How to not die alone?

>"We want men to chase after us, we want their attention, we want them to make us feel wanted"

after living 27 years without a companion, without love, just being lonely, finally put up the courage to get yourself out of that misery and approach new people, just a nice conversation or having a coffee together would already be awesome after all those lonely years.
Despite the debate about sexism muster the last bit of courage and approach a women.

"hello beauti-"

I guess this sounds kinda whiny and self loathing, but after 26 years i have sadly become cynical.
I only ever had sex/relationship with a woman from age 22-23 and she was riding the cock caroussel way too much for my stomach to handle.
I have lost hope in ever having kids in a stable family.
Even when you find a girl that you work out well with and have good sex, she will just dump you at the next best opportunity.

I think it's time to abandon the last bit of hope and just accept the sad reality that once you've been born a beta, you are just meant to be alone.
Women are beyond repair in the current society

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>I guess this sounds kinda whiny and self loathing
Don't forget pathetic



>why won't a woman just fall into my lap
You do realize it's a competition to pass on your genes right? You don't win by sitting on the sidelines

If that's what happens when you speak to a girl then it's your fault. Here's a list of solutions that might help you out
>Handsome face, either natural or via surgery. You can afford being a bit overweight or skinny with a good face
>Get fit. Muscles never ever hurt your chances unless you go retarded with steroids
>If nothing else works get rich.

Men are better than women because women today try to be men. They could be the best women possible if they tried, but they don't, so they never will be.
The sooner you realize that they need you more than you need them the sooner you can stop being neurotic and start enjoying women without making them into madonna/whore angels.
They're overgrown children. Treat them accordingly.



Well since you seem to like brown women that probably means you're brown yourself, so, that's good.

You could do surrogacy.

If you aren't Chad, you have no business hitting on women. The end.

The gross, ugly, stupid, and shitskins are not wanted by anyone, including women.

9/10 women belong to 1/10 of the men and that's how it should be. No pussy dweebs need to scrape the bottom of the barrel for women or just invest in VR for sexual purposes.

Women don't want unattractive men hitting on them. That's not wrong. They don't want your compliments. They want compliments from guys they actually want to fuck. There's nothing wrong with that. It's the same principle as it not being transphobic to not fuck "women" with cocks because you don't want them.

how to not die alone?


you were born alone

you will die alone

>just be yourself

I'm not going to meme about personalities and "muh confidence". All it leads to is despair and disgust. You can get a grill whatever you are, pathetic fag or striding chad. Doesn't mean that she will be a 10/10.

tfw bound to be a lonely old hag, unmarried with 10 cats. not because I was a whore in college but because the only boyfriend I ever had was murdered and now I literally can’t date anyone else, lest I be a whore. We were gonna spend our lives together and have strawberry blonde white babies. now I’m literally useless and probably gonna kill myself. So in summary OP there’s good girls out there, they’re just either taken or too depressed with the current state of the western world to even want to try dating.

>Accept defeat.
Yeah later dude. Go black pill er whatever and be all depressed and shit. I'm going to keep fighting without you.

>in 2017
The sexbots are here faggot it's time to throw away the old and busted whores

If you don't have women approaching you, you're doing it wrong.
Get new hobbies and enjoy life.
If you don't enjoy life and aren't generally pleasant to be around then you won't ever get a girlfriend, or more friends for the matter. Change your outlook, do something different, don't be afraid to speak, but don't just hand out compliments either, have some self respect. Take care of yourself, educate yourself, build your body & mind. live in the moment and go outside into the world. Worrying about things is living in the past and the future, not in the now.

Be a suicide bomber

>get new hobbies
Lol I cant just decide I like tennis tomorrow

>tfw havent gotten laid in 4 months

Vogue covers make me sweat now

You copulated with a woman before marriage. You have no one to blame for women being vain and bad partners than yourself.

Only betas give up.

>haven't been laid in 4 months
Try 3 years, faggot

You are like a baby
22 years
Have never touched a woman in my entire life

As a 29 year old male who has pretty much spent all my twenties fucking as many bitches as possible, I can tell you that millennial women are a total lost cause. Even in the last couple years that I've changed my mind from not wanting kids to wanting kids and a more traditional relationship (after I finally broke the conditioning), I found that the vast majority of women my age are not changing their minds. The only way to solve the problem is to skip them and start knocking up generation Z's. Eventually they will realize the huge mistake, I know a couple that already have. They are turning 30 and realizing they can't find a good man. We are men. We can have kids well into our forties if necessary. We will prevail

Try 29

cheers mate.

I do find it a shame that my generation is going to lose many great gene pools, good friends of mine will never keep what they got going. Oh well, at least millennial won't be raising a generation of super pussies I suppose

>I found that the vast majority of women my age are not changing their minds
Fellow 29 year old here, i can confirm
Women who are 25+ still act as if they are 20 and they are still in many cases coveted by many many men so there is no "why am i alone?" scare they need to go against

If you ever hear a woman saying "I cant find a man, God i feel so alone" or something similar just know she has hundreds of guys hitting on her but she doesnt want any of those guys.
She is looking for the perfect guy but she wont give any guy a chance

"Muh must be 6'3" drive a Mercedes and have 6 figure income and by the way I've fucked 200 dudes"
Seriously why even waste time on these broads? Lost cause

millennials are beyond repair. not women in general.
try fucking older women. they are like housewives with jobs. its great.
I fucked girls 10-15 years older than me through my 20's.
and I'll switch to gen z if they end up being redeemable.

Honestly, i havent met girls my own age who have specific demands like this but more on the terms of "I want him to make me feel a special type of way" but she doesnt want to get to know him because he doesnt make her feel that type of way

Its kind of like an employer wanting you to give a kickass interview but refusing to set a date or tell you where they are

That is true. However I live in a very shallow and vain city so it's somewhat common here

This, fuck nu/pol/.

How old are you? Tbqh if he got murdered you are allowed to find a new one. Did you not read the rulebook?
Not even a single mom. Stop being depressed holy shit, eat some food, drink water, start exercize and get SUN LIGHT. Fuck the phone and the computer and the candy.

>be bluepilled, women like that
kys the west is burning

I’m some beta fag that won’t get in shape or improve myself in any way: the post

Lmao 4 years get on my level. Basically became a robot despite having been a lightly autistic near-normie for years.

This is absolutely insane user. No really, insane. Do people not hang out in groups where you grew up? Or did you have literally 0 friends?

Op is a faggot scared of dying. Everyone dies alone nigger.

This is my plan after my /fit/ness lifestyle regime change

But I want the most beautiful woman in the world although she doesn’t want me because I’m not the best man in the world!

Women are so SHALLOW and focused on looks

Bitches are everywhere.

>muster the last bit of courage and approach a women.
>"hello beauti-"

Really? That's your opener?

I have 2 friends
I don't like socialising/meeting new people

>But I want the most beautiful woman in the world
Nice strawman user, very impressive.
Did you make it yourself?

Most men want a cute girl and this is open to interpretation, the only real foul you can commit as a woman is to be fat.
If a woman is fat she will struggle in dating

>How dare women have standards and not get fucked by everyone they meet?

Five minutes later...

>women have been fucked by too many guys those whores!

Most cute women want a handsome guy

Guys who aren’t handsome think they deserve cute girls and cute girls are bitches for not liking them...

t. Roastie
No man works or thinks like this. Or idk maybe a complete psychopath or schizoid one.

>the best woman possible
>implying if you are correct men still wouldnt be better at it than us
if pol is right the only thing a woman will do better than a man is be a womb and sex object.

Youre still strawmanning, user. I didnt say any of those things
I could care less about women having been fucked by other guys, its the last thing on my mind if i talk to a chick.

Point is many women my age are dishonest when they say they are alone, they might feel alone but they do nothing to meet guys.
The flip side exists as well, i know several girls who are 30 this year and havent been single since they were 14 years old

I litterally said its open to interpretation, cute varies from guy to guy. The only thing most guys have in common is the generally accepted "no fat chicks" rule and it makes sense because being fat is unhealthy

Cute girls want good looking guys but they set the standard too high and reject all the guys who approach and then bitch about being alone, thats the issue. They are allowed to have standards but you cant set impossible standards and then complain about the standards youve set yourself. Cant have both

I'm some beta fag who will change himself to be liked: the comment

>once you've been born a beta, you are just meant to be alone.
>Women are beyond repair in the current society
i've been seeing shit like this a lot recently
you don't deserve to have offspring, you need to compete to be able to make offspring
it IS your fault if you can't find a girl to have kids with
so stop blaming women and better yourself or contribute towards the invention of artificial wombs

The real red pill. Stopped looking for 10s and settled for a smart 6 with a nice ass. Good mother, decent wife, minimal chance of cheating and if she did, get a new one, big deal. Betas who chase 10s with zero success and never learning from their error are so pathetic and deserve to die alone.

>virgin confirmed

Who gives a fuck? Whatever happens happens...

>stop blaming women who are actively working with Jews and immigrants to screw over men and destroy civilization
No. How else are women going to learn they're fucking up unless a man blames them for their shit?