Married teacher and mom Samantha Lee Ciotta, 32...

>Married teacher and mom Samantha Lee Ciotta, 32, is accused of having sex with an underage student and allegedly appeared in a raunchy Snapchat video. (Beaumont Police Department)

>According to police documents, the former English teacher took an interest in the then 14-year-old victim described as “disruptive” while he was failing her freshman class in 2015.

>“Yes…Bro, I’m getting in deep…been f-----g (Ciotta) and getting threesomes for the past couple weeks (at her house),” the student allegedly responded.

So Sup Forums, how do stop women from betraying their family and children? Is it their nature to fall in love with niggers and bad boys?

Her son. Sad that he will no longer have
his mother alongside him because she turned out to be a whore.

TFW waifu is cheating on you with nu-chad

Fucking hot!

Um yes. Women have no allegiance. They're only loyal to whatever protects, provides, and for men especially, whichever promises the best offspring for them in the moment.

Threesomes? She was even bringing girlfriends in to nail him? Nice.

Chad genetics are Chad genetics, and women can't help themselves in their presence, they're literally hardwired to want to fuck them even if they're still adolescent. They don't care about experience or maturity, it's all about acquiring the Chad seed.

In conclusion, there's no hope OP.

>They're only loyal to whatever protects, provides, and for men especially, whichever promises the best offspring for them in the moment.

I agree with the offspring part, but what kind of protection can a high school boy that has failing grades provide for a woman?

He can't provide her with anything, nor give her anything. He can nullify all of her hard work and accomplishments, thus leaving her vulnerable.



How about these Hollywood whores shut the fuck up and don't open their whore mouths until female teachers in this country stop fucking their teenage students.

14yo chads slaying pussy while i can't barely get a blowjob in college
life isn't fair, is it?


It's a little less about their security when they are that age. At her age, she's "secure" with her own career. She's also fulfilled her "seed" need hormonally speaking. There's something that women need as they age a little more than just sex (wait for it).


How does a women feel validated outside of flowers, cards, dinner dates, and the occasional slap across the ass?


She was just seeking validation, albeit in vain, as women are programmed to seek out the following:
1. Safety and security.
2. A strong mate they --admire-- (note, women don't "love" men, they admire or look up to them).
3. Emotional validation.

In their teens, girls look for:
1. Emotional validation
2. A strong mate
3. Safety and security

In their 20s, girls look for:
1. A strong mate
2. Safety and security
3. Emotional validation

In their 30s and onward, girls look for:
1. Emotional validation
2. A strong mate
3. Safety and security

So, basically, this is the husband's fault for not validating her feelings/understanding a women's mentality.

It doesn't necessarily have to be resources. He could provide a false sense of masculinity that her husband could not express. Though I do not believe all of the criteria need to be present.

She still has that protection feeling from her beta bux cuck husband.

Also, women in general are human this is to be expected.

Why are there so many pedophile women teachers? Something needs to be done about this

Get rid of no-fault divorce, allow husbands to use corporal punishment on their wives. We need to get rid of democracy first for those things to happen.

Wash your smelly uncut monkey dick then. Aren't like half of brazilian girls literal whores anyways?

You couldn't get sex in the land of horny mongrel nigger sex monkey women? You must be really poor/ugly.


yes time machine, for me

okay achmed I'll keep my burka on

>described as “disruptive” while he was failing her freshman class in 2015.
>>“Yes…Bro, I’m getting in deep…been f-----g (Ciotta)
Chad x2
>>and getting threesomes for the past couple weeks (at her house),
Chad x3
and who is the third in the threesome?

not really, my country has literally half your divorce rates
are you delusional? usa is on par if not worse than brazil.
atleast you don't have a literal tranny singer trending now.


I don't mind teaches having sx with students, what activates my almonds is the hypocrisy when the teacher is female.
Either make it legal for male teaches too or give equal jail time for female teachers.

Brazil is filled with horny brown she-monkey mongrels with giant asses. Everyone knows this.

She's one of those ugly chicks that stay in shape and fuck a lot. Low self esteem. End of story.

>looks like a slut
I'm not surprised.

>an cap
>no reading comprehension
not surprised

was he black? Asking for a friend

so. . .do we have the snapchat vid?

i friend of mine has tinder and he went to brazil chicks would literally tell him if he could go to their place to fuck.

brazil is crazy.

shit mean it to


Beaumont (ca) is mostly white trash afaik. I assume the beans have overrun it like everything else in socal, but nigs haven't made it out that far....yet.

Don't worry about it. Believe in BMEs

don't you see that by talking about his you are part of the problem? you are drawn to give attention to the bad ones instead of looking for the good ones.


soo true!!! thanks for how to treat women!

Someone acquire the snap video. Need it for research



Big fucking shock.


>slut face
>nose ring
I am shocked.

Was the student black?

Quad quads command it.
We fucking need this.
Every time a teacher is caught banging her student, all I wanna do is find the shit she sent and fap all over it.


goes to show you Chads are born, not made

someone post the "raunchy snapchat video", thanks

Yeah, you have to wonder why they keep hiring these whores.

So shes a pedo and needs locking up and left to rot



yes, they almost always are, except one recent one who was mexican
so it's hilarious seeing Sup Forums cheer on white women getting blacked

>except one recent one who was mexican
The one in Texas? That whore was fucking a beaner.

>Even Chad's pubes are erect


That's good--Britain was catching up to us in whore teachers
#MeToo, Chad Thundercock, #MeToo

Threesome, aye?
Hubby filed for divorce--that's beyond the pale!

There is hope. White shariah NOW!

These cumdumpsters are unbelievable

Why are so many adult women going after underage boys?
Is this something to do with millenial men being non-masculine or something?
Do women hate freedom and want to submit to "alphas"? That might explain their penchant for wanting muslim refugees.

It doesn't matter in the end, they always pay the toll.

Old washed up hags with no man trying to relive their youth and prove to themselves their aging bodies still matter.

Many of the recent examples of pedophile teachers are women who are late 20s/early 30s though.

>white sharia

cucky teen believes converting to Islam is NOT what ((they)) want us to do after all!

>wtf I love islam now

>late 20s/early 30s
Exactly, washed up hags. They are already missing 90% of their eggs by the time they hit 29.

>me on the left
except it was with a hooker :(

Absolutely this. Women who have hit the wall and want to feel young and sexy and desired by attractive youthful men again.

let them lie in their own filth, no help no sympathy.

A couple of things I take away from this

1. Imagine being a grown ass man being cucked by a 14 year old boy? I wouldn't make it, you would find me dead in a hotel room with a shotgun blast to the face
2. Every girl I've met that has one of those piercings on her nose was a slut, same with those painted on eyebrows. Doesn't matter the age
3. There is something about bad kids, "disruptive" primitive behavior that drives women crazy. Something about being unruly, not following the rules or doing what is right. They're like insects flocking to the light at night. The guys I grew up with that were the worst and always getting in trouble, always had the hottest girlfriends.
4. I'm a 27 year old man with a job, my own place, car, I'm in great shape, well respected at work and I can't even get a phone number. Its not me, its women.

>you would find me dead in a hotel room with a shotgun blast to the face
Why not her and the kid?

I don't blame the kid at all he's fucking 14 and horny. I could not live with the guilt of being cucked by a child, that's worse than anything I can think of honestly as a man. Being seen by your own wife as sexually inferior to a 14 year old boy, I need a drink just thinking about it. That's his fault for marrying an obviously party type girl though.

anybody found the video yet ?

donde esta santiago maldonado?

And it's a 50% chance you are being set up to be mugged and murdered.

But many of them are already married? What more do they want? What are they trying to prove?

>“Yes…Bro, I’m getting in deep…been f-----g (Ciotta) and getting threesomes for the past couple weeks (at her house),”
That poor kid is so traumatized he doesn't realize he's a victim

>it's hilarious seeing Sup Forums cheer on white women getting blacked

I think you meant "cheer for women to get in trouble for breaking the law".


>What are they trying to prove?

That someone wants them like they did when they were young.
You know when men have a midlife crisis and buy a Harley to ride at the weekends? This is that for women.

But she has a husband?
I mean, if she's gonna be a whore, why did she go for a teenager instead of an adult male?

>specifically mention there is a raunchy video
>doesn't post it
And people wonder why MSM is failing.

Just a side note, a lot of serial killers have the middle name Lee.

We can allow no fault divorce, just say the one who files loses the kids by default.

That, and crack down on false dv allegations. But that is solved by permitting corporal discipline.

>tfw no hot teacher ever found you attractive enough to molest in school

haha y-yeah fuck them right?

>What more do they want?
Let me give you some words to live by.

Women do not know what they want.

Women are literal children mentally when it comes to their emotions, and will never be satisfied because they cannot grasp what satisfaction is. Women cannot come to terms with things in their life that displease them, unlike Men who adapt to change and grow from it.

>What are they trying to prove?
That their lives matter and the only way to get gratification from that is to have the approval and envy of other Women.

I guess this is what happens when Christianity isn't in charge.
Society crumbles

Yea I never understood this. It's always some white ex-party slut who fucks the nigger running back or something, some jacked Tyrone who fucks off and disrupts other students but still passes because sports. Dude is 16 but looks like a 29yr old, meanwhile the hard working white husband is mocked relentlessly by the media as they post pictures of the couple.

And Sup Forums just says "nice" over and over again. You all need to get your shit together.

This is what happens when there isn't a strong patriarchal order PERIOD. Why do you think that women have been placed in a secondary citizen status since the beginning of time (until now)?

>with no man

They're almost always married to some poor cuck.

There's actually some historical accounts that this has been tried before and it resulted in this same kind of nonsense.

I think it was in Greece (or maybe Rome?) with the "assemblywomen"

That they are still young and sexy...? Come on, dude, use your noggin. They get bored of being married to the same guy and can't understand that they are at a different place in their life and grow up, so they act out.

Athens I believe

What faggotry.

>poor cuck.
>with no man.
My point stands.

Asking the same question.

it's been tried many times in the past and failed every time. i think even the Muslims did it at one point.

This. This is more true than most of you faggots know.