The Antifascist Action will officially declare a CIVIL WAR as soon as construction starts. Every construction worker who dares to lay a SINGLE BRICK on the US-Mexican border will be SHOT.

Just you try and stop, you drumpf-admiring Nazi's.

Other urls found in this thread:



Good. Then they can be charged with treason.

I think in order to qualify for the $3.50 you have to have a higher word count

Remember - trashcans are your real enemies.

And every antifa carrying a gun will be ran over by a fuckin Tank
Martial law when?

its already being built baby boi

>Make weapons illegal! only the government should have weapons reee
>If you dont agree with me ill shoot you

WIth a nerf gun or slingshot, i assume?

Oh please let them. PLEEEEEEAASSEE.


They are cocked and ready to bike lock

Please do so we can just start headshotting you fags. How many points these days per commie head shot?

They already started building the wall.

>threatens to shoot construction workers
>for building the border wall
>on the border
>where border patrol agents are

Ok dude, gl.


every single one of you Gommie fucks is going to die if you start a civil war here, I hope you know that but I also hope you try anyway

>one gets shot
>every commie in the states gets arrested
>every patriotic person with guns will literally become "Protectors of the sttae"
>/k/ prospers
Sage, I await this so much

Declare civil war commie, the wall is in prototype stage.

Can someone with MSPaint skills add fedoras to these cucks?

Good think it won't be built with bricks :^)

Construction started dip shit. Bring your War, we're ready.

They've already started numb nuts, Jesus you fuckers are out of touch, the budget is passed, prototypes are up, it's happening

Serious question, how do I go about getting a job building the wall? Who is building it and where do I apply?

what will really happen:

> a group of 20 antifa will protest
> one will pull out a gun and pull the trigger
> national guard will come in
> ANTIFA will be declared a treasonous terrorist organization
>There will be hearing to find out who is funding the group
> Soros will be declared an enemy of the state
> Whoever was shot will be considered a hero and while his/her memory will live on, Antifa and the left will be remember as subservise communist retards who got BTFO'd by Trump and the rest of America

go for it, bitch. as for me, I'm with the 'Punch a Commie' brigade. Hope to see you soon in NYC.

>hire Mexicans to build the wall
>so much win

Five points for regular hair or bald. 10 points for an unnatural color like a blue or purple, 25 points for multicolored. Piercings are 1 Point per piercing. Skinny jeans at a bonus Five Points. If it's a guy and he's wearing female underwear it's a bonus 20 points.


I’d join you guys if you guys stopped being purple haired fags otherwise, cool ideology.



>Every construction worker who dares to lay a SINGLE BRICK
Use concrete, outsmart commies.

Construction already started you losers.

how good will those guns be when the governament shot then with thanks jets and drones hurpt durpt

>tfw DHS finally gets to reveal it's true power and kills all the communists

good goy, keep supporting (((trump))) and israel


Id love to see the second one from the right try and control the recoil. Noodle arms is more of a danger to himself than he is to anyone else.

The construction has already started you baby


>pol claims to be anti-establishment and edgy
>not anarchist, but sides with the conserative estlaishment


Listen you trolling nigger. There's been a wall in San Diego Calexico area for years now. It was in the process before trump. FUCKING NIGGERS

Nah, we will use stones nurtured in the bosom of American earth, and with a little help from the right wing death squads, those commie faggots will supply the mortar.

卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍

卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍卐 卍

They're not using bricks caveman engineer

They're literally dressed like Cobra Commander and they somehow think that they're the good guys?

Did share blue get a fresh cash injection or something?

>1 post by this ID

I tipped the FBI nonetheless, enjoy getting v&

hey i'm new, red pill me on jews please

this, fucking this.

The rules are set

How the hell does that not jam?
I've never seen that before.

Do it faggot. I want to see you try!

Proof that they're the bad guys: Our side has a superhero (Based Stickman) and a wacky animal sidekick (Pepe).

They have two supervillains: Professor Bikelock (Eric Clanton), Giraffe Neck (Michael Isaccson) and a horde of identically clad minions.

God I can't wait to openly kill these antifa niggers. I have my Hitler youth knife just ready to stab you whore bitches

Soros dropped $18 billion (With a B) on Open Society Foundation yesterday.

What ever happened to the bike lock guy? Did he ever go to jail or anything?

a few spoiled bluepilled cuck children goes into the street
>not guuuuuun buiiild walls!
they actually think it works like this

Also fuck you op, no links
no videos
low quality bait


>1 post by this ID

Trial was moved to December.

>There will be hearing to find out who is funding the group
>all efforts go to downplay the whole incident and the public is denied access to all documents regarding the case
>nothing happens expect some butthurt in both sides, a dead construction worker and a dead commie fascist

>Sup Forums is one person.

Going to fly first class from Chicago, one brick at a time, until that wall is built.

>Every construction worker who dares to lay a SINGLE BRICK on the US-Mexican border will be SHOT

Good luck with that faggot

Do it, faggots!


Fuck Drumpf!!!

We will not be ignored!!!

That is edgy in todays zeitgeist

Shit or get off the pot already you whiny chimps.

This isn’t Puerto Rico, kek

I hope you do. Then all of America will rise up to destroy you.


Qt pls

Your wish, is my command. Enjoy some OC.

Yawn, what lame ass bait.

You could of at the very least use the right flag.

2/10, try harder.




it already is being built.
like...9 miles worth.
where have you been?

trump even tweeted it out today to remind you all

Watch out, Nazis!

upboated eksdee


They aren't laying bricks. They are laying concrete pre-fabs and barbed wire.

sage cuck

I have 5000 rounds of 50BMG for this and this alone. I am sooooooo looking forward to it.

>Commie Traiors

holy shit you nazi wannabe faggots are autistic

>We are the workers party!

>Every construction worker who dares to lay a SINGLE BRICK on the US-Mexican border will be SHOT.

I want the one with chubby thighs

fuck missed her by 1 number XD


>no usa at all

so that is treason and we can gas them right?

As Mexican I don’t give a fuck you autistic fuck


Communists don't go logic why do you think they keep shilling thier shit ideology that doesn't work

>"We are going to protect the people even if it means killing half of them!"

Its says 2017 but feels 1917

we want you to declare civil war faggot you can't shoot got shit we do it for fun nigger i have a bullet proof armor and a gun race war now pls we want the day of the rope that is were everyone in America kills all brown people jew niggers and spics can you give us a day and time we fucking be their armed to the teeth.

Cobra Commander actually looks pretty cool desu

>When the communists start the Civil war against the bulk of the population

This would be a dream of mine.

I dare you commies to try and attack the border. PLEASE DO IT!

I wonder what the result would be... lol. They would fuck you up so quick and you'd run home to your moms basement to cry,

rolling sage