Horrible OP's, Amazing animu

>Have competent and experienced animators
>The entire series looks good, not great, but good
>CGI barely visible 90% of the time, all the shading and drawing are really well done in a style that resembles early 90's anime, just cleaner and better in every way

Then they fucking go with this:

Just ... why

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It looks unique and Origa is singing therefore it's good.

You have fucking shit taste, OP. Go kill yourself before is spreads.

Yeah, but the second OP is fucking god-tier.

RIP in piece Origa



I have never seen so much shit taste in one post.

OP is a faggote, like always.

>>Have competent and experienced animators

that's an understatement yous little shit

>>The entire series looks good, not great, but

yet you're just about complement how smart the CGi usage is but it just looks "good"

>>CGI barely visible 90% of the time, all the shading and drawing are really well done in a style that resembles early 90's anime, just cleaner and better in every way

Go fuck yourself

The shota should have fucked her.

Horrible 3d that makes berserk animation look good
>What the actual fuck

I LOVE the series to death, and the song is decent, but the animation is not good


Just to clarify, in the OPENING

The Anime is god tier in its art direction, style and general presentation otherwise
Anyone pretending elsewise is a faggot like those hating on RE:Zero, FMAB, Monster etc. just to be hati'n on whats popular

But the fucking opening, despite having neat music, looks like its a cut-scene from a PS2-game

>shitting on SAC's OP

I mean, we all agree that the second OP is better though, right?

I like it, but some proportions of the characters are off, the shading is to my taste a bit too light
Something that looks great are Mushishi, The Count of Monte Christo, Mob-Psycho-100, or Fate-series

Good does not mean bad user, good means good
But great means it has to truly stick out, and you remember this series for the plot, atmosphere, world and characters, not for the animation

Who said he didn't?

>looks like its a cut-scene from a PS2-game

The anime came out in 2002 with production taking place in 2001 late 2000


>oh but the CG

you Sup Forums shitter

You don't know a fucking thing!


Wew lad

>unironically putting rezero in the same boat as true classics
Kill yourself

>Horrible 3d that makes berserk animation look good
You are retarded

This is some of the most concentrated, pure hatred and loathing I've seen in a string of posts after the OP


Holy fuck you fanboys are rabid. The CGI in the OP is absolutely disgusting, deal with it.

>reading comprehension

Go drown yourself OP.

Kill yourself.

I really liked House of Five Leaves but the OP was horrible and didn't fit the tone of the show.

is the whole show cgi? or just the intro?

Just the intro
But the show doesn't look great otherwise eiher. It has an early 2000s artstyle.
It's also really boring, the best part is the intro song.
And actually, I think the horrible CGI is an interesting artistic choice. It's meant to look ugly and artificial, to show off how bad modern technology can be, in line with the themes of the anime.

ANIMATION WISE you illiterate fucktards
Story wise that waifu-fest has nothing to offer of value

God you faggots are retarded at times

True, the animation, pacing, and style was sao good, yet the op just felt ... misplaced

Thankfully only the intro
The show is amazing in almost every aspect, good animation, great characters, and probably the best Sci-Fi world to date in anime

hm really, i think it simply was picked to look "modern" at the times, to seem futuristic, but it has aged horribly

What aspect of it do you find boring, the main story (laughing-man) is not engaging, but if you honestly can say you felt nothing during Batou's flashback episode chasing the guerilla-warfare killer from WWIII, you seriously lack emotion

>animation of those

It's just boring. Just talking and attempting to seem mature and complex by all that talking, where things very rarely happen. I just didn't like it, it's a type of anime I don't really like. It was similar to Fate Zero and Kara no Kyoukai, also boring shows with dark talking and not much else.

This just in: OP has shit fucking taste.

I've never been much into Ghost in the Shell (only caught random episodes on TV, though I'll probably watch it through someday), but I remember that OP really leaving an impression on me as a kid whenever I would see it at night. The combination of the music and the CG (especially the doll) made it really surreal and unsettling to me. Thinking about it evokes a strange kind of nostalgia that I don't get from anything else. It's one of the most memorable anime OPs I've ever seen; if nothing else, it's successful in that regard.

Thanks OP, you just made me realize that my copies of SAC were standard def. Downloading newer copies now.

Well, you know that by the time this kind of CG for TV anime was actually pretty good when you see today CG anime that barely any better or even worse.


Really dude, are you honestly shitting on studio Bones or Madhouse

Then by all means,tell me about what you consider good, you cheeto-encrusted failure of a man

Hm, i suppose taste is relative, i personally enjoy it because it makes the characters seem more real, you cant have light without dark and all that mubo jumbo

I enjoy it mainly however, due to the world and how they handle some serious issues like future capitalism, the aftermath of war and the concept of life

First time I watch this OP and come on man that shit is dope, course the 3D is nothing to write home about nowadays but it still looks clean and polished, and the aesthetical value as a whole greatly makes up for it anyway. Not to mention the music is fucking rad.

Direction, framing, music, and overall visual identity are very strong in that OP, but unfortunately the way they used CG to execute it hasn't aged well.

by all means

Yup, but it was a horrible stylistic choice in the long run, while many early animes OP's still hold and look good to this day

My point exactly, it simply has not aged well, and in my eyes, all thats good with it is lost due to the presentation ... much like with Clangzerk

Apart from her looking like a doll it has aged well, it looks great and emphasizes the cyberness.

I actually don't think it looks bad, which is weird because I SWEAR I remember thinking it was shit when it was still new.

>It was similar to Fate Zero and Kara no Kyoukai, also boring shows with dark talking and not much else.

GITS:SAC is similar to light novel garbage

please explain how it's "dark talking" I need an example

Fuck off, faggot. Inner Universe was amazing.

Kill yourself.

I'm pretty sure he's referring to the horrible CGI in the OP, not the song.

Fuck off, you cancerous prepubescent cuntnugget.

>Sup Forums raised kid with shitty opinions

To put it simply you're wrong.

Doesn't help that the singer is dead OP

Inner Universe is something you just don't talk shit about moron back then it was experimental i.e. new, brave, interesting, etc you can't compare it to anime today where CGI is ham-fisted anywhere and everywhere.

you deserve this