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No fuck off, scatalan.

So what actually is the reason people hate Catalonia so much?

Stop being antifags.

Watching it burn will be enjoyable I imagine

Ayy, they turned off ratings and comments. That's how you can tell it's really in touch with the will of the people.

because pol is filled with retarded bootlicking faggots faggots who think spain is still ruled by Franco

Nobody actually hated Cataluña before they become crybabbies despiste being one of the most priviledged areas in Spain.
Now people are tired of their shit.

There are people in Spain that think the same by francoist followrs.

Help why? They are trying to cause a civil war, saving Europe would mean helping Spain so they can stop this madness

Rebuttal of this pathetic bullshit

>that they are ruled by francoist followers

Cry some more, only makes me harder.

Fuck Catalonia.

It's 2017. We don't need more shitty broken up countries in Europe.

Spain should just have crushed you by now.

How about those weak cucks help themselves?

>illegal vote
>why they beat us :c

>we are an open society

Nice plug there Soros. Glad the new load of money has been put to good use undermining western civilization.


Could it have something to do with it being a communist / globalist insurgency funded and paid for by the same people destabilizing all of europe incrementally ??
I just can´t know user, it´s almost unknowable.


>we are pacifists
you're literally trying to start a civil war, just obey your masters you third world scum and shut the fuck up

>attempts to "peacefully" steal a part of a sovereign nation, just as if a foreign nation would invade and occupy a piece of your land
>why do they persecute me so

Based Spain also this is the same video like the Im Ukrainian one... Just commie roasties sperging out. Spain should now send all gypsies niggers and muslims to Catalonia if they like them so much.


>North Korea
>Middle East
>Planet 9
>George Soros


Crush them all Spain

Catalonia splitting off is yet another threat to the EU. The EU is revving up all their thugs and shills to stop them from splitting off and encouraging others to do the same.

DIE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!
fucking niggers

>wants balkanization

Then buy my General Franco figurines! We donate 0.00001 Euro to good causes for every one purchased! Your cause could be next, lucky Catalan separatists! Only 1000 Euro each (excl. shipping and sales tax)!!!

I was supportive of catalonian independence , after all they have their own language and support more to the tax system than they get.
But after this video i now want them to remain under spanish control forever.

Holy shit , this people are cucked they want independence and all they say about why it would be good is supporting cucked eu and picture of kebabs.

Literally why the hell do you want independence if you will remain under the eu that supports spain and want to gain support for your cuase showing videos of muzzies who are overbreeding you.

you catalans are truly retarded.

They are truly retarded to think they would even be in the EU after they split

>We are an open society
What did she mean by this?

lol is this part of the 18 billion soros money?
couldn't watch past 10 seconds.

I actually liked them - right up until I saw the "Refugees welcome" sign in this bitch's video. It's like there are no good people left any more.

Yep the video is literally a replica of Im An Ukrainian one, look it up. Soros commie shills.

500 years and all a sudden.. You psychopath chumps need to stop partying all day long getting aids in the process and focus on world peace after that we may speak... case close.. Now try to die in silence you sliding important news

THIS >145758854

Catalonian are commies

jews want us in smaller and smaller weak countries until we all live in village sized communites that dopn't have economies or any quality of life.

Nothing to do with their constant brainwashing of children in school in Catalonia and Balearic Islands, right, right? All that propaganda. Look at the video in the OP. Disgusting.


yup, same video

Aren't they still not independent cause their elected leaders cucked out and suspended independence 12 seconds after declaring it or something?
What help do they need in this regard?


The real reason is that they could've won their independence by now, only to cuck themselves to stay in the EU.
So, fuck em


wait what ???? i thought catalonians hate the eu and that's why they hate the spanish government because they are apart of the eu which continues to fuck them over. i'm such a brainlet

Shut up you commie fags.

Just when Soros put his 18 billions into his (((Open Society))) foundation.


>Refugees Welcome

Kill them all, Spain


ftfy commie


Lol Muricans definitely have no idea about nothing about Spain.

Cucktalans are the most (((progressive))) and pro EU people in the country. In all their concentrations there are hundreds of EU flags and papers trying to call Merkel's attention.

Let them get independent. And let's how long will they last.


Catalonia is the wealthiest region of Spain, probably due to EU bennies and their close proximity to central Europe than say, Portugal and even Andalusia.

ok so the cucklatans hate you guys because you don't follow merkel enough ? or do they think that e.u. will prop up their little separation ?

>balkanization is good, goy
>let's all balkanize so we all be independent
>what do you mean small states are easier to control and bully
>we would never do that
>after all we aren't evil nazis are we

Catalonian are basically spains version of california

To be fair they speak their own language and only became a weaker absorbed state during Franco's rule, where he made speaking and reading in Catalan illegal and made ethnic Spaniards to move to Barcelona

Apart of the Francoist help, businesses had lots of incentives from the Francoist Regime (yeah, the same one they cry and hate now) to be placed over there since it has a good location.

Their complaints are just ridiculous.


Oh look, yet another Russian production.

RIP Catalonia. Spain needs to put tanks there and hang Russian agents.

>businesses had lots of incentives from the Francoist Regime (yeah, the same one they cry and hate now) to be placed over there

That was also to drown out the native Catalan people and add more of a nationalist Spanish influence to the region. He also supported Spanish citizens moving to Catalonia

>We are pacifists

Pacifism is a tool of the agents of decay. It is the choice weapon of cowards and evil men that allows them to push their degenerate agenda of destruction forward. The men who are against time embrace violence as that the only way, in the world in which we live, to fight against tide of decay.

How can anyone fall for this garbage? These people are pathetic and evil and deserve nothing but scorn.

Yes. Also remember, all the industry was moved to Catalonia and Basque Country through history, specially in the late 19th century. Extremadura and Andalusia are "poor" for this reason. Like Seville had the biggest silk industry in Europe or even in the world and it was dismantled in favor of Catalonia, a region always favored by the central government with protectionists policies in expenses of the rest of the Kingdom. To think they cry because andalusians and extremenians (?) moved to Catalonia and other regions, when the migrations was caused preciselly by this...

>speaking and reading in Catalan
Meme language without any relevance to the world.
>absorbed state during Franco's
They were never an independent state, they were part of Kingdom of Aragon, so unless entire ex kingdom wants to fuck off they have no historical claim for independence

They were absorbed into Spain when the Castillians merged Iberian land into one state.

It's all about the moneyz. They think they will have a better economy without Spain. There was no independentism before 2007.
They want the independence BUT they want to keep the Spanish nationality (so they can enter and get out whenever they want), they want us to pay their welfare and their social security, they want to keep the borders open, and they want to keep in the EU.

All those things I just said here is true, said by their own politicians. I think it's just crazy. They want to steal part of our land, they don't even have 60% of support, and wanna mess around?

Ridiculous scheme, and I think it's all backed by people that want to apply he "divide and conquer" stuff. It may be Soros, it may be Russia, but this stuff is not natural at all.

>They were never an independent state, they were part of Kingdom of Aragon

*Are true.

First because it wasn't Castille, it was the kings of Castille and Aragon the ones who unified the kingdoms.
Second because it was not Catalonia, it was the entire Crown of Aragón.

She wants to say a bunch of bull shit like "I'm a European citizen" and "We are an open society" so I say fuck her. Nope, destroy the scum and the commies on the streets.

>they were part of Kingdom of Aragon

Only partially, unless you're referring to the Crown

Yo man I'm scared. This morning I saw a suspicious woman with a bag near my house.
She was ugly as sin and on her jacket was written some Catala gibberish
Are you guys going to LARP as etarras now?
Please tell me if that old witch was a sleper agent, and delay the bombing of Madrid while I can get out. some of us are alright, I swear
I liked Ronaldinho

I fucking hate so much these shitty propaganda videos with that "dramatic" kind of speech and that same shitty kind of music in the background HOLY SHIT

>they had to hide the comments so people don't call them on their bullshit for presenting police attacks of other dates and the progress bar of likes and dislikes.

Its not about the EU. Fuck the EU. This video is just plain propaganda.
The independentist movement is divided by 2 parts IMO: The commies and the cuckservatives. The first ones we know who are, your typical self entitled edgy faggot, like the bitch in the video. The other (CiU) are just a caste of leechs who always supported the national parties (PP and PSOE), and also are a bunch of corrupts who have steal public money from the catalans. These leechs has been feed by PP and PSOE, the two big parties, for partisan reasons, like "if you support me in my rule I give you X". The same with the PNV (basques cuckservatives, also independentists). CiU and their associates always called themselves "nationalists" but never declared a real will of independence, the most extreme thing was asking for catalonia to be a free associated state (like puerto rico and USA), but after the the corruption scandals was discovered they just became the most independentists party ever, and are responsible of all what is happening.
There are also international leechs that are supporting them for their own reasons.

I wish I could gather all those retarded Catalonians who told me there's no way they won't get independence again so I could laugh at them.

Especially the guy who kept pulling up Eastern Europe as an example for why weaker communities can totally break away non-violently.

It doesn't matter. If you never had independent state you have no historical claim for independence. Same with Ukraine, which bolsheviks had to transition into a separate republic in USSR in order to give it legitimacy to false Ukrainian identity and their own meme language.

They hid the upvote/downvote bar too.

Do Catalonians actually expect this be some sort of peaceful independence, AND expect the EU to just accept a state that single handedly killed one of its members states economically? Even if I do feel like Spain is acting like a giant asshole in this situation, they are more in the right when it comes to the legal and economic ramifications. As we have already seen, multiple businesses are leaving Catalonia because businesses inherently support large state countries as supposed to unstable territories, and the entire movement IS illegal as per the Spanish constitution. The EU has already decided to leave Catalonians high and dry, so what makes them somehow keen on wanting Catalonian membership? All these faggot waving "SAVE US" signs to the EU even though the EU has already said "no" is hilarious

I think historical claims shouldnt be the end-all be all. If they are culturally, ethnically, and linguistically distinct then they should be given a platform to debate and vote for independence.

The separratas are sjw level of retard, just brainwashed from childhood

Between selfentitled fags and government leechs you have your entire population.

Cataluña libre mierda.

Catalonia neither had any idea how they plan to gain independence, nor would they know what to do with it.

Their independence movement is also a meme. Just that people forgot that it's supposed to be a meme. It only existed so they could offload the blame for whenever something went wrong onto the other side.


now seriously,just fuck off and go to jail already indepecucks

This reminds me somewhat of Crimea. They, too, had a referendum. Except this time, the referendum isn't backed by a superpower.


Ahahahhahahha C U C K E D

Bunch of brexiters want to leave the EU because immigration and taxation. "open society" my ass when they want more borders to keep out innocent migrants.

>why do you burgers need guns herp derp

Catalonians violated their constitution and local laws, they have no historical or cultural claim(meme language is not enough), and they will not become independent if they separate, they will be owned by EU bureaucracy and will have no voice whatsoever.

Why the fuck are the Mods leaving up cuckalonia threads?

It's a not a fucking threat to the EU, this is the biggest fucking meme. All it will do is hurt spain, nothing else.

In the grand scheme of things as long as these small countries take their daily does of cuck pills. The EU doesn't care who is in charge of their puppet states.

sweep the leg catalonia.

That's because the constitution says that Spain's regions cannot split away, I think the last constitution may have been chartered under Franco

Yes. I know three guys from there and all they do is spout Ghandi meme quotes about how peaceful resistance will win them the fight all day long.
Or well, they did until they got BTFO. Since then I heard nothing about politics from them.