Shingeki no Kyojin

Chapter 85 predictions.

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I hope we see her again

Armin's titan cock will be bigger than erin

Is that Hitch? You know what happened to Bertbot.

Ooh what pinchable chubby cheeks! Such a handsome but cute little lad!

Testosterone is needed for that.

>his fw when he reads Mrs Smth's posts

Mememagic brought the whos back once before.

Mememagic will kill them now.

He's amazed that I have so much love for him.

Time will tell. Hopefully not though cause Hitch is cute

More like he's amazed by your retardation.

Isayama already said everyone dies. This definitely includes all the irrelevant redshirts.

I love it how people like to pit Eren's friends against him. First they think Mikasa was going to kick Eren's butt, now they think Armin is going to say "Fuck your ocean" when it's his fucking dream.

I can't wait to see you guys get wrong again.

I hope it doesn't

Wasn't that ending scrapped?

MA is definitely kicking the bucket.

> Isayama: I am smoothly making progress toward my original ending from when I first started the serialization.


When did he say this?


LMAO2TITANS vs monkey trouble


All from twitter.


Annie a cute.

Do you have a source for this one?

The Erwin/Levi threesome posts or the impregnation ones?

It's all in good fun!

All of them. Including the soc shit.

If she has to die, I hope she does something worthwhile beforehand. I feel bad for Bertbot, I hope they're doing ok.


Newest interview.

Lose the tripstars you cretin


Friendship is important.

Incredible how janitors are monitoring these threads but they still won't ban the Arminfags' fanfiction.

They should be banning all the this meta crap.


Comradeship and strong bonds are what we all should aspire to form with those around us! I believe that there are some excellent examples of friendship in the series!

Friends are the best!

I haven't seen this picture before! I wish we could have seen all the girls hang out together.

I wish we got to know more about Nanaba's personality. She was a real beauty.

Absolutely. She seemed so honourable. A true soldier! She also reminded me of a model.

She was certainly tall enough! Cute Nifa by the way, and I like Erwins glasses.

Where are my Yumikuri Soon's at?


Revenge arc when?

>revenge for a villain
I don't think so.


Nifa is very cute there! I love her dress. It seems in modern drawings Erwin gets drawn with glasses a lot. They certainly suit him!
Imagine a spin-off with all the girls. I think it would be a lot of fun!

BA is a shit pairing.

Frieda pls.

I would love more spin off content or slice of life stuff. Modern Shingekis are super super cute though, it must be said.

Mikasa should hang for what she did.

Since 85 is not the end of volume 21, I'm guessing the basement will be opened this chapter but not revealed until 86

You have shit taste

Rico an ugly shit. When will you finally fuck off?

Don't be rude, user.

BA is pretty cute desu. I'm sad it just ended up being a plot device to make Shitmin look smart.

Kill yourself.

I'm sure that in a modern slice of life spin off we'd have plenty of Ian and Rico looking incredibly stylish!
Perhaps a group Shingeki trip to Starbucks is in order!


What a horrid thing to say!

Rico is very pretty!

Shitmin fucked up what could have been the best arc.

Hypothetical discussion: If the military were to have "advance" weapons(nothing past the Vietnam War), how would humanity and the military fare against the Titans?

That's my first 'kill yourself' of the day. I must go to do it because some person on the internet told me to.
Only jesting. Have a cute Levi!

Oh I don't know, I may like Rico a lot but I don't think she's popular enough to merit much screen time. Although I wouldn't complain!
Coffee and snacks would be nice.

If their society was that advanced then SnK as we know it now would not exist. Humanity would steamroll Titans (shifters included). They'd probably have figured out sooner that Titans are people, and if their military is that advanced then I could easily see other parts of their society being just as advanced. Maybe they would figure out how to make their own shifters, or even how to cure those stuck as mindless Titans.
The main reason humanity is in the position it is in SnK is because of how technologically handicapped they are. Give them even somewhat modern tech and everything changes.

Erwin would be a cool guru. 10/10 would go full Jonestown for him.

Armin a shit.

Titans would be toast.

This. Now and always.

>season 2 delayed

shingeki fags btfo

There have been other recent interviews where he has said that he's still not sure about the ending. They may even be more recent than this one considering this was made for the book.
He may be going for the Mist Ending, he may not be going for it and instead a different ending he had planned near the beginning, it's hard to say since I don't think he specifies in the interview that he's talking about the Mist ending.

Armin a bad written character.

You should definitely do it! Along with the other attentionwhore.

Unthising this ad infinitum

If you ever tell my future rape victim this again, I will behead you with my dual wielded scimitars.

This scene was fun! He's so loud!

Same here!

That would be a shame! I would definitely love to see more Rico, and Ian for that matter! They're a dashing pair!


That's not very nice!

You can kill yourself along them too! Would get us rid of a lot of things.

Best to temper expectations with reason though! It's unlikely they will appear again outside the anime and manga. I wouldn't be surprised if they removed some of her scenes from the anime actually, but we'll fund out soon enough!


Absolutely. We best wait and see, though there's no harm in keeping our fingers crossed!

>So like I said, I am steadfastly moving toward the ending as I planned out when the serialization first began. Nevertheless, even though I have a vision about the scenes I want to draw and how the epilogue will look, the amount of time it will take to reach there…this is something I’m very unclear on. It seems very far, yet very close…but if the story becomes tediously long, it will ruin the pace and in turn the story. So I would like to finish this series comfortably, release myself from the burden, and become a free person! (Laughs) In order to achieve that goal — I feel like I’m becoming more like Armin, who is capable of anything!!

>I feel like I’m becoming more like Armin, who is capable of anything!!
>I feel like I’m becoming more like Armin, who is capable of anything!!
>I feel like I’m becoming more like Armin, who is capable of anything!!

My son is so cute.

>I feel like I’m becoming more like Armin, who is capable of anything!!
>capable of anything
Armin couln't make the story great again.


Isayama killed Bort so your shit fantasy will never come true. Watch Armin reap the spoils, now.



It doesn't matter whether it's in the actual manga or in official meta, Eren's relationship/viewpoint on Armin always boils down to "Oh, Armin! Put it in me, put it in me!"

Which is a shame because what Armin truly deserves is the cruel embrace of loneliness and eventually suicide.

>in America
>has that appetite
>not in sports
Why isn't she a whale?


How dare you.

This. Dubs speak the truth.