>girl loves guy
>guy loves another girl
Girl loves guy
>watching anime with male characters
Too bad something like this almost never happens in real life. It's most often the other way around.
>girl loves guy
>guy loves another guy
t. Remfag
>girl loves guy
>guy wants to go into space
> Mutually exclusive dreams
Man that was SHIT
>guy loves girl
>unable to confess
>guy loves girl
>girl loves another girl
>Girl likes guy
>Guy dies before she confesses
Just fuck my shit up family
>Normalfags say they like a character but make no effort to remember their name.
>Come up with shitty le ironic nickname for them.
>Girl loves bike
>Anime is better than all actual love stories
Love is blind.
>Girl loves guy
>Guy has a waifu
>Girl is the editor of the manga that Guy's waifu is in
>Guy won't give up on his Waifu UNLESS waifu gets together with MC in the manga
>Girl has to make Guy's Waifu win the MC bowl with the challenges of subliminally brainwashing the Manga-ka
>all while making sure the ratings of the manga don't fall so it doesn't get dropped
>Girl loves guy
>Guy loves his job
It's too painful to watch
>this guys is most likely serious and not baiting and even if he were some people will actually agree with him
Sometimes I'm genuinely worried about some of the people posting here.
>better than all actual love stories
KnT is good but don't oversell it.
Would read.
>Guy with actual personality likes girl
>Girl likes another beta faggot guy
What's wrong user, don't like good anime?
Wait, are you saying that at any given point in time, most guys have a crush on most girls? What?
>Love triangle subplot
>multiple girls love guy
>guy changes which one he loves every day
>rejects best girl all the time
Looking at you Junpei
Literally every childhood friend
Who, Sastuki? Because you sure as hell don't mean Aya.
Has the childhood friend ever won?
>family loves guy
>guy loves family
>shapeshifting guy loves murdering
>Girls love guy
>Guy loves part human part alien giant limp penis
>Girls give up and love each other while one grows a penis
Love is the narcissistic drive to find someone similar to you who can validate you and therefore reconcile your flaws and insecurities. It is a purely selfish emotion.
Of course it's Satsuki. I'm on chapter 90 so dunno who wins but it's annoying me how he keeps ignoring her and going after boring Aya.
envy best girl
Pretty sure the girl who likes the guy wins every time
>the wrong girl wins
>multiple girls and guys as main characters
>no shoehorned love story and all characters are important
FUCK love lab, seriously. Fucking SHIT bait and switch.
Who's that?
boku no google search
There is literally nothing wrong with it, in fact it is the pinnacle of cute girls doing cute things. With their boyfriends.
fuck off
Sidonia was strange
>Romance subplot in a non romance show.
This needs to stop
>girl and guy love each other
>they're married
my fellow brother of patrician tastes, due to cliché harem tropes: best girls are predetermined to lose. I too think Satsuki is superior but unfortunately, she never stood a chance in this one and is quickly forgotten. She was in her prime when she was first introduced because of the chemistry her and Junpei shared, even as just friends. Unfortunately, she becomes a cock-hungry slut like so many harems members before her. If you're rooting for Satsuki, you're in for some serious disappointment.
It just seems like such a silly reason not to watch a great show. Besides, it's all about the purest form of love, that between a boy and a girl.
There were no boys involved for the majority of the show. By then you can be 100% sure that it's a yuri show but suddenly boys came out of fucking nowhere. I bet the show suffered vierwership because of that and that's why there's no season 2 with justice.
To be perfectly fair the entire premise is to fall in love, in no uncertain terms, with male boys who are men. Anyone who thought it was just going to turn into yuri after that was stated so many times very clearly only has themselves to blame for being disappointed. Plus by that point in the manga the boys had all been introduced and were regular cast members so that's also on you for being a filthy secondary. Just give it a try, it's no less cute just because the girls are doing what's natural instead of lezzing out all over eachother.
Story of my life
>Shitty anime love triangles
They all reuse plot threads from shitty kdrama anyways.
>guy loves having a quiet life
>guy also loves murdering
Fuck off gook
>Girl loves everything about Guy
>Girl would sacrifice herself for Guy
>Instead Guy love other Girl because shes """"Moe""""
>Outright tells Girl who loves her that he loves other Girl
You know, I'm not an expert on relationships here, but I can tell a missed opportunity when I see one.
>limiting a medium just because it has male characters
wew lass. You're a lass right? Wouldn't make sense for a dude to have this mentality.
>Guy loves dick
>Guy gets harrassed by vagina
What the fuck is wrong with this?
Just because some ugly bitch likes you don't mean you gotta back.
Keion is shit.
Actually it's an infinite loop. guy loves girl who loves another guy who loves another girl and so on
removing males would expand the medium
>wanting guys if you are a guy
>guy loves girl
>girl loves another girl
>liking girls
What a faggot.
does that mean you have girls after you?
>Being a yurishitter
>Man with a wicked sense of humor
i literally just finished Nagi no Asukara and I'm so fucking mad
I could swear I saw a "harem" with this premise at one point.
>It's another rem zero thread
It's not cute girls doing cute things anymore when you add romance. I can only tolerate the lowest levels of yuri bait, that's it.
>girl loves guy
>guy doesn't love anyone, but has an amazing relationship with another girl which might perfectly turn into romance eventually
>both girls have a good chance to end with the guy in the end
>girl loves guy
>guy loves another girl
>but that other girl loves another guy
>and he doesn't really give a shit, but the mangaka loves him more than the first guy