Other urls found in this thread:
CEH doesn't even present any scientific evidence. It's fake! If they don't cough up the proof a lawsuit will shut them up pretty quickly.
Don't believe it. Some science guy did tests on all of his supplements and they were just things you can buy at GNC with a fancy label. None of them contained any dangerous substances, they were just overpriced snake oil pills.
>another junk bread
Stay butthurt, my Alt-Left dude.
what's ceh?
You literaly have a fucking computer right infront of you...look it up, faggot.
but what's Sup Forums's general opinion on them?
“...under California law”
>infowars is pushing the obama russia blackmail story hard
>stories claiming that infowars pushes toxic supplements emerge
Definitely no agenda being pushed by the msm here.
Good, any idiots who actually buy his shit deserve to not have offspring. Alex is funny tho.
BTFO fag
No. He isn't
Now go take your SSRIs and benzos
>People who take the daily recommended dose of the Formula product would ingest more than twice the daily limit for lead under California law.
Doesn't that also apply on Alex Jones when he ships his products to customers in California?
Isn't people 65 the reason pretty much everything has to have some stupid fucking warning on it?
what if I drink 4 of these a day?
If you're going to shit your manties over 1ppb fluoride in water or light halogens in immunization injections, you have every motivation to be buttdevastated over something like this. If you choose to be disinterested in this, then you reveal yourself a hypocrite on yet another front.
>I'm going to refute your statement by posting a gizmodo link that's simply going to parrot everything you read in the OP
Not even going to read that without an archive
I love that vid. The face he makes is priceless
You didn't read either link, so why pretend to be upset?
Maybe people just don't care about Alex Jones or the products he's selling to absolute morons
dont forget to replenish your stocks of brain force and caveman, and fund the infowar against shills like op
Alex bro, name the Jew and we'll forgive you for your lead shilling.
I ain't even mad my dude just predictable that some gizmodo link would be provided as if they have some kind of credibility.
I'd be down with that and I'm even willing to believe it, but whether they care about him or his products or not, a lot of people on here feel compelled to defend him as a matter of toe-ing the party line rather than of principle.
Says the guy posting Emma Watson on a gookime image board
Have some self awareness
Alex Jones is a millionaire salesman.
Laughing all the way to the bank.
*Clap clap clap.
Apparently despite the fact Alex keeps saying he's going to sue people he never actually had sued anyone.
(Don't know how true that is.)
Eh I don't know if anyone really cares about Jones. Imo I think the more people that buy his garbage and get cancer the better. However, prop 65 is pretty laughable and has resulted in slapping scaremongering warning labels on a lot of things nobody is dying from. I was in San Francisco for work on March and just about every business had a label on the front door saying something about causing cancer. When there's a label on everything then it has no meaning.
fake news
I mean how can you not watch this guy and just laugh
Lmfao wouldn't be surprised. Last time I heard Alex on mushrooms I realized he is both insane and tuned-in. I have no idea if he's a shill, but I wouldn't take supplements from him.
He mentioned this yesterday on his show. It's only in California where they are claiming this, and he said it will be sorted out shortly. There isn't anything dangerous about them.
What makes niggers think that Alex Jones himself fucking sits down in a clean room mixing protein powder?
It's supplement powder. Just like at GNC, bought from a factory and labeled for resale. It's not snake oil any more than any other supplement.
I don't even take supplements but ffs try not to be such a schizo.
Replied to wrong post
drink Kool-Aid
Hater gonna hate.
>We bought Infowars supplements and mixed them with fishing weights
Why didn't they report the amount found? Never trust the news that when given a chance to report facts opt not to.
How many ppm or is it ppb or even less ppt?
>Caveman Paleo Formula and Myco-ZX supplements...
>People who take the daily recommended dose of the Formula product would ingest more than twice the daily limit for lead under "California law."
California law.
Still doesn't tell us how much.
How much lead do you want in your water before you drink it?
Im pointing out "California law" its obviously silly. Because there are warnings on computer boxes saying watch out there is stuff in here that causes cancer in the computer. what are you gonna do eat it?
My shoes had a sticker on the box that says California is scared of them. It's literally on everything.
LMFAO the retards getting their news from a college dropout have been cucked into poisoning themselves like the citizens of Flint.
TFW you don't have flouride in your water but you've got fucking lead in your vitamins
>How much lead do you want in your water before you drink it?
I want to know how much. If someone won't give me an amount then I'm going to assume they are being misleading with the risk.
It's protective lead it forms a shield around your brain to protect from harmful HAARP radiation.
are you retarded? having ANY traces of lead in your food at all is bad
Alex "dropout" Jones literally poisoning his audience.
Henis going to have to slap another warning label on his shit to sell in california. Big fucking deal.
Well one thing we can all agree on is Jones does have some pretty good news.
Jones also lets the public know what's going on in DC.
For instance this article was just posted on infowars
Here is the link...
That's why we are on pol....the powers that be want to censor free speech.
Remember when he said everything he did was an act? Or when Roger stone said he only survived being poisoned by radiation because he took infowars pills
no it's not
believes infowars
These jews are peddling lies. Yesterday they were saying it's harmful for white people to workout.
Ten years ago he was selling Tangy Tangerine, which was a powdered multi-vitamin drink mix. He suddenly stopped and never mentioned Tangy Tangerine again, because it was literally full of arsenic.
no man, nobody agrees on that. The incoherent schizotypal college dropout viewpoint that Jones vomits out of his fat mouth makes Breitbart look like a credible news organization.
>are you retarded? having ANY traces of lead in your food at all is bad
Go out and pick up a handful of dirt. That has lead in it. Plant something it it. It will have trace amounts of lead in it. Pour some water into it. Now it has lead in it.
The dose makes the toxin. If your water has 10ppb of lead in it that's nothing. You would literally die from drinking water before your body could accumulate enough lead to even start to register on a risk matrix if you were drinking that water as fast as you could to build up the lead in your body.
This thread is shill central
Alex employs Kike Cernovich and an active Naval Information Warfare Officer.
Yes under the standard set out in international shoe
I'd rather listen to North Korea's number stations than listen to a word that comes out of the incoherent fat retards mouth. He literally has no qualifications as a journo
Source on this video?
Hello Hillary. Glad you decided to drop by pol. I guess you like CBS MSNBC and CNN but dislike infowars.com drudgereport.com breitbart.com and zerohedge.com
Well if you don't like his products at least we all agree the news on infowars.com is informative.
More like France 24, Reuters, AP, SCMP, WSJ, and C-SPAN
Sorry, wrong link, here ya go youtube.com
infowars is informative in the same way that Donald Trump is an effective president
>college dropout
Are you retarded? Sup Forums has IDs, there's no point to change your flag every other shill post.
>Sup Forums mobile
Everyway you look at the economy Trump is kicking ass. Unemployment down, stock numbers up, welfare recipients down, consumer confidence up, illegal immigration down.
Suck my fucking dick bitch
Not an issue.
6x the daily prop65 levels is 0.000018grams
Scary enough that means it is nearly 5x the quantity per gram of tuna!
Soo daily consumption of the pill is less lead than 1 can of tuna per month.
Shit news
college is not education its indoctrination
t. cenk
fake news. Alex Jones is the only credible journalist.
The lead levels claimed have shown to have zero health effect. The fluoride has been shown to have actually reduced the population IQ nearly 5 points
CEH is a leftist organization
you imply we should be surprised a fake accusation is made against someone who threatens the viewership of CNN
You mad at my flags ya putin-cucked retard?
Alex Jones swears he had sex with 150 women by the time he was 16 and that he was dating college girls at 15.
How people can trust a man that could lie so blatantly is beyond me.
Yep. I litteraly sell refined gold for the industry. Our pure .9999 fine gold has enough lead that it would need a prop 65 label if used in the food industry
Prop65 is a joke. Literally everything is labeled, including all restaurants
roger stone didn't say that
he said that he may have been helped by supplements
alex jones talks on average 2-3 hours a day for 6 days a week, he says a lot of stuff
its easy to claim he said something
Just look at the fat retard accuse a kid of being an intellectual just like the Chinese during the great leap forward...
It would be cool if he was Bill Hicks but hes just a schizotypal supplement slinger
Myco ZX is made by Dr. Group and just privately labelled by AJ so if this isn't bullshit his supplements will be flagged too.
You mean to tell me Alex Jones isn't hand crafting his supplements with his greasy sausage fingers?
Alex Jones is played by Bill Hicks who is a CIA agent so it's not surprising.
Bill Hicks is a CIA agent in the same way Alex Jones is a respected journalist
>tfw harvey pops his chode out again, and you thought he was taking you shopping for a change.
I want to fuck millie weaver.
>thinking agents are all fit and james bond tier
He was recruited by the CIA as a subversion agent. Watch Yuri Bezmenov you retard.