What kind of information should be outlawed?

So, with precedents such as the UK jailing people for viewing things like Sup Forums, (archive.is/AUMOj) how far will it go?

Will we see online discussion of events banned? Will we see the complete destruction of political discourse?
What about other things that the state may deem unacceptable?
What about porn? Will we see ridiculous regulations like you can't view drawn images like hentai or loli?

How far will this go, and what can be done to ensure freedom of speech, rather than power of the state?

Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't hate speech already outlawed in most yuropoor countries? As far as I'm aware, loli is banned in the UK too, and small breasts in Australia.

you know how it is
they crack down on free speech and two weeks later the communist will ravage each other because no one can agree on what should be baned

if im not going to be jaild i'll make sure to make a livestream of the executions

>small breasts in Australia

Does this result in anarchy or more extremism bolshevik style? (Get people to betray group, destroy group, get people from the group that did that to betray, etc ad nauseum)

Everything must be censored, THINK OF THE CHILDREN

bolshevik ofcourse don't forget that angela merkel and many other leading politicians grew up in the eastern germany under communist rule

half a year ago they had conversations about reeducation camps
im hoping for some seriously delicious media war slandering and bitching, people getting arrestet and suicided, all that stuff might be hilarious

just a distant dream at this point but who knows

> small breasts in AustrAlia
I remember that

>half a year ago they had conversations about reeducation camps
I don't remember that. Got an article, or something I can search?
>arrested and suicided
That's actually happening in the USA right now with all the shit going on, but it sounds bad in Germany.

I hope it's at least entertaining.


first seth rich now the Las vegas shooting
the card house seems to colapse now

kinda hyped for the newyears massacars don't know if i should go to colone or berline for some potential habbening

>see taiga
>get reminded of my friend that used her as pfp everywhere
>same friend i decided to stop talking to because gf's autism
>gf left me and is now getting goldstein'd
>literally converted into a kike
>get here because of that
>remain because tfw no gf & bro

Thanks for reminding, nigger.