Best qualified people BTFO!
Best qualified people BTFO!
Fuck white men. amirite.
Failed at what?
Producing results/products or getting more women and niggers employed?
non-youtube mirror pls
No it didn't. You failed.
Hooktube works on any youtube link.
>Diversity is one of the tenants our country was founded on
try again
>The research shows
>The research shows
>The research shows
Kill her.
what a crock of shit
We tried to let people succeed based on their merits. This led to differences in outcome because people are not the same. (((This is inherently a problem))) (((reject nature, country was founded on all men are equal))) (((listen to me goyim)))
so now they want racial/gender communism?
holy shit wow
i wonder whats the method of these researches
>we know the crisis would have been less severe if wall street was more diverse
I'm legit mad
Look at the comments section and downvotes. Even normies are fed up with marxists agenda
this is great rage-you-lose fodder.
>we intuitively know women are better than men and bad things would have been less bad if women were in charge
I ragequit after 20 seconds.
also sage
>people with different skincolor have different abilities
>fuck merit and diverse thinking, we need different colors, because your color determines your abilities
>mf when they actually dig up "racism" to justify (((diversity)))
Obviously, now all we have to do is get a map of the testosterone levels on wall street ((cause now we know that the markets rise with those balls and fall with those balls))) and we could really make some money!! what you think Sup Forums?? You wanna do it??
>"Diversity... is the tenant upon which our country was built."
>Only white men were allowed to vote in the Founding Father's America.
Fucking hell, brah. They are literally trying to rewrite history in order to fit their agenda.
>we tried meritocracy
>it built the company and resulted in coffers full of cash as well as strong products
>that's failure
>now we hired a bunch of women and shitskins
>we're almost out of money and we have no strong products
>but we have a strong social media presence now
>that's success
>Women only think in terms of social status...
Who would have thunk it.
>We tried meritocracy - it failed
this is why we need to go back to Aristocracy
racist whites need to be removed so the true QUANGZ of EGYPT can rule.
I don't know who that guy in your jiff is, but that kid is going places, that i can tell you. Just look at him.
How low is her iq?
When did she realize she got hired just because she was a woman?
the west is going mucho loco
>being non-white
L.O.L. my first thought was something similar, lad.
She's surprised that diversity fails in a meritocracy?
How fucking dumb is this bitch?
Diversity has nothing to do with getting the best people for the job, of course transfaggots and non binary snowflakes will crumble when they have to produce results.
>the tenates on which our country was built
History buff here. I'm already triggered.
%1 eht galuG ew tnoD yhW swej eht sag
>thinks diverse by race/gender = diverse skills
Is this woman an alt-right sleeper agent?
NBA needs more diversity
NFL needs more diversity
BET needs more diversity
>we need to go back to Aristocracy
I like the cut of your jib, but I don't think that was her intended outcome.
>literally says there's (((too much))) trust in homogeneous communities
Reported to the British FBI. Enjoy your 15 years in prison for visiting a far-right propaganda website, you anti-semitic bigot.
Yes, the Jews only thrive in an atomized, individualistic society that they can lord over.
>Ms. Krawcheck has told friends that growing up in Charleston, S.C., as the daughter of a Jewish businessman
it has been a Klepistocracy/tyranny
>Diversity is actually worse in meritocracies
hmmmmm, really gets me thinking.
Meritocracy cannot fail, that is a nonsensical statement
>So we looked at the data
>Study shows niggers need CEO jobs, pay up WHITEY
uhh ok whatever
>Honestly believes the 2008 financial crisis was caused by white males
>Doesn't realize it was (((Wall Street)))
The Nogs are now becoming 'Woke' to the 'Fact' that they were also Kangs of the Hawaiian culture
Such BS. Forced diversity decreases company values.
Because advancing people based on their merit has resulted in a Black underclass. It can only be due to systemic racism, and not because Blacks don't do well in school (if they even make it all the way through at all). These shitty, ghetto high schools passed the burden on to universities and now universities are pressured to give these people honorary diplomas, as well.
Yes universal sufferage is retarded
It’s what killed the Roman republic
It’s what held Greece back from total dominance
It was The Clinton administration you idiot
it was your mom
so yeh, racial/gender communism.
"from each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
white people have the ability, so they get the socieconomic status. black people have the need, so white people must give their socioeconomic status to blacks.
racial communism.
damn. those Spanish royals look like nords.
they are french
Oh look, a white woman trying to destroy the west. So new.
Just. Fucking. Wow.
I went to go set my page to this bithc's tock ticker so I could watch it fall over the next few weeks, but it isn't publicly rtade it seems and, imho, isn't a real company.
This bitch is leeching money off other retarded women who can't think for themselves. Here's an article she wrote where she chastises women for the same thing she praises them in OP's video, amongst other lady-parts shit that doesn't have to do with business.
This is just a duplicitous cunt who doesn't buy what she is selling herself. The real question is if destroying her is worth avoiding all the women she will destroy on her own
When businesses say diversity is a strength, they mean diversity in thoughts, ideas and skills. This sometimes means that it stems from different races/genders (cultural viewpoints), but it is by no means exclusive.
Getting the best worker is still what matters the most.