Irish people are one of the most underated people. Irish is master race not only cause we're white, but we have superior biological genetics, have had some of the most intelligent thinkers of all time, we are some of the most charismatic people and have some of the best women. I bet not one of u non Irish betas can give me one reason why we aren't alpha.
Irish master race
Other urls found in this thread:
you're genetically indistinguishable from the brits
t. Irish nigger
As a black person, I have to admit that the Irish are the most impressive whites.
>slide bread
Most aesthetic accent of English too desu.
u attempted to burst high level british tanks with literally shit gear i could never expext u 2 bark with the big dogz
sheep shaggers
Hope I can find an irish qt to breed.
1 the Irish are 10x more hygienic then the British as they are disgusting 2 war doesn't mean shit when 1v1 any Irishman could dummy any other culture
irish women are hot
It's going to end in Christ v. Satan, take your sides now and make sure to pick correctly.
Irish women are hot... when they don't pudge out
>pimp suits
>listens to Snoop Dogg
>still can't beat a 40 year old retired black man
let that settle in, Mick
>in a boxing match
He'd batter him in a cage. Boxing is not a real fight it is a sporting contest in a very particular sport of which Conor was competing for the very first time.
Funny though how you cucks try to paint it as a win for blacks.
Irish are the nigger equivalent of whites everyone knows italians are the masterrace and outclass irish in every aspect
Kys mick
t. kike wanting to divide the white people
Talks about a master race... ... Shows the King of the Chavs in his picture...
Bitch you look like Steve
But the GOAT of ufc is a french-canadian, GSP.
irish, russian, serbian. it doesn't matter. white is white and we need to work together against our common enemies. the jews, muslims, and U.N.
Irish are closer to niggers than any other white race , Anyway have you not got a hole to dig somewhere you filthy mick ?
said the faggot with the EU flag
Conor has good banter like the Brits
nothing more GSP is gonna beat the fuck outa Bisping and Ferguson will beat the fuck outa McGregor or Diaz will a 3rd time
>Brian Boru
>St. Patrick
>Brendan the Navigator
>Michael Collins
>Eoin O'Duffy
>Eamon De Valera
>that insane Irishman from Braveheart
>Brad Pitt"s role as an IRA guy
But no, you pick a fucking gypsy nigger who fights for a living.
The Irish can't even survive without potatoes.
Master race my arse.
Americans have already evolved our genetic make-up
John Wick levels ....... Nov 4th please come
You're lousy at carpentry. And painting. You're afraid of electricity so I haven't met too many Irish electricians. As far as plumbers, some of you seem to be aware of a distant rumor of indoor plumbing.
Were too busy using our brains to do peasant mundane tasks
>lost to a Mexican
Are you aware of the type of work your people do in the US? Shitty construction work. You're too busy overstaying your 90 day visas to get work using your brains. Which is why you make such shitty carpenters. It actually requires a brain.
Thought he was a scot lol
We all know who the real master race is.
pic related
>this triggers the potato nigger
At least the IRA, communist nigger lovers that they are, don't fuck each other in the mouth and asshole like the ulstermen
nice strawman
>"i'll knock him out in the 1st round"
*Blocks your path
>on short notice
>at a higher weight class than he was preparing for
>beat him in rematch
>will beat him again
Irish are secret jews, I'm being dead serious, ancient gaelic is almost exactly like ancient hebrew, the lost tribes of israel went from media->europe->ireland. Just look at the irish, they are arrogant, tempermental and have big noses, case closed. Irish people are jews without the stigma of being jews
>source: i'm irish
>mfw Irish and have big nose
Where's my fucking reparations goy?
you just like their oversized women
>beat him
Lol, submission trumps a majority decision. McGregor is a weightclass babby that can't hang with real men.
>beat the shit out of the little nigger for 6 rounds
>gassed out
wow Gayfeather greatest of all time. KEK. This is teh best boxing has to offer?
That's because blacks value false bravado over intelligence.
>Can't wait to see Britspin make him eat his shit
No the second fight where Conor had a full camp of preparation trumps the first fight. He was preparing for RDA first time.
>weightclass babby
>double weight champ
irish are subhumans
up the ra
Scottish people are more balanced and refined than Irish and also produce more super geniuses. Irish people are quite rough.
>most intelligent thinkers of all time
LOL, irish are white niggers
t. Inselaffe
Irish is master race.
Why Irish pride is afraid to fight a goatfucker from Russia? McChicken got PTSD from the last tap out?
Irish can't hold a candle to the Scottish, we can outdrink you, our women are better, we're smarter, and we aren't fucking soulless gingers
>live on an island
>die from famine because can't grow fucking potatoes
>cucked by EU and Britain
>master anything
Go back to farming mud, bogtrotter.
>A pull out merchant who can't make weight.
>Undefeated record consists of nobodies.
>Conor afraid.
Also holy fucking shit he's getting annoying.
He's spending his money like it's an endless supply that he will never ever see the end of.
I give him three years before he's into dire straits.
What user? You think he'll noodle arm his way into perpetual fortune while not diminishing the rate he's spending it on trivial shit?
true dat
>objective #1 in his division aside from McChicken and Fergucuck
>either of them is too afraid to fight
Dana cant save you forever. The faster Khabib kills your hype baby, the less pain there will be.
>people actually understand this
t. jealous a*glo
Not even remotely close
Khabib is a great fighter, it's a shame he keeps injuring himself.
>one plant catches disease
>"masterrace" are dependend on one plant that feeds their entire population
>masterrace nearly loses more than half of their population within a few years and still hasnt recovered yet.
Almost certainly the übermensch.
Food was certainly on the island. It was being exported to our gracious overlords in Britian who also helped out by stopping relief ships bringing aids in. Lets not forget the death camps or work camps as they like to be called where people were forced to build roads leading no where for no purpose.
Thank you for your informed comment Kebab.
That flag does disgust me, yes. The Red Hand of Ulster is a Fenian symbol rooted in Gaelic culture, and not only did you use it in your flag, you put it on top of a fucking Star of David. Loyalist kikes.
Whats the Irish Opinion on the Portuguese? We share cartographic similarities
You both share the atlantic ocean and some celtic connections and that's it. But you are more close to the spanish, the french and north italians......... while irish are more close related to english and scots
Whiter than you
>Objective No.1.
>Has only beatan 2 top ten opponents in his UFC career one of being a decision that could've gone either way.
>"Gets injured" when offered real competition.
>Can't make weight.
Richard Spencer said he didnt classify Irish as whites?
Can someone explain to me as to why they are not considered white?
Irish people are mostly OK but so many are ruled by emotion.
.t Boston Native
>Irish people
>Boston Native
From Boston you say? Which house is yours?
They think that because of like 20% of the populations facial strutucture is that of a nigger. However ever country has its faults Irish just have the least.
Don't forget that we were able to beat the English at their own language. The most greatest novels and poetry of English literature come from Ireland
is that JUNKIE JOE
Ireland has some of the purest white genetics.
The grey one.
The Celts are the true masterrace.
What is the final solution to the Irish question?
>getting your shit pushed in by a 40 year old midget
Posting with the faggot banner invalidates everything you just said