You and your Homeboy Goblin Slayer are taking care of a bunch of Goblins who set up a nest, when this Motherfucker comes out of nowhere and tells you to stop killing his people. What do?
You and your Homeboy Goblin Slayer are taking care of a bunch of Goblins who set up a nest...
Stab his dick. For monk girl.
Ask him how he got so ripped.
Quickly one shot that fake ass goblin wannabe, then proceed to kill more gobs.
sorry but we need your souls and then me and GS keep switching aggro while the other take pot shots
Kill him....
break out the poison and hope to shit I have enough
>Stab his dick. For monk girl
She ask for it.
is that goblin eating her ass
Shoot him, probably/
>that well toned ass falling to goblin cock
cryin shame
Tell him he's an Oni and therefore actually not a goblin or its evolved form in this series.
Push Goblin Slayer away and immediately cast Hell Ball.
Hey if I can insert into a fantasy world I should be able to pic my level and class.
But is he drunk and happy?
Will there be more gob rape scenes in the manga or this pretty much it?
Will manga have more gob rape scenes?
wait until sigmar took over his body after his two arm is torn off by the demon.
>you will never sex a monk with boots on
Why even be a humie?
Dumb gob who says I can't do that AND get her to join my party after.
Ask him about the secret to such natty gains.
She was already part of some pretty boy's harem so I guess you do have a point.
Goblins with suicide bombers and giant beetle riders are the best Goblins.
Giant Spider as well
Doujins fucking when.
I hope someone rapes your ass IRL for that.
POCKET SAND HIS ASS and run like hell
Destroy the enter way for the nest
>Be naked in a room full of rapist
>Not expecting Rape
There's a time and a place for everything, but not in a room full of rapist
Where is this being uploaded? Are there new uploads past 3?
just picked it up. this is the new berserk
Present ass and hope it pleases him
Looks like I'm about to be GOBBED
He died like a bitch anyway.
Oh great. Well, I am not super invested like I am with Berserk, so maybe in a few months or years if its still around I can binge. Not good to be irregular so early though.
Will there be more rape in the manga? Heard it goes to shirty harem. I'm only here for the gob rape
One or two more for the first volume unknown rape for the second and third volumes.
Rumor has it the Japs are pissed because they couldn't self-insert after what happen.
it's not irregular, it's monthly
only a little, and it doesnt become a harem because GS literally does not give a single fuck about anything other than goblins and goblin related defenses
SM's entire backstory is basically rape.
Don't you know?
It's licensed by Yen Press
then you better stay away from mosques
Self-insert fags should be gobbed.
>Japs are pissed because they couldn't self-insert after what happen.
Well, it looks like the tables have turned. I offer to show them were more girls to rape are and join them.
Sorry my homeboy is Rou and he'll be eating eveyone.
Challenge him to a dance-off.
Slay him.
The only good goblin is a dead goblin
The only correct answer
Not all Gobs are bad, some are dead.
Wash my hands in his blood and fat
*unzips glasses*
*teleports behind back*
Psshhh, nothing personnel, kid
*cuts goblin to 21 pieces*
Who gets raped though?
Why the fuck every story should be about self insert? I just root for GS.
An oni being a goblin is about as stupid as goblins being able to level up into demon over in Re:Monster. Might as well call dragons and golems goblins, too.
>mfw the story clearly makes a distinction between ogres and goblins
>mfw Sup Forums will continue to meme about it
Dragons and golems are goblins.
You are goblin. Oh shit I am a Goblin!
If it ain't human, it might as well be a goblin.
Welp, time to murder everything that ins't human
Well what the fuck is he gonna do? "Not a goblin, my murder boner is gone, let's go home"?
Clean the earth of their abnormal filth, hero.
maybe gs and friends wouldn't have been btfo by the beholder if it'd worked like that
That's not far from what the actual hero is doing.
Goblin Slayer = Restless Armor (DQ)
Priestess = Priestess (DQ3)
Cow Girl = Aki Mikage (Silver Spoon)
Guild Girl = Chihiro (Cinderella Girls)
Elf Archer = Sinon (SAO)
Dwarf Shaman = Netero (HxH)
Lizard Priest = Kiyonari Ulquiaga (Horizon)
Lancer = Lancer (FSN)
Sorceress = Sorceress (Dragon's Crown)
Heavy Warrior = Guts
Female Knight = Agrias Oaks
Cow Girl's Uncle = Iwark Briar
Hero = Haruhi Suzumiya and Najimi Ajimu
God = Truth (FMA)
Goddess = Ultimate Madoka
Goblins = Terraformars
Ogre = Kars
Call for a Witcher.
Also love the FMA reference.
But he is not a Goblin, he is an Oni. And no, they can't evolve into Oni. It's not Re: Copying Powers Is For Fags.
Does Female Knight get gobo cock?
How could that guy base Goblins on Terraformars, if these magnificent creatures of Mars and those stinky lowly gobs are nowhere close?
>Goblin Slayer = Restless Armor
Start mirin while saying o homo contantly
Let us end this violence.
Can't, GS Goblins are violent midgets who would kill a perfect breeding specimen (for them) just because she hit one of them. They also need rape to not die out, apparently.
Violence is the only language these mongrels understand.
Become fluent.
the goblin dick was censored out
goblins are nothing like terraformars
goblins are weak shit and not a major threat in the setting
a few farmers and newbie adventurers getting killed is not a big deal
higher ranked adventurers could easily wipe out all the goblins if they wanted
Who drew that pic?
That guy
It's just a list of who represented each character in the original version, user. Also Guts said even for silver ranks, they aren't guaranteed to win against goblins (about 99% win rate).
They're both lying, it was actually this guy.
wat is Sup Forums job anyway?
Knowing Sup Forumsnon, he'd go for a trap heal slut.
This man Speaks the Truth
Except the elves!
is she pregnant ?
You can't fool anyone with those pads, sayaka.
Did she program Big Rigs?
couldn't find source, halp?