Just found out I'm white!
Ancestry Thread
>When you have nothing to be proud about
marketing shill
>Just had my DNA harvested and used to test for genetic weapon effectiveness
>spending 100 bucks to give google my DNA
i'd rather not
I'm proud that my great, great, great, great grandpa fought in the American Revolution
>everything I don't like is a shill
Yea again, you yourself have nothing to be proud about.. thus you are proud about shit other people did...
You don't even know me. I have much to be proud about, and that's completely besides the point of knowing my ancestry. My father was adopted so it's rather interesting to me.
>You don't even know me
The fact that you care about your god damn genes to validate your believes makes you fucking retarded.
Your agony is
>54% irish
literally nigger-tier
>southern european
r8 mine
Pure Scandinavian Dane reporting in
>southern european
People have always mistaken me for looking Mediterranean so I was quite shocked to find out I was pure northern European. Where did Anglo's get their dark features from?
I don't need to do any of that. I think it's interesting. I'm not validating anything. You seem to be taking out some internal bullshit on me. Sort yourself out, friend.
British and irish, as in from anywhere in the UK...
I hate the way they highlight the whole continent if you have even 0.1% from that area. Mine is 99.2% white, but they've highlighted all of asia and all of the USA and all of north africa because I have some sliver of DNA that they think comes from those regions.
I wanted a neat, tidy little blue map showing Europe. Instead I got this fucking retarded thing that highlights 4 continents. 99.2% European, yet the only single nonwhite in my ancestry is a fucking native american from 1760 (confirmed by my mother). Just fucking kill me now.
You are pretty..
>Irish and British
>0.1% Unassigned
>nigger tier
How so? You're 46% black?
What's the best DNA analysis to give me raw data?
Are you a descendant of the Cimbri/Teutones or are you a Hugenot immigrant ?
The Eternal Hyberian is not to be trusted, they are Anglo accomplices who seek the destruction of the Aryan race
23andme will give you the raw data. You can then take it to GEDmatch and upload it there. There are a few other ones (some of which cost a few bucks) that can process it and give you tons more details.
I'm actually 50/50 Danish Spanish i was actually quite surprised by the result since my father is from southern Valencia
I believe the DNA test is unprecise
its possible to change the confidence level
That’s the most German I’ve seen on a test posted here.
My great-grandfather on my father's side was a Corsican businessman, but I'm still fairly pure.
90% I'm just mixed European apparently
At 90% certainty
im 100% white why are there so many niggers in this thread
Dont forget Arabs,Turks and Blacks
Those subhumans trying to D&C
You are only
Hello Mutumbo
Don't worry Alexios, you're all white to me.
There used to be a land bridge between Iberia and Britain.
>t. Paco
t. kike with hook nose who hates italy
French & German admixture isn't German nor French it is a Eastern Gaul/Frankish admixture and it peak among Walloon
Guys, am I white?
>calling anyone non-white
Most of my family tree leads to England, wonder what happened
Oh, shit I posted my name. How do I delete this? Pls no dox
.1% southern European = "White"
Get out of here nigger trash.
I'm afraid of DNA testing because of both (((Polish))) and (((German))) Ancestry which I supposedly have. I'l just pretend I'm white and continue hating Jews
Daily reminder southern europeans were inventing your shitty imitation of euro culture while germanic subhuman snowniggers were wrestling naked in a frozen shithole up north.
>Unassigned 0.1%
Nice try nigger, get in the oven
You mean the Spanish farmers?
NIce try sand nigger, knew you have some shitskin in you.
Me too
>ashenkazi Jewish
>southern european
show your flag then scum.
why the fuck did you ruin a beautiful drawing with these shitty edits
Stop tripfagging spic
Don't tell anyone
For all the Divide and conquer people
There's nothing wrong with feeling a connection to your ancestry.
le 56% face ehhhhh
Nobody is white faggot. No matter whose dna test results you steal and decide to post people will find something to complain about.
wake me up
(wake me up inside)
yeah thats right, im so white the 23andme jews had to throw in some kike shit, dont be mad at me youre literally a nigger
you seem like another kike
What test is this
>italy isn't white because only 22% of its population has blue eyes meanwhile america has roughly the same number
Mein nigger.
We are pretty close.
>0.1% unassigned European master race
What was your neanderthal score?
my italian friend looks exactly like that. difference is that he has green eyes
So Sup Forumslacks whats the best genetic testing to find out if I'm white.
ethnic italians have brown eyes even in the north. Turks have a higher chance of having green eyes than italians.
mine be 315 for neanderthal
Italians are the master race. Highest IQ in europa.
island autists
Sorry, you didn't make the cut to be a big brained nibba
Stoneage cannoes roamed the coast.
How many generations til my father's white line returns to 90 percent European?
Should I breed with eastern euros or scandanavians to bleach my DNA faster?
DAAAYYYUM. You're the only person I've met higher than me and you have the closest makeup to me.
What's your maternal haplogroup?
>k1a1b1 here
No no that will take too long, i feel like the only solution at this point is to you know, kys.
You paid the jews to take your DNA for some bullshit. Good job user
Back to temple rabbi
Hundreds of years user.
Your line likely won't make it. Sorry dude. Kys
>tfw italian