'Africans cannot farm'

sorry Sup Forums but you're showing your ignorance of the world again. Africans can farm - but have you ever tried to farm when there is the Tsetse fly?

INB4 Zimbabwe. Tsetse flies do not inhabit this region

Tsetse flies, through the cyclical transmission of trypanosomiasis to both humans and their animals, greatly influence food production, natural-resource utilization and the pattern of human settlement throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that the annual direct production losses in cattle alone amount to between US$6 000 million and $12 000 million, while animal deaths may reach 3 million.

Tsetse-transmitted trypanosomiasis is unique in that it has considerable impact over a vast area of some 9 million km2, where it so profoundly influences and distorts the patterns and density of agriculture that they are often contrary to the demand and the resource potential.

>"There's nothing that has made its mark on this continent as much as tsetse fly, tt's so subtle and invisible, and doesn't get in the news. But this is the reason why crop and livestock production are separate here.

>"You can imagine what it has meant for the continent that you have to walk everywhere on foot, and that all farm work has to be done by hand."

>"There's nothing that has made its mark on this continent as much as tsetse fly," said Mr Kabayo. "It's so subtle and invisible, and doesn't get in the news. But this is the reason why crop and livestock production are separate here.

>"You can imagine what it has meant for the continent that you have to walk everywhere on foot, and that all farm work has to be done by hand."

Other urls found in this thread:


>Ethnic groups inhabiting TseTse-suitable areas were less likely to use domesticated animals and the plow, less likely to be politically centralized, and had a lower population density. These correlations are not found in the tropics outside of Africa, where the fly does not exist. The evidence suggests current economic performance is affected by the TseTse through the channel of precolonial political centralization.


Now, imagine trying to farm in a place where one bite from this fly could literally kill you - and any attempts at agriculture, mixed agriculture or any form of this on a large scale literally invites more and more of the flies to prey on you, your people and your livestock.

>Mr. John Kabayo, who heads the Addis Ababa coordination office of the Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC), says that the most challenging problem facing Africa remains rural poverty, which is intrinsically linked to food insecurity. "If you look at this disease," he told Africa Recovery, "you see that nothing has been more significant in the way it shaped the continent of Africa. It is because of tsetse that there are few horses in Africa, that we get a separation of crop and animal production, that there is no mixed farming."

>Can't have horses because flies instantly kill them
>Cattle are killed by the flies.

How does your civilisation advance if all forms of large livestock are killed by Tsetse flies?

Would Europe have advanced if it had no cows, horses or sheep? I don't think so.


Nobody got any decent arguments against this?
I guess white folk just like to scream about how useless Africans are all the fucking time.

Sup Forums absolutely BTFO.

woah, so you are telling me a single fly defeated all african civilizations?

Well Mr Genius, I guess there must have been a sudden Tsetse-fly epidemic when Niggers took over Chimpbabwe?
I guess Detroit had a Tsetse-fly epidemic of it's own?

>sucked on one too many nigger dicks
>jumps to defence of Africans
>blames it on a fly. an insect.

Poor bait,

Just look at how Europe, in this example Great Britain, transformed vast swathes of African rich arable land into the bread basket of Africa.

>a fucking fly!

>Now, imagine trying to farm in a place where one bite from this fly could literally kill you

Please tell me this entire post is a troll. WE DID FARM IN AFRICA YOU STUPID FUCK, we made it the breadbasket of the world and then niggers broke it