Wow... Hipster/trustfundware "designers" aren't even trying to hide their political agendas anymore

Wow... Hipster/trustfundware "designers" aren't even trying to hide their political agendas anymore...

Please convince me I'm just reading too much into this, and it's not actually
>antifa attire
>purple color revolution attire


scam as fuck

looks like capitalism to me.

Capitalism but still pulling in the champaign socialist kids

hahaha, i know who is behind this business, believe me it's not a leftist.

As a /fa/g believe me, there is almost no one into men's fashion would that spend $160 on an eggplant mask and then claim to "fight the bourgeoisie", if anything it's an open brag. I bought three pairs of Robert Geller pants second-hand before he became a vocally ignorant virtue signalling faggot, and while I'm probably not going to buy something of his again I will admit they are absolutely fantastic fucking pants.


They're capitalists after all.

just get a fucking towel and tie it around your mouth retards, thats how they do it in the MidEast

Today's commies aren't the masses, they're the children of upper middle class parents, or in some cases are trust fund kids.
They don't understand the value of a dollar and would pay $160 for some ugly, shitty mask in a heartbeat while telling their friends about what a steal it was.