Give me one reason why Hoshi no Samidare isn't the best manga of all time

Give me one reason why Hoshi no Samidare isn't the best manga of all time

>This shitty shounen series is better than all that other shounenshit because it's DEEPER
Cool story OP.

The FLCL of Manga

Because I've red more than twenty manga.

It's not shounen.

>Because I've red more than twenty manga.
All of them were worse than HnS though

It appeals mostly to underage faggots, it's shounen m8 deal w/it.

I'd rather read BC than BH

It is shonen. It was published in a shonen manga magazine.

That doesn't make it bad. There's a lot of good shonen manga. But Biscuit Hammer isn't one of them.

Biscuit Hammer is one of the best mangas of all time, it absolutely shits on every other shonen. It has good characters, a plot that doesn't meander and stays tight from start to middle to finish and characters that actually develop, and this is the big one they ALL develop, not just Amamiya and Samidare.

There are very few manga that actually manage to keep the plot focused throughout their run. 90% of Manga is absolute fucking garbage that is on par with trashy Amazon erotica. 9% if decent and readable, 1% is actually stuff that is on par with most western media and HnS sits comfortably in that 1%

Why don't you go back to whichever shit board you originate from?
>1% is actually stuff that is on par with most western media
Ho boy. This retard believes this shit. I bet he watches Netflix as well.

I bet he thinks GoT is well written

Couldn't even get through the first few chapters of it. Annoying as fuck main character that would probably appeal the most to teenagers. Even if it supposedly gets better there's so many better things I could do with my time. Like literally post on Sup Forums.

Because you like it and I like something else. And likes can differ.

The only two manga you need to ever read are Vagabond and Berserk.

Vinland Saga too if you don't skip leg day.

Nope, try again.

Berserk is shit

You mean GTO

You are a massive fucking casual.

Protip: 2/3 of those series aren't even particularly good.

What do you think is good, user?

>in b4 it's some edgy shit no-one cares about

Mein brethren.

I do really like Samidare, but you know the same author wrote Spirit Circle too right?

Well, you can replace Berserk with Blade of the Immortal for an immediate upgrade in art and writing.

Kokou no Hito could substitute Vinland Saga if you want a story that suddenly switches genre's a 1/4 of the way through.

And Shigurui is overall a much tighter, well presented story than Vagabond.

Keep in mind that even those are fucking super casual and well known manga.

>unironically liking Farmland saga, muh katana and Boatserk

Its like you like suffering and pussification of great characters

Yeah it's all garbage, just like I thought. Shame you have shit taste, you'll get over it with puberty, probably.

They're literally analogues to the garbage you like, but better. It's not like I'm going to recommend anything decently deep or experimental to someone who seriously reads Berserk, did you?

You were that one kid who pretended War and Peace was his favorite book to look cultured. You're so transparent it's laughable.

I think that you're projecting quite a bit.

Wanna talk about it?

why should i give you a reason op

>Immediately sees through your charade
>"Y-you're j-just projecting!"
Holy moly. At least try to pretend I didn't hit the nail on the head will you.

Battle manga is meh. What manga excels at is mostly SoL, although there's some cool gore porn, like Berserk.

It's not even the Best Mizukami manga.

It's not bad, it's far from the best.

Eh, I like Sengoku Youko more.
Better atmosphere.

You're the one that immediately goes to childhood issues, bro.

They say that people write what they know.

Mediocre payoffs for like half the cast tho.

That Shaku reunion got like 4 pages and even less epilogue time. I don't think they even shared any dialogue past that point.

>Acts like a retard
>Gets called out on being a retard
>"Only a retard would think another person is acting like a retard, you're the retard bro!"
And you're wondering exactly how I know you have a childish mind? You're not exactly making a secret of it. Running right to the "I am rubber you are glue" defense just makes you look even more childish and desperate, and confirms my original assumption that I'm talking to someone probably not out of high school yet.

>1% is actually stuff that is on par with most western media
Are you seriously implying 99.9% of western media isn't utter garbage?

Because Spirit Circle exists.


This is really upsetting you. You should take less stock in what random internet people say about you.

Why do you fags overrate this shit like fuck?

I don't know, maybe it was just that thing whereby everyone hypes something up to be 1000/10 then you inevitably feel disappointment when it's not a literal perfect masterpiece.

I don't see how just because Musashi and Thorfinn don't fight as much anymore ends up with their "pussification." Just because a character no longer fights does not make them any lesser characters. It is a progress of growth. For Musashi in particular, fighting was the thing he was the best at. He was unstoppable and he dedicated his life to fighting. But he is limited in his way because he cannot do many things with his sword. He cannot save lives or feed people with his sword. He can only kill and build a name for himself. In his struggle to grow crops, he learned of his limits and has become a stronger person out of it.

And now we move to the 'I was just trolling, I don't care at all' defense used when you're thoroughly dismantled. Didn't see that one coming. :^)

99.9% of western media is better than 99% of manga. That's just how bad most manga is.

Classic deflection.

Sure you don't want to talk about it?

The 5 manga you need to get the maximum enjoyment out of manga are:

Kokou no Hito
Cromartie High School

Anything thing else is unnecessary and unfulfilling.

Would fight the King of the dead together with you, anons.
And then protect him from harm forever as a skeleton.

It's not even the best Mizukami's manga.

When Hollywoood and Netflix exist, your statement is just objectively false.

>character good at killing
>stops killing
>becomes worthless
miuras going to do the same with guts and it pisses me off

It isn't because this is

That's a good pick

Nah, you need some weird shit to get full enjoyment. Ultra Heaven and Homunculus come to mind.

This series is bizarrely overrated on here. The cast was bloated and lacking charisma (especially the antagonists/monsters), the powers and fights were boring, and it just constantly failed to keep me engaged because it felt like a mediocre battle shounen. That's probably why it's so overrated- it's a shitty battle shounen with a seinen label, so anons don't have to feel like plebs for praising it. Plus the fact that it's not overexposed enough to get called out for their exaggerations.

>weird shit
>not dorohedoro
>franken fran

>none of Mizukami's manga will get an adaptation, much less one by Bones with the animation that Mob Psycho has
Why even live?

While Voynich is also my personal favourite, it really isnt the best.

>none of Mizukami's manga will get an adaptation
Thank fucking god.

Sup Forums likes it.

>not Trigger with The Pillows soundtrack

It's only because the haters are too lazy.

Blade of the Immortal is garbage.

SS > SY >>> HnS

This is undeniable fact.

I can agree with this if you take SY as a whole, but it has a really rough start (and that isn't only because the TL quality for part 1 is dubious).
Biscuit Hammer has a much tighter story from the start and great payoff, while Sengoku Yoko takes a while to build up and doesn't get very good until about halfway through.
Spirit Circle is much better than both of his other long-running manga, though.

>Hasn't read the infinitely superior Gash Bell.

Because Spirit Circle exist

Tells you all you need to know about manga especially the part where it barely updates

It can't be THAT good if it doesn't have an anime.

because I couldnt even remember the name of this

actually manga quality is inversely proportional to the likelihood of getting an anime

if a manga is good it's probably never going to be animated (or it'll flop because the studio butchered it).

Really? 90% of the posts here are shitting on it

A shame, his manga seems like it would transition really well into animation.

All by the same person trolling.

Kill yourself, it's not even the best manga this author made.


Nausicaa > *

The author didn't go all the way out in the ending and he tried to patch it with a half-assed Evangelion homage. Also, he couldn't keep the powerlevels consistent.

>america is the west

Ho boy.

Most people just keep quiet since it gets plenty of threads come up for it because of all the new people that just finished reading it. It's been done for years now so there's not much to discuss and all the threads typically have the same posts:

>anime never
>gainax adaptation diva fit from the newtype interview that never happened
>overrated shit, reverse trolling and shitposting
>master was reincarnated animus
>I love you, I know
>seinen not shounen
>Mizukami multiverse
>SC > BH > SY etc.
>Voted most wanted anime adaptation by nips that one time

People like it more often than not and Mizukami's got cult status for his works. I mean does actually sound right to you?

Sup Forums also likes Re:Zero

Isn't 'west' just a euphonism for white countrys



Because YKK exists and is the pinnacle
of manga, at least in my opinion.

Because. Pokémon exist.

>It is shonen. It was published in a shonen manga magazine.
Young King OURs is seinen magazine.

