Ask a Kuwaiti anything. Preferably political questions.
Ask a Kuwaiti anything. Preferably political questions
Why do Muslims fuck goats five times a day.
Do you allow women to vote drive or hold elected office or are you a monarchy.. I know nothing about you except in 1991 or whenever your liberation interfered with my TV shows.
To find an excuse fucking you.
What are your thoughts on Uncle Adolf?
can you send me some date fruits
What's with the same copy pasta outfit?
Are you told to dress like that?
Yes, I do allow and support anybody who is qualified to hold a top position by legal and un-decietful means. In fact, I believe that equal rights means equal responsibility.
And yes, I love my prince.
That's a shame.. I was sad when I heard Saudi is allowing females to drive.. what's next Liquor ? Gay marriage?
Ever shit yourself?
goat is very clean
Where the fuck are you? And why are you wearing a dress?
How comfy are those white robes and hat?
Do you wear anything beneath them?
Why don't you sandniggers use chairs?
Did you get raped as a child? I heard all muslim boys get raped and are expected to rape the next generation in turn. Is it true?
Smart man, but he was a loser.
Choose what your heart desires, Bhai.
It's traditional clothes. I enjoy wearing it, it gives me an identity and a belonging to my people. It's also a very good copout if I had nothing else to wear when it comes to jeans and a shirt.
as salaamu 3aleikum akhi,
your family invests in the american stock market/private markets? if yes, im an investment banker on wall st. can send over credentials. we can do some business inshaallaah
Is that your eternal erection?
give me a job bro am NEET
gib free oil moni
does sand taste like chicken??
Is the House of Saud jewish?
how hard do you beat your slaves and do you use a stick?
Would you Muslims, join Christians in order to exterminate (((them)))
How much oil money do you have?
How much does a wife cost?
Do yall believe in aliens?
When Arab women brap into their cloak thing, is the smell present when they take it off?
In terms of your own opinion of international relations, which do you prefer: Iran or Iraq.
Also: what is your opinion of further secularization versus adopting wahabiism. I understand your legal system is largely secular in nature in contrast to some of your neighbors.
Do you prefer petrodollar being USD greenbacks or a potential switch to Yuan?
Do you like traps?
why do you bring lion cubs to parties? alcohol is safer you know
Why do you stink?
Arabs dont have nationality
Suni or Shia or BTFO
Close family friends of mine are from Syria from rich christian families. They said that Inshallah was a polite way of saying no.
"Will you give me those goats like you promised"
"If god wills it *shrugs*"
Hey man how are you?
Do they shove those bananas up their asses? Up each others' asses?
Which is the real prophet? Mohammad or Muhammad?
See, I was thinking about joining Islam but I cant figure out which one is the one and true Allah . The Shia Allah or the Sunni Allah?
What do you think about Hitler? What is the general opinion of Nazi Germany in Kuwait?
were there babies in incubators being killed when Saddam invaded?
Do avocados grow in Kuwait?
thoughts on Trump and Hillary?
Why is our (public) health care system such dog shit?
is it ok if i don't want to beat my wife?
How comfortable are those arab man-dresses? they look really comfortable to me. Also post this on Sup Forums not here
Real talk here.
What do ya'll do with your dead?
They're called dishdashas
are you rich?
what car do you own?
what is your occupation
do you like cats?
How high are the taxes on slaves?
I have a Masters of Science in Supply Chain Management and a MBA. I'm looking for a good job that pays well for about two years to help me get on my feet financially.
I've heard that there are jobs in Kuwait that pay a LOT OF MONEY.
Is this true?
What age do you think Aisha was when Muhammad fucked her?
Taxes don't exist here
I dont see anything cute in this pucture.
Have things changed there?
Fun fact
Also, I used to live and school there for about a year I lived in salmiya in an apartment which was allocated for western expats who were teachers. That was until i had to come back to this fucking godforsaken country that has no jobs as i could not get a friggin visa. I was living with my dad and little brother at the time.
That was ten years ago.
Do you go to the beach at Fahaheel?
Is Johnny Rockets still there in Kuwait City?
I was there in the late 90s. Sometimes you would see women wearing western style clothing and sometimes you would see women in full burkas. Do their fathers determine what they were allowed to wear?
suck it Saudi
Ancapistan is real.
how hard is it to move there?
Umm no sweetie, we're just a constitutional monarchy that cares about the population.. okay honey, we don't tax people..
is indian guy in red tshirt a slave maid?
Monarchy you say?
how many of you are hooked on poppies? seeds or pods
post dick
I think the OP is gone
is misogyny real
inb4 praying to Mecca
Botswana, that's rare as shit. So, are you African or white British? How did your family end up in Botswana?
Is it easy to slay hot girls in Kuwait?
Nigga how the fuck you ended up in Botswana
Ragheads give u a boner?
What's the best place to get kebab stew in Kuwait?
I'm in a place called Diwanya. A place where only men sit and talk, or play card games. We usually play big boy games like Kout or Hand. They're Indians games because before the black gold (oil) we were pearl divers and desert dwellers. Trading with India back in the days, some of its basic words and a very small of part of its cultural orientation rubbed on us. I'm glad we don't shit in streets. On the other hand, we talk about many things ranging from politics to hobbies.
Very comfy, my good sir. We usually wear a long underwear to cover our legs, sometimes you can see through the clothes.
Because sandniggers, amirite?
No, I didn't. But who ever told you that is right. It's a process of becoming a man. Fortunately for me, I was already fully grown when my mom gave birth to me.
Iraq, most definitely. We have a long history good history with the Iraqis. But you know. . . Sadam. We have a saying: the dead fish tarnishes the rest.
As for Qatar, I don't have anything against my cousins. In fact, I love them. It just baffles me how people try to pull the GCC apart. As for Wahhabism, I don't recognize it. I only recognize my religion, the religion of Islam and Mohammed as my the final prophet of Allah.
And traps are my guilty pleasure.
It's probably the side effects of the weed you're smoking.
Are the girls hot from that family? Inshallah we know so we can marry one of them.
I'm very well, lad. How about you? Just so you know, I love your country and respect its history. I also want to apologize, as well, for the arab scums who trash your places and drive around their own cars to avoid any sort of tax. I know you guys pay heavy tax and it's unfair to see others enjoy for what you have to pay.
We actually champion him. Here's a picture, ignore the one on the left.
Can an American former small business owner with diverse skills get a high paying job over there doing something in air conditioned comfort and minimal actual work.
Do sand people not put art up?
Christ is the true God.
This might be a strange question, but Arabs seems to be arrogant and seems to think themselves above Europeans, do the average guy knows that all the technology, furniture etc. comes from the West? just take a look at the photo you posted for example, everything in there from lamps to windows and even the couch was invented by Europeans, are people aware of it or do they see it as something "universal" and not Western?
Tell me where the machine that turns me into a devout fertile muslim girl is
Did you get those at the antique shop in salmiya?
Is the average Kuwaiti richer than a europoor ?
Does your country have many 3rd worlders doing shit jobs for little to no wage ?
Do you wear your funny arab clothes everyday ?
Is there any form of degeneracy that's tolerated ?
>Inshallah we know so we can marry one of them.
Why stop there?
My father was a white brit who was born in scotland.
He came to botswana in the late 1980s because at the time, the british government used to send teachers there to work at the public schools.
My mother is black, but one of those light brown blacks. Because her grandfather was a white man.
I am mixed, but I have the appearance of a white person. Only the brown eyes give it away. In africa, mixed race are referred to as coloureds. And it is not a racial slur.
I used to have to have two passports, as I was able to apply for british citizenship by descent.
Am I Kuwaii user-san?
OP do you want to kill all Christians?
seeing saudi arabia continously giving more rights and rights, i see they are on their way to imitate the west by gradually giving women more freedom.
remember, you its starts with something innocent as giving them the right to vote and work and end up with gender quotas and slutwalks. it may take some decades, but its inevitable once the process is started.
my question: when do you expect to see women demanding more rights and "muh freedom" from patriarchic islam?
Do burgers unironically believe this
Is it real that you have a harem of cute little boys to fuck?
Picture please, I'm genuinely curious as to what you look like also show me some cool African landscape pics
This. The Saudis are gonna undermine their own plans of a wahabist caliphate as women lacking any physical strength in society will utilise political strength and continual vote to undermine patriarchal Islam.
Finally someone realizes this as well.
To be honest I was shocked when I saw in the TV shows that interviewed women after Saudi Arabia allowed women into the stadiums on a public holiday.
The women were talking as if its long overdue, but its still a "long process" that women have to walk. Saudi Arabia is about to get cucked hard by its women and doesnt even know it yet.
@Does Kuwait know? Is the woman question as bad in Kuwait as in KSA?
user do you got a job and if so how is your working week.
Also can we send back all the snackbars that are fucking up Europe.
While that is a possible outcome, what really causes a society to descend into social degeneracy, the likes of which is present in the West, is a conscious, wealthy group of cultural subverters pushing for progressive liberal issues. This is done to destroy a nation and make its citizens dependent on the state rather than themselves and their families.
Women vote left wing at a far greater rate and will vote to have lax divorce laws and tons of social benefits which will in turn lead to sexual immoral practices and cause a series of ripple effects
what is the most valuable thing in the world to a kuwaiti
just not true.
all civilizations go through the same pattern:
> have patriarchy
> women are effectively male property, not allowed to work, not allowed to own
> civilization rises
> civilization prospers
> women make demands
> women get what they want
> civilization crashes
even without jews, women would make those demands (ancient rome, mesopotamia, egypt)
Is anyone going to eat that fruit or does it go to waste?
About the robes.
Are there high end and low end labels or materials? Are they off the rack, or custom fitted?
Are there variations for holidays or special occasions?
I've always wondered that, too. In Middle Eastern countries, you'll see elaborate fruit trays and spreads laid out for a meeting between like five people and I always ask myself "Do they actually eat all that shit or do they take it home or do they just throw it away? Knowing them, they probably just throw it away."
Thoughts on Scandinavia? (Excluding Sweden)
How happy are you about yurop becoming islamized on a scale of pork to muhammed?
My mom was from there and so i was born there.
Father went there because wages for teacher was higher than in the rst of the gulf states.
Could not stay. laws regarding visas were fucking stupid. If children were to get visas, mother had to stay with us in kuwait. Mother is an african black woman father was white. Muslim kuwaiti arabs, some of whom were racist as shit. Mother already had job in botswana. Was not keen on remaining housewife in gulf state.
Had to go back, live in a place far away from old secondary school in some shitty small house. Started hanging out with new friends who smoked weed, mixed with tobacco.
Had to put up with mother who was always on my case, always shouting at me for no reason, always shouting at my little brother. That shit I really fucking hated so much. Now me and brother today carry a small hatred for mother. Grew resentful of father who lived and worked in kuwait.
He came back in 2010 for good. But earlier that year I finally snapped at mother I Felt no remorse. It was for the two years of giving me verbal abuse.
My father last year told me that we wanted to go back to kuwait because of teaching job. Asked him if he could take me. He refused. Told me to finish my degree at college. Got very upset. But parents understood why.
So father turned down job offer.
This sounded selfish,
but here is the thing.
Single mothers know fuck all how to maintain family.
No wonder fatherless young black men in the united states of america turn into dindu nuffins. Because of their useless piece of shit mothers who verbally abused them.