls for Christ's sake.

Trump twitted about the tapes before Comey's testimony to congres, mate.

Let me tell you something. if Trump actually had tapes of those conversation, he would have released them a long time ago

That's why I wrote this

Again: if Trump actually had tapes of those conversations, he would have released them a long time ago.

We are many months after the comey hearings by now, and im still not seeing any tapes being released

>Common Dreams
top kek

Unlike that poor nigga, Drumpf have no clue what he signed up for

Why? That makes no sense. Why not use them as extortion ? Comey claimed shit that wasn't true. Trump said I have tapes and come backed down. Trump doesn't want to destroy people. He just wants to use the tapes as extortion, so he can get his way.

He's autistic enough for me to believe he said it exactly as reported. Just like him throwing paper towel rolls at Puerto Ricans, he's literally autistic and doesn't realize how socially retarded he is

She is a never Trumper FYI

Lol. you are one naive motherfucker.

Comey gave his testimony. If Trump could disprove the testimony using tapes, he would have done it 100%

So you could cry about him releasing classified info again?

You think that a woman who's husband just died cares about making shit up?
Man,that's really sad,how far up Trump's ass you are.You'll literally excuse everything he does,and deny everything that doesn't fit in with your image of him.
Really sad.

These shitheads at work just ate up everything the TV told them. Im so sick of the media and nogs.
Please TV media, tell these dindus to jump off a bridge! There, solved the problem.

The Comey tapes weren't recorded phone calls. They were recording Trump allegedly made during a face to face meeting.

He claims he didn't make them but that could be double speak.

His "lawyer" may have recorded Comey or maybe a Secret Service body cam.

The president might have had a body cam on him for his security.

>>Laugh heartily as they get BTFO
Nobody will get BTFO unless he releases those recordings

Was that before or after he committed multiple counts of documented perjury?

Are you are fucking retarded. if trump had tapes that prove him right he could have easily released them.

And if they contained any "classified" info he could easily censore them or just give it to the justice department to prove that comey was lying.

But he didn't do that, because Trump is full of shit. and anyone with a brain can see it

She is a never Trumper. Now you see why she is trying to lie?

Or maybe Trump never had any tapes and he is just bullshitting because he knows naive nimrods like you are going to believe him

Trump only lies to his non-fans.

If she's black, yes. If she's in a car with a devoted never Trumper, yes. If the price is right, yes. If there is fame involved, yes.

Democrats making accusations without thinking. They're butthurt at Trump taking on the NFL-BLM kneeling protests. They're butthurt Trump is dismantling Obamacare. They're butthurt they are getting BTFO.

They're butthurt and desperate.

Trump should release the recording. If the family is attacking, they already broke confidentiality.


glad they told me how to feel, i wasn't sure


You really think it's something that Trump would never say?
You think he has compassion?

You're gullible as fuck man.


Party operatives are slimey. She has 3 kids to feed

> new car
> 500,000 dollars from Harvey Weinstein
> vacation to Hawaii
> meet your favorite black celebrity
> wine and dine

Think I just got an STD from seeing this. Why are most Dems so white they are almost see through?

It really is time to get rid of this asshole. One way or another. He is NOBODY'S president. A failure and a loser forever.

I think he was reading from a card typed out by a lawyer, and nigs gonna nig.

Trump will touch nothing and change nothing. He aren't even letting him speak in public. Read it an weep. It's all coming to an end.

"He knew what he was getting into" is an aknowlagment of bravery. (((Democrat))) family using his death to push ideology. The weak and feeble live in the shadow of brave men.

> He aren't

This is what it looks like when the entire country rejects the fake president. LOL. I LOVE my country!!! NO TRUMP EVER!!!

(Agenda completely stalled and shut down).

He didn't know what he was getting into. He was a dumb nigger

>not using Ordinator's perk mod
Fucking pleb.


says the russian shill. you lost dude. you lost. Trump is garbage. Get a real job.




That's not something anyone would write.
It's literally something that a sociopath would say,without thinking too much-because they don't feel compassion,they just learn how and what to say,and sometimes it goes terribly wrong.


Please keep crying for the next 7 years. Very entertaining.

Awww poor baby. 7 more years pussy LOL

You're doing it wrong
You're far to obvious

Maybe one day you can be as patriotic as that "dumb nigger".

I have no doubt they are lying.

Just look at teverything they ever said about the BLM people, or the college "rapes", or the Knees together judge.

They lie about everything.

So you're saying the mom and wife of a dead soldier just couldn't wait til he was killed so they could lie and try to make the president look bad? So the mother is a liar because her congresswoman is a never Trumper?

Cindy Sheehan 2.0

Still waiting on proof either way.

>for the next 7 years
Got some bad news for you

What was the full quote?
Because the news story's headline is not the full quote.

They buried it in the middle between two advertisements.

Looks like he’s still there. Stay mad fag.


You guys know this is an old nigger move from al sharpton's playbook don't you? Rile up the dindus and get white guilt libcucks to donate money to the family. It's why trayvon and the gentle giants families are millionaires now. Doesn't matter if this a proven lie people won't care and will just say fuck you we're resisting!

So you’ll just willing believe someone who is probably being promised the world if they go along with this? Idiot.

yo your late to give trump his noon blow job. hes waiting...


Sure, kid. Even Bloomberg is saying he will probably get a second term because of the economy