What makes her so fucking bulletproof?

What makes her so fucking bulletproof?

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Soros and intimidation

Nuclear deadman switch

Blood magic

Witch Magic, when she gets assinated which she has in the past, she either regenerates or turns back time.

satan? is satin bulletproof? is santa? have we shot bullets at her yet?

Friends with the elite and dirt on enough of them.

>What makes her so fucking bulletproof?
Ask Seth Rich.

Basically entrenched oligarchy and rules don't apply. Bulletproof doesn't even begin to describe it, she is literally invincible.

Because she is a witch and the most bought and paid for politician that if she went down she'd take a lot of people with her.

shes an alien

She's got truckloads and truckloads of dirt on people who matter. Hell, I suspect she and bill might be the well-stocked politicians politicians in US history when it comes to the dirt they would be able to dish out on everyone in the event of a takedown

the 19th amendment

Pedophile hostages.

She fires the bullets first.

>What makes her so fucking bulletproof?
Bullets bounce off her and hit others in the back of the head. Twice.

Seriously, nigger?
She has a (D) by her name. That's all it takes.

The smartest and most talented kids with rightwing views don't get into gov, so you have the leftover cucks like McConnell, Ryan ect. Needless to say they're pathetically incompetent and not up to the job.

its called plot armor. her time will come, but not that soon

Deepstate connections, sacrifices to the blood god, protection inside intelligence agencies. All of that good stuff.


Most likely she is under the protection of satan. Unfortunately the only one who can thwart satan is the Holy One. All things will come to pass in the end. Jesus will have his victory. Stay strong young frogs. As Kek will it, it shall be.


She is true (((jew))).

She's a (((Rothschild))) kindred spirit.

this guy gets it.

the only way to deal with the clintons is to kill them, anything short of that and they will kill you

".... to be in power you dont need money, or guns, you need to be willing to do what the other guy isn't..."

this is why the left keeps winning, because conservaturds keep prattling on about muh values, muh logic, muh god, muh truth .... and its not going to change, until we start killing them, ... just for being communists

advocate for big government .... get hanged ....then things will change

In all seriousness you would benefit from a dmt commune with thoth, heket and he have similar end goals and he's a general breddy cool guy

A kevlar pantsuit

She has already had a stroke that has left her with eyes that go in different directions. She falls down all the time because her body is becoming weaker and weaker. She looks 20 years older today than she did at the debates. Her life dream was destroyed by the miracle of trump, and she continues to debase and humiliate herself more and more, refusing to let it go. Reporters are asking her to her face about her husband's rape victims every time she crawls out of her hole. Her daughter is nothing. She is nothing. She was so close. All the murdering, blackmailing, lying, cheating, kidnapping, and intimidation, all for nothing.

Maybe she will be prosecuted, maybe not, but she is being punished. She will continue to lose things every day until she dies. She is dying now. Slowly, surely, and painfully.

She may be bulletproof to us but not to God and nature.

Well evidently not THAT bulletproof since she lost. With that said though she has big ass connections, has been in the game for a long time, and most likely enough money to buy herself right back into politics if she really fucks up.

Former lawyer, herself
She's not dumb enough to be caught with a smoking gun and has enough capital to pay off the FBI

she's the mob boss, got everybody on tape doing some 14 year old

She's white.

She's already dying of old age. Living people no longer need to care about her.

Trails of corpses.

ideas are bulletproof

The deplorable mind is scary place. Just look at some of the posts on this thread.

the fact that witnesses are`nt

We haven't explored the possibility that losing was part of (((their))) plan. Nor how big of a part a certain Jewish grandpa plays.

she has a Rosenberg in her bloodline. they are still pissed about the two that got executed. they held a mock trial to prove their innocence.

She was the roast beef in the Weinstein sandwhich special at the jew deli?

thanks for the slam poetry dmitri

She's a robot. Did you ever watch the Terminator movies? Bullets couldn't do shit to those guys.

forgot to add
our entire Gov't and Economy is infested with Bolshevik scum
so they leave her alone.


Clinton Foundation

>this is why the left keeps winning
are you on drugs?

user please explain this image

Wew, Clinton BTFO

Is that why metal was falling out of her p00n

Seriously, what in the actual fuck is happening in this picture?

She's genuinely not half as corrupt as the right claims she is.

I mean, she is corrupt, that is a fact, but she didn't really break any laws when it came to Benghazi or her emails or whitewater, or any of that shit. Clinton was a litigator for years before Bill became governor of Ark. She's smart enough to not give her enemies something they could hang her with.

Trust me, if the GOP had shit on her she would already be in jail. The fact that she's walking free is proof enough that while she's a dirty rat, she's clean in the eyes of the law.

Embalming fluid and bondo

Could it be that she's actually just innocent OP? And that all the so called 'evidence' against her is just fabricated lies created by her political rivals? That are then exaggerated and perpetuated by ignorant disillusioned conspiracy theorists online? You know, the no-lifers with too much time on their hands, that like to blame all of their problems on some high-profile successful figure. Because I suppose it's easier than facing the truth right? That they're just failures themselves?

fuck off you cunt shill... Deleting emails after a court subpoena is a crime. Using donations as repatriation for favorable treatment for other countries is illegal. Using a charity for a tax haven is a crime. fuck you and fuck off. no one gives a fuck about the GOP they are all fucking RINO's anyway. purge them both, that's the idea.
7/10 bait, and a salty (you)

Nope, Shes definitely crooked as fuck.

She has no soul

>didn't break any laws

because the US constitution is a fucking joke and this has been known since the 1780s. It's hard to imagine a more corrupt body of government, it makes India look like a model system.


Nobody in politics at that level is innocent

Hey faggot, the results speak for themselves. The GOP spent millions investigating her and didn't get a single charge to stick. She's as clean as a politician can come.

Now, I understand that in your single digit IQ brain of yours, fed a constant stream of Bannon's bullshit cannot reconcile facts and reality with your narratives, but please make an effort. Your three remaining brain cells will thank you for it.

An American who wasn't duped by the GOP or the Democrats.

I agree with you. But if you're going to lock her up for what she did I can think of a litany of other politicians who should be going down with her on both sides. The facts are that we as a nation tolerate their corruption because we think the alternative, which is Anarchy, is worse.

The funniest joke about Trump election is that Trump broke the "Constitution" from day 1 (emoluments cluase) yet you don't hear a fucking peep about it from these economic conservative hypocrites.

Educated yourself, just a little. Start with whitewater.

Blackmail. She knows what every Satanist, pedo, cannibal pizza eater and criminal has done and has evidence. THEY call her the Head Priestess of the Satanic cult so maybe she has some kind of supernatural power from Satan. Maybe she IS a Draco reptilian like Bush Senior, Cheney and Kissinger to name a few and maybe they have super powers? How ele would they have ruled humans for centuries-it is not just their sadistic lack on human decency. What else?

these cross-timeline posts are always creepy

The people that knew what she's done weren't bulletproof.

So by your logic trump is clean as can be too? The Dems have spent billions and come up with Russian Facebook ads for black lives matter.

Also explain the recent uranium 1 updates.



>The funniest joke about Trump election is that Trump broke the "Constitution" from day 1 (emoluments cluase) yet you don't hear a fucking peep about it from these economic conservative hypocrites.
Retard confirmed. Of all the liberal trump bashing claims, this is truly one of the dumbest and shows a complete lack of awareness of American history for anyone who actually believes it.

they are all on the same side, shooting blanks at each other.


Hillary did nothing wrong

It's a combination of protection from all the people who've invested in her and the intelligence agencies that she runs as the head of Majestic/Working Group. But once there are enough chinks in her armor enough of the public calls it for what it really is she will meet the end of their usefulness

She's pretty dumb, so I don't know either.








The guilty are projecting, leading the witch hunt.