Whats with the Americans here and their undying love for Iran? Iran has killed over 1000 US soldiers (USA has killed ZERO Iranian soldiers in response).
Are millennials just treasonous little fucks?
Whats with the Americans here and their undying love for Iran? Iran has killed over 1000 US soldiers (USA has killed ZERO Iranian soldiers in response).
Are millennials just treasonous little fucks?
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where did those 1000 soldiers die`?
Ive never heard americans who love iran
Americans and Brits staged a coup in Iran a while back because the anglo has an eternal thirst for oil. Iranian have a legitimate reason to hate burgers
etremely low quality bait kike
shoo shoo
back to your shallow gene pool
During the Iraq war, Iran gave Shia Iraq militias IEDs and weapons to kill the Americans. Not to mention Iranian secret safe houses in Iraq. Iran fucked America up
/sg/ propaganda, contrarianism and low IQ are a great combination for Americans buying into this line of thought.
So Zogbots died far far aways from home
nothing of value was killed
> hates jews
> enjoys fellow Americans being killed
I see you Goldberg
Yep, just like nothing of value will be lost when europe, especially Cucked Germany, get destroyed and replace by musilms. Cucked euro scum
It's also literal Iranian diaspora, there's tons of them in California
Americans supported Saddam's war against Iran which killed hundreds of thousands of them and before that engineered a coup to remove their democratically elected leader and plunge the country into tyranny
There is no point in America arguing with morals anymore. Just say what you really mean; that Iran threatens your interests for the region
We dont care about your wars, kike. Send your own Jewey kids to die.
>(USA has killed ZERO Iranian soldiers in response).
That's not true, we fucked up their Hezbollah and other Quds boys pretty hard in Iraq. Some of them are in Gitmo right now.
>Why does Sup Forums love Putin
>Why does Sup Forums love Iran
Who keeps telling you people these things?
They fancy their impressively-moustachioed women. It literally begins and ends with that for a lot of them. /sg/fags like them because based Assad etc.
>laughing as his country has gone to shit in record time since he started taking in the Palestinians
Lebanon is proof of how Muslim immigration can wreck a country in under just half a century.
Iran and Syria have a my respect for standing up against jewry when the whole world is against them. Until Iran kills US soldiers or citizens in US soIL then I have no reason to hate them.
I see none of you were here before 2015.
Speak for yourself
Right, so a treasonous millennial then
Take off your meme flag you hook nosed land thieving heeb. Your trive is the reason those Palestinians aren't in their homeland.
Inb4 he deflects to the US's sins
I take Iran over (((satan))) 60m++ refugees for Greater Israel, worst exodus in human history..
Fuck you shekelstein.
When your country becomes evil and the slave of Israel, you don't try to justify it. You switch sides.
Yeah they're going to start this evil plan any fucking day now
Two mudshits rejoycing in American deaths. Easily spotted mohammed, abdul
Blow it out your ass, oven dodger. My conscience is clean from understanding who is wrong and who is right in this fight. In my lifetime, the eu, un nato and jewish banking will be dissolved. "Israel" will be majority Palestinian because they fuck like rabbits, and I will piss on your ashes before I die.
No one asked you leaffaggot, you are all sub human muslim toys
Gosh mohammad, youre so white, the glare hurts my eyes
Sandnigger can't even keep his cool long enough to get 3 posts out before blowing his cover
>butt hurt saudi faggot makes his own thread after realizing how much everybody hates him in the iran-or-saudi thread
drop the meme-flag, faggot, we know it's you.
We're currently saddled with a lazy Jewess who litterally never stops complaining, so we're looking over there and we see what could be a qt Persian trad-wife.
>Be /ptg/ reddit scum
>Come to peaceful vietnamese basket weaving forum
>Pretend to own the place
>Start deluding yourself into thinking you've been here since it began, due to lack of development past the sensorimotor stage
>Get shocked when someone figures you out because you have the dynamics of a plant.
>actually making good points
>Haha you guys are muslims, hey americans i hat e muslims too! w-we're friends, right?
Terrible damage control, silverstein
No one is rejoicing, chaim. We're just smart enough to know it's the fault of those who sent them to die in a land that did no harm to our mainland. Fuck off back to your hole, you neocon globalist kike.
She's inbred lol
Tell the mods nigger
Wow you guys are so white, its hard to take, must be based Aryans. Did you know iranians are aryans too? True story
Eat my poo poo faggot go back to 9fag
We don't want to be nor were we ever white, shekelstein. Shouldn't you be worshiping lucifer right now?
Oh look another white. Based Aryan by any chance?
>if i keep calling him a jew no one will know my skin is browner than shit and my first name is ismail
Where are you at right now, LA? Too bad you didn't get shot by a Mexican, faggot Iranian diaspora. Go back to Iran
Iran is evil and we, the pedes of based donald, must be ready to send our white brothers and sisters into war to die in the middle east so our greatest ally Israel can repopulate the areas our soldiers died for with more jews.
Never said I was white or not, Yid. Is that really what you're going to throw back at me? You still haven't given me a single decent reason to hate Iran.
Stop shilling and give me a reason to hate iran. Tell me how they have wronged Americans on American soil.
You really didnt need to tell me you werent white, mo'
Shouldnt you be fucking your sister? Shes ovulating
So many shills ITT
fuck Iran Fuck Syria
I'm the toy (((you)))(((Soros))) Twink
Youre not white so this conversation doesnt involve you, Abdi
Why is there always the logical leap from
>fuck Iranians because they're muslim
>we want to fight Iran in a war for Israel
Canadian with gay photos on his phone. How bow dah
How does it feel that your people are the most hated worldwide, Shekelstein? I don't want to bring God up, because i know you are scared to spell his name lmao
I've never heard anyone express a positive opinion of Iran. They're a terrorist state that constantly wants to develop a nuke to destroy the west. Fuck islam
t. Goldberg Shekelsten
Because you're dealing with literal shills and useful idiots who have been fed that line since coming here, and told to rehearse the same thing over and over again by overzealously repeating how much they hate jews so they can convince you they're one of your friends despite being sandniggers.
> amerifats got killed by Shias in Iraq
> USA has killed zero Shias guys
Stop being retarded. Also all middle eastern wars are for Israel, saddam was toppled because he launched scuds at tel aviv
Because that's their shitty tactic to gain support for Israel. It's pretty terrible and very easy to expose
Only a jew could hate the gAyatollah. Based aryans
Post your brown hand
Iran did nothing wrong.
Fuck Israel and fuck Saudi Arabia
>Iran has killed over 1000 US soldiers
In lebanon?
It seems like the Iranian defense force is out in full force again. Muslims and Jews both don't belong in the west. Fuck Iran and Israel.
iraq-iran war
Warning: You are now entering JIDF territory. Turn back now.
hey rabbi, spell God
>During the Iraq war
Just neck yourself, good goy. USA invaded under false pretense.
This is literally their only tactic
i was born here due to (((someone))) overthrowing the shah and i can't leave yet, so fuck off dog fucker.
Also i'm not muslim
>i defend/attack the same things as neocons and jews
>why is everyone calling me a jew?
You're either a jew or the goodest goy, bro
Iran They Arian Tengri Pagan I take those over Moloch child molesting pedofiend
I don't give a fuck about Iran and muslims. But I'll support them if they are killing amerigoys. The more of you die, the better.
Yeah you have nothing. At least humanity has a reason to hate your tribe, Isaac. How does it feel knowing that Iranians will still have their land and culture long after your people are sent back to Europe to continue their existence as nomadic merchants.
God hates you. YHWH despises you.
You could literally use my shit as skin lightening cream
Justify this, Iran shill.
>Iran supplied two-thirds of the total received in weapons and ammunition by the Bosnian Muslim forces during the 1992-95 war. From May, 1994 to January, 1996, Iran transported over 5,000 tons of weapons and military equipment to Bosnia
>i can't leave yet
>>i defend/attack the same things as neocons and jews
Civnats need to be exterminated. You want more brown people named Mohammed to show up in the west? This is white mans clay and it should stay that way.
Does the Russian soldier occupying your home know you're using that kind of language?
(((Moloch))) Child molesting (((Pedofiend)))
But wait....I thought Israel was going to destroy innocent Iran any day now...
> only a Jew could hate based Aryans
You aint white, baachi boy
My family and i pray often to God and God has shown himself and had a conversation with my mother. So i doubt it shekelberg
i literally told you im not muslim fucking retard
I can buy your mother for 10 dollars
>My family and i pray often to God and God has shown himself and had a conversation with my mother. So i doubt it shekelberg
the absolute state of paid Iranian shills
> angry shitskin detected
Go cut and ease the pain
>i literally told you im not muslim fucking retard
What religion are you? Honestly, it doesn't really matter either way to me. I don't want anyone in the west other than white christians so you can fuck right off and stay in your own country amongst your own people.
His mother will suck your dick purely for the protein at this point
Whatcha doin rabbi?
Iranians are white but nice strawman. You can keep muslims where they are without bombing them and intentionally destabilizing them for Israel. Oh wait, no you can't because Israel won't let us.
And we bombed Serbia, too. Justify killing Christian Europeans for Bosniak Muslims like the US did.
ahh right i forgot. EVERY iranian must be a muslim.
i'm not very angry actually, i'm trying to talk to you but you keep bringing up the same insults.
i'm christian
But the refugees are because Iran and Russia are attacking Sunnis and forcing them to leave their land.
Iran is the last White on white battle after that we all gona need nice skirts if we want to stay alive
>yet another deflection
>Iranians are white
No they're not. They're their own brown race similar to dark Asiatics. You have no European roots from which all of western civilization was created from. Go back to your people.
>ahh right i forgot. EVERY iranian must be a muslim.
they killed 97% of the Christians in Iran you idiot
who is ''they''?
Also i have nothing to do with that.
No, it was because he was planning on selling his oil for Euros.
The same thing finished off Gaddafi - he was about to do the same thing.
Shuuuuuu please stop embarrassing yourself