is he worth listening to or a con artist?
Quick Rundown on Jordan Peterson?
He's good to listen to while cleaning your room.
Why not listen and form your own opinion ladm8?
shit is too long
Pretty much. He's just like any modern popular philosopher, only redpilled.
He saved his father from the belly of a whale with a single phone call
There are countless small segments of his speeches on youtube.
he rips off Karl Jung or something along the lines
Germs have a lot of this sort of literature
Yeah but he articulates it in a way that resonates with most young males today who have no idea what to do with their life.
Try his first appearance with Joe 'it's so strange' Rogan, it's pretty easy going and you'll get an idea if you like his style or not.
do the work for me I'm lazy. someone needs to get sorted
>I'm a retarded millennial with the attention span of a coked up monkey
Is that the moon man?
when i imagine the future, in the west, i think of jordan peterson's head being smashed in by a nigger with a cinderblock.
He makes millions by giving baby boomer tier advice to fatherless milennials.
Very accurate.
Enh, I'd add, "plus he backs it up with biology and data" - like the fact that lobsters have dominance hierarchies (older than trees!), and the fact that nazis are about cleanliness, not authoritarianism. And the fact that it was, AND IS, protective to be xenophobic.
The Jung stuff is speculative, but gratifying.
Very much so. He stops short, which IMHO, is too bad but if he didn’t I suppose they would smash him like a bug, so he is good in that respect. He will tell you everything there is to know about the red pill, he will describe it, implies what the meaning is, all kinds of things just short of the pill itself. That step you have to do on your own anyway so maybe it is just as well.
is it really looking this bad in the west?`? I'm in EU but I had hopes for u.s.
Just in the cities where the retards live.
i stopped listening to him after he told me that hitler is actually much worse than we've been told (even).
It's fine here. Not as good as it used to be but there's still a large population (~50%) of people that still support American values. Maybe 30% would support a violent defense of individual liberty. The U.S. is very different than what you see on CNN or Sup Forums
not really. we have geography and demographics on our side. whites in europe are old and crowded in cities. the continent has a land connection to the middle east and is separated from africa by a puddle.
our whites are younger. we aren't crowded into massive urban centers and we have two oceans separating us from the old world.
Even that kike Weinstein was like "Well c'mon he wasn't that bad".
JP is a fucking cuck.
that's why you'll always be stupid
you do not put effort into being smart
ergo you will never be
Is that a protobog?
This is what Trumpies actually believe.
Newsflash: very, very soon whites will be a minority in America and will have zero power - politically or otherwise.
I hope the Browns are nicer to you, than you are to them. I doubt it though.
One thing is for sure: the clock to no return is ticking. Fast.