I doubt any of you can do it.
Just try
Other urls found in this thread:
What if the abortion clinic was in space and they were alien embryos and they were all floating around and because its all in space its all weightless and stuff?
>my scenario with a very certain set of pre set circumstances blows your argument out of the water
Doesn't work like that.
Ben Shapiro already did it
Great, can we agree abortion past the enbryo stage should be banned then?
LMFAO! I don't think this idiot knows how fertility clinics work. Embryos in jars. Right.
I'm not anti abortion, im anti women getting to do whatever they want without consequences
>there is no "c"
Then you're not trying hard enough.
literally not a single answer top kek
Oh wow a false binary question.
Tell me if I had train tracks splitting at a fork with a family of illegals tied to one end and beautiful white children on the other and Michael Moores fat ass on the cliff with me with the choice of diverting the train to either side or pushing Moores fat ass off stopping the train with his diabetes which do I choose?
On to the actually point. Youre so retarded that a kike blew this nigger the fuck out and you cant tell because he censored the response like a good marxist.
Slide thread and fuck you.
>implying the embryos would survive either way.
>implying the pill is the same as abortion.
>implying any of this validates actively killing a life because muh body, muh choice.
>posting this thread again.
C. Try to save both and die.
I dont understand. this argument is shit.
>You, a woman and man stand in a room with some plot device
>one of them will be killed because you can only save 1
>who do you pick?
>the woman obviously due to outdated chivalry concepts
>Thus is should be legal to kill men.
My first and immediate answer to this was the embryo's, the child wasn't even considered. What the fuck is he on about
>They are lying to you and trying to evoke an emotional response
>Creates a hypothetical scenario in which you have to make a quick, emotional decision.
Well if I save the embryos they're just going to be sold to Hillary's crew to be sacrificed to Moloch anyway, so I may as well save the kid I guess.
The analogy is useless and irrelevant to the matter of abortion. Getting an abortion is not a decision between letting one child die vs letting 1000 children die. It is a decision between killing a child or not killing a child.
How in the fuck would I be able to carry 1000 human embryos? I'm no expert, but that sounds like it would be heavy and cumbersome. Probably grab the kid because it would be easier.
>hypothetical scenario showing that you value a literal infant with pain receptors more than a thousand 3 week old embryos
>so we gotta kill more mature embryos now because muh metaphor
i hate analogies
Everyone knows that Sup Forums would just run out and save themselves and leave everything else to die.
What if they were 1000 embryos made from Hitler's DNA?
What race is the child?
Trick question. The niggers are in the embryos. Throw them in the fire if it is the last thing you do.
Asking the important questions.
"My feelings say they aren't babies so they definitely aren't babies"
Who's the science denier now?
>I have never gotten a single straight A or B answer to this question [from those who are pro-life]
No shit, it's a retarded question. The embryos would die either way.
The only logical answer would be to verify that the screaming child is white and, if so, bring them to safety.
an embryo outside the mother cannot survive with modern medical equipment.
Assuming this question is posed in modern times, those embryos are already dead. I save the boy.
If we live in a future where artificial wombs can bring them to term, I save the embryos.
this isn't even a good question as posed.
Embryos are not viable unless they are inside a functional womb.
Kid violated the nap when he cried in my vicinity.
>let's equate a completely unrelated, very specific scenario to a complex issue
this is in the same retarded vein as people who say "hurr durr u want people to own recreational nukes?!?!"
I agree. I'm pro-abortion because of the current circumstances in this country. If we were in a NatSoc utopia, I'd probably be ok with it being banned.
This is so idiotic. It assumes a false binary, i.e., whoever you don't save isn't human. The truth is we put weight to different types of life and our relationship to it. Much of moral decision making is subjective and emotional.
Consider this, what if instead of being embryos it was your 5 year old daughter. So, you can save either your 5 year old daughter or 10 people you've never met. Who do you save? Most people, including myself, would choose saving their daughter. And yet I'm still 100% certain those 10 people are fully human.
Your thought experiment do not prove your point, brainlet.
Get the five year old to help you wheel the embryos outside and into your truck under the cover of the smoke. Those things sell for a fortune to idiots with too much money/satanist larpers. Then put the five year old on your shoulders and have her pretend to cough for the cameras.
Now you're rich and with a cute loli sidekick you can plan bigger and better crimes based around "rescuing" her from convenient fires, like in jewlers shops and stuff.
I save the toddler because it is more valuable than 1000 embryos. That shouldn't be confused with "embryos are worthless" however - if they were the only ones in the building and I could save them with minimal risk to my own well being, then I would save them. I would also like to point out that this is somewhat disingenuous and not a good parallel to the sort of abortion leftists want because this is a choice of who you want to save rather than just deciding to murder someone.
So his argument is that live humans have more value than embryos. Does that make killing growing fetuses morally acceptable? Just because one may have more value than the other doesn't deem the other worthless.
This retardation is amazingly similar to Sup Forums-tier food analogies.
Yes i do. I want to own a recreational nuke, put it on a leash and walk around recreationally with my nuke.
Save the child either way.
Because it is concious and can feel pain.
Even if the embryos are living they are frozen and their nervous systems are not active.
Unless we are in a situation where those are the only embryos to repopulate the human race and this is the last settlement of mankind that is on fire.
Here's a better scenario:
You've just been told you're a father.
Some slut you slept with 1 year ago has a little baby with your DNA. She just died, and you are the next of kin and responsible for this child.
You're in for 18 years of inconvenience and financial hardship.
However, the lawyer gives you an option:
He can kill the child for you without you ever seeing it, and you get your freedom back.
All he needs is $500. You are guaranteed that the legal system will officially allow this. You are given an affidavit of immunity.
Do you kill the child, legally free of fault?
Nobody cares you pious fuck. I get to decide what happens to my wife and our unborn child, you can keep kvetching as much as you want.
fertility clinics don't have a stockpile of fertilized embryos
Does she realize that this is the same argument that one guy used to justify torture?
Is it common for abortion clinics to have a 5 year old at gunpoint during these procedures?
>there is no "C". "C" means you all die.
what did he mean by this
Shapiro blew this guy out of the FUCKING water and the beta blocked him.
Go to 2:45. No seriously, listen to the kikelet own this shit.
neither, fuck them both
If you were a 5 year old in a container with 1000 human embryos would you save the building from burning?
I like how every counterargument made against this scenario tries to discredit the argument with outside equivalencies and weird ad hominem assaults on the concept, rather than actually trying to rebut any claim that twitter user made.
>implying i want to save someone else
>implying I want to save myself.
Writefagging when?
dont do it timmy
Because his question is fucking retarded
It's like the one from yesterday.
How many jews died in the holocaust:
a) 5+ million
b) I am a nazi
My question is why the fuck is a child in a fertility clinic in the first place
Either way the answer is A
what race is the child?
It's been rebutted in the thread if you bothered to read it angela you nigger sponge
What is the racial breakdown of the embryos and the child?
well I'd still say b in a heartbeat, if you can't deal with the question and would rather refuse having anything to do with the argument, that just fully proves his point
sum it up for me.
I'm being "productive" at work on a slow day and I can't listen.
>dies from smoke inhalation while trying to fucka barrel of embryos
holy shit, OP was right
if the kid is white, save him
if the kid is black, save no one since I can't see the embryos race
Choosing the 5-year old does not mean the embryos have no value or that abortion is right.
Posing the same "dilemma", with your mom and an unknown lady as the candidates, can easily confirm that your choice does not mean you disregard the life of the person you didn't chose.
I would run outside without picking up anything or anyone, don't want to be in the way of the fire dep.
should ask him if he'd save a 5 year old child or 1000 3month old fetuses
I would let the embryos burn to prevent more niggers from being born.
Too easy
Save the kid
If you save the kid there is only a 50% chance that you have saved a liberal.
There's gonna be shitloads of worthless fucking liberals in that bucket o of bryos
Fuck liberals.
what the fuck are you going to do with a vial of 1000 human embryos? find 1000 viable wombs and implant them within the hours they'll remain viable?
similar thought experiment:
you can save 1 of 2 children. 1 of them is healthy and the other you know will die within the day. Which will you save?
Save the embryos because the kid has POS parents if they leave him unattended in a fertility clinic and will probably grow up to be a degenerate.
A womb isn't a burning building. A womb is a safe place.
An abortion is destructive, like the fire.
Roasties need to be accountable for their choices.
>on the other hand
Roasties are probably getting some nigger-mixed baby aborted.
One less shitskin is one less shitskin.
This is the trolley problem you stupid faggot. All it shows is that ethical behavior is regulated in surprising ways by various non-ethical factors. It makes no political point. Why do you keep posting it then?
Are embryos white?
you mean I get to save a 5 year old child AND bring 1 kiloHitler into the world?
sign me the FUCK up
I'm assuming human embryos are stored like cattle embryos here because I have no real idea how it works, I grab the child.
I can't Cary a 3000 embryo tank on my own, so they will thaw and die anyways. Their best bet is to leave them in the tank and hope the fire gets put out in time.
Also on a very related note, I was an ivf baby. The implication that I am less human (less than 1/3000th human by his numbers) is kinda offensive if I'm honest.
>I'll create a false dilemma with very particular circumstances, and if anyone chooses the answer that doesn't prove me right it's because they're lying. If people refuse to answer the question that proves I'm right even more.
I'm looking forward to the societal collapse that kills most of the people like this. In the meantime I'll just have to get my sick pleasure from the single moms posting weekly selfies from night-clubs and bitching about not being able to find a decent man.
Anyways, to the question. Obviously you save the little girl (if she's white), because first of all when you take the frozen embryos out they'll defrost and die anyway. Second, because most of the embryos will probably die in some old cavernous 40 year old cunt anyway. Third, because until the embryos are thawed, revived, and placed in a woman they are for all purposes already dead.
what race are they?
>false binary
>if you were up on a bridge with Michael Moore and a bunch of people were chained to train tracks below with an oncoming train headed in their direction, would you push Michael Moore off the bridge in order to stop the train with his greasy fat ass? Most people say no because it's still murder. And even if you say yes, that doesn't mean his life wasn't an actual life. It says nothing about life and everything about emotional bias.
>change the scenario: 2 embryos, your and your wife's (you're infertile) vs the 5 year old. Most people probably choose the 2 embryos. It doesn't make it right or justified, but that's how it is.
>choose your daughter vs 100 screaming adults, most parents choose the daughter but that doesn't make it an immoral decision. Only Spiderman or Superman can save both and make us feel warm fuzzies.
>if you're on a spaceship with 1,000 embryos on which the fate of humanity rests. The spaceship is self-destructing, you have the escape pod. You choose between the 5 year old or the 1,000 embryos. You probably choose the embryos. Does this mean the 5 year old isn't a valuable life? Of course not.
>women don't go to an abortion and choose to save their baby or save 1,000 embryos, they go there to kill a baby.
Only correct answer.
>abortion clinic scenario
>has to set up literal obstacle course to engineer the outcome
>outcome supports their belief in murder
Fucking leftists and their queerbait scenarios...
Answer: Grab both and try to save all lives, even at the possible expense of your own.
A) A 5 year old child
B) A 105 Year Old Man
C) A 500lb fat person who cannot move on their own
What? You want to save the child over the others?
Embryos grown in a lab are not the same as a fetus past 8 weeks in uterus with a heartbeat. It literally doesn't matter.
Is the child a nigger?
If so, I'll take the embryos, even though I disagree with embryos qualifying as life worth preserving.
What am I doing in a fertility clinic in the first place?
probably cumming on other people's eggs
This is a bs hypothetical advanced by a sophist. It doesn't get at the truth. It devises a highly contrived, monumentally unlikely hypothetical that supposedly points to a moral truth. The trolley problem is similar, as are the scenarios Dershowitz proposes to justify the use of torture.
Pure sophistry, ginned up in bad faith.
>>Creates a hypothetical scenario in which you have to make a quick, emotional decision.
>>let's equate a completely unrelated, very specific scenario to a complex issue
And this.
>This is so idiotic. It assumes a false binary, i.e., whoever you don't save isn't human. The truth is we put weight to different types of life and our relationship to it. Much of moral decision making is subjective and emotional.
>Consider this, what if instead of being embryos it was your 5 year old daughter. So, you can save either your 5 year old daughter or 10 people you've never met. Who do you save? Most people, including myself, would choose saving their daughter. And yet I'm still 100% certain those 10 people are fully human.
Very nice analysis.
All I got from this is they never played QB and defenitely never all-time QB
>you have to pick up a five year old or a jar
What type of Man can't carry 50lbs at most in one hand and 50lbs at most in the other? Farmers carry more than that hundreds of times a fucking day!!!!!! I package fruit and I carry more than that!@#!@$#!%
Would you save a 5 year old child, or a 100 dollar bill? AHA, a 100 dollar bill has no value!
you have two hands why can't you do both!@#?$@!#?T@#$%Y?#W%J#WTF @^
lets be honest if they just sat there frozen they wouldn't end up magically turning into kids, so the argument isn't really there either
posting dumb shit from social media should be worth a b&
Let them all burn.It's what God would want.
is the kid white?
A woman is about to get an abortion but you know this child will invent the time machine and go back in time and kill Hitler what do you do?
Implying only embryos are aborted
Hear, hear
>hurrrr muh dressed up trolley scenario can't be refuted!
Ben Shapiro already eviscerated this yesterday.
Can I sell them embryos if I take them? Why is there a child alone in a fertility clinic? Why is the clinic on fire? Did the child do it?
Are embryos fertilized eggs?
No you fucking idiot. Have you completely ignored every single argument on here?
I also have hypothetical scenarios that will never happen, and I use them to shine a light on our belief systems like a retard.
South Park's game The Fractured But Whole has a scenario where you have to choose between killing 1 of your parents. This is just hopping on a plot device everyone is seeing because the game just came out. Sage this bullshit