What does stereotyping have to do with stalking now? The left loves their false equivalences

Well I am terribly sorry that I recognize a man when I see one.

The wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23

You can be trans and still be a christian.

>t. satan

Difference is they know they'll burn in hell

>woman "humour"

I’m sorry I didn’t know Jesus said ‘believe in me and be saved unless you’re a tranny lol.’
We’re all sinners, you just as much as me. The difference is that I have to wear my sin on the outside.



Lord told me to ignore sodomite orders, so sorry hun, ta ta~

>being this salty that he cant pass as female


Remember just a few months ago when he tried to retcon things and said this comic was, and always had been, about the Muslim kid and Stephie was a minor character? Guess Labelle gave up on that.

The dude who writes these looks like the singer Meatloaf in a wig.

What’s the original comic about?

Denying the possibility for a tranny's redemption is to deny the power of Christ's sacrifice. As long as we draw breath, Christ can work through us all. Not that I expect a memeflag to understand Christian theology.

You have to be repentant of your sin. If you're still dressing up like a woman and indulging in your fetish you're not exactly repenting. But yes, we're all sinners and if we repent and genuinely strive to live a godly life, we will be saved.


The sane part of his brain telling him he has a mental illness. Not joking.

Well snip my dick and call me Sophie!

Of course, much like Satan is still an angel.

And like the "trans christian", they both know God exists, and they know what awaits them for spitting in his face.

It's not our fault that trannies do a shit dog of hiding their masculine features

Use Kaitlyn for the Jenner reference and aliteration

Which Bible verse says that transsexualism is a sin?

buckle up buckaroo

he literally wiped off entire cities from the face of the earth for having too many faggots

>implying trannies aren't easy as hell to spot
I partly blame Photoshop and Snapchat filters. They look at edited images of themselves so much they convince themselves mirrors aren't real.

prot detected

>We’re all sinners, you just as much as me.

This is why you're not a spiritually strong christian.

You can say we're all sinners, as we are, but to place yourself on par with anyone in terms of "sin" or have the gall to claim someone else is "as much" a sinner as yourself if pathetically unchristian.

"Phil 2:3 Do not act out of selfish ambition or conceit, but with humility think of others as being better than yourselves."

How would you know?
Is that how you expect to save yourself? By justifying any and all of your sins away by pointing at others and saying "they're just as bad as me"?

Focus on your sins (start by admitting what they are) first and then on others.

Deut 22:5
International Standard Version
"A woman must not wear what is appropriate to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, because anyone who does this is detestable to the LORD your God."

Good luck with that and your unrepentant attitude.

The first step to redemtion is stopping being a tranny, so chekmate, mate.

Holy shit guys, This "Sophie Labelle" we are talking about is coming to my city next month. She will do a conference about LGBTQ+ and all this shit. I received an e-mail this week on my University account, can you guys believe it... this shit has to stop