Why do so many millennials suffer from gender dysphoria?
Why do so many millennials suffer from gender dysphoria?
Dunno, but it suits them.
is this grill a lesbo?
one day you will reply to a post here
They spent their entire lives in front of a screen and are extremely empty and lonely. They are trying to be different to stand out.
I dont even know if its a grill or not but I would take it home anyways.
xir can be whatever xir wants
Remember how people always say "lol. im so ocd" or "lol. I'm so adhd"
This is the new version of that. it's hip and trendy to be mentally ill.
Don't have an idea, we have quite constant amount of faggots in each generation.
because they are told to hate them self and that everyone can be special and beautiful
Because the water is making the frogs gay
this thing is cute as fuck they remind me of clare from degrassi 10/10 would ask to movies
"becoming" the other gender means no longer being their "old" self and makes them "special"
hol' up
that's beyond retarded, it's probably true.
Its trendy and hip.
No idea.
Feminism, cultural marxism and tap water
A person can feel upset without knowing why. Especially people who are still growing up. The mind is prone to latch on to the first suggestion it sees. If the media keeps pushing transgenderism, many people will latch on to that.
because retards in the past forced trannies to repress so they would act normal and pass on their genes but then break at 50 and become a twisted degenerate monster. Because of this the tranny gene has had a lot of time to spread. It’s only now that it’s acceptable to come out that they’ll do it and sterilize themselves so they can’t pass it on.
I hope you faggots are saging this shit this thread was fucking posted by a bot.
Why do you post this bitch every single day with a "Why do so many millennials X" question?
Go fuck yourself, shill faggot.
Because being oppressed means they have less responsibility over their life-
the goal is to be in a childlike state where they're taken care of forever.
I'd say the huge increase in people re-transitioning is a sign that they don't and only realized that after going all in with the surgeries and hormones.
Because it's become socially acceptable. In the past one would beat the shit out of such a person, so they didn't really dare coming out with this nonsense.
Ain't it weird how plastic's chemical composition mimics estrogen. And no one fucking cares.
>Why do so many millennials suffer from gender dysphoria?
Women are told it's shameful to be feminine
Men are told it's terrible to be masculine
Hmmm I wonder what that society will look like
Employer here.
Millennials are literally the worst generation to ever hit the work market.
why do millennials suck on deez nuts?
>Millennials are literally the worst generation to ever hit the work market.
I agree
But they're also working for the worst managers and supervisors ever (GenX)
They don't. Now stop with the MUH MILLENNIALS threads for fucks sake. I'm tired of seeing that bitch's face.
The majority don't. For most of them it's either attention whoring or a sexual fetish. Trans people who actually suffer from gender dysphoria are a minority of a minority.
They don't. These people literally removed gender dysphoria as a cause of being transgender so they could fly that flag. Shit like being gender fluid and non-binary have fuck all to do with gender dysphoria, they're just fads that "coincidentally" only exist on one side of the political spectrum. Really makes ya think.
>everyone STILL keeps responding to these ''why do millenials'' -threads
Why Sup Forumsacks do it?
Basically this
Young men are constantly bombarded with hate and anti-male vitriol and they can see how well women have it these days. In their minds their male identity becomes a mark of shame and guilt and they see it as a way to shed all of that, become a new, better person, and be praised for who they are rather than being treated like shit.
Because men are evil and horrible but women are always only the victims and can do nothing wrong. You also get to demand respect simply for existing as a "woman" with extra victim points.
>1 post by this ID
>37 replies
I hate this place anymore
Boomer parents
I remember in the 90s how many gen xer's were suddenly "gay" or "lesbian". It's not hip and cool anymore to just be gay. You need to be an extra special snowflake and attention whore. Attention whores have never really gone away, they just do a new schitck every decade or so. Being trans is the new schitck.
Oy Vey! The Jews want to dissacociate the next generation with reality so that they can finally take over. This is all revealed and my documents have proof.
>instant minority status, can get asspats for being oppressed
>instant line of suitors due to the army of "traps aren't gay" fetishits
>can blame any shortcomings on bullshit mental illness and nobody will argue about it or they're transphobic
They're opting to live life on easy mode.
>it's another swedencuck hiding behind the nazi flag
human race collective consciousness trying to protect itself from over population is my guess
think naturally occurring cullings
like plagues or communism
>instant minority status, can get asspats for being oppressed
No no one likes trannies no one cares
>instant line of suitors due to the army of "traps aren't gay" fetishits
Are you retarded? Straight people don’t want to fuck trannies and neither do gay people. You’re stuck with a very small amount of people and if you won’t fuck someone in the ass it gets even smaller. Dating while trans is pretty fucking difficult. You pretty much have to do online dating.
>mfw no chink slit eye bf
People have forgotten what masculinity and femininity are. To be fair masculinity and femininity are kind of pointless in the modern world. We are just androgynizing until the robots appear.
I assume that some of the trans people genuinely have a female brain in a male body, or something like that, but the increasing rates are clearly cultural.
>naturally occurring
(((naturally occurring)))
there corrected it,
forgot for a second where i was
>I assume that some of the trans people genuinely have a female brain in a male body
>believing in that bullshit
A fucking leaf!
You cannot beat women so if you can't beat them, join them.
Everytime I see this girls dumb head I immediately hide the thread.
Nahh, she's a straight e-sport host and doodle creator on instagram or smthing
Endocrine disruptors
They're in everything. They disrupt hormones.
>Do everything right the first time without any training at all or you're fired
>Need moar temp workers and cheap foreign labour fo dem programs n shiet
I can't wait for the next unionization push to fuck these boomer cuntholes in the ass desu senpai
Estrogen and heavy metals in the water
I love you Soe.
In the past, some women transitioned into 'men' so that they could perform jobs that were exclusive to men. This was because men were the de facto sex for positions of power.
Now, as a consequence of allowing women to vote, the male sex has been removed from that de facto position of power. The (((media))) is feeding women how they should vote, and they do it because women look for a community consensus more than men. I think it's a defense mechanism for men that want to feel like they have some sort of power.
But who cares, really. Trannies won't exist after the next war. They'll be among the first to be sent to the Muslim apostate camps.
Our mothers worked outside the home, our fathers didn't care about setting an example, our parents mostly discouraged religion and morality. Children need to be shaped into proper roles. Instead media raised us and we are mostly narcissistic, fail to understand that having traits of other gender doesn't mean we are the other gender. Oh and obviously hormones in food, water, meds, and lots of radiation.
You said "gender dysphoria" when you meant "wishful thinking."
Nothing else better to do when your iphone's battery dies. May as well want to change your gender
So she's a bugman. gotcha.
Because it's "trendy".
wew lad
It is the new "emo/grunge/punk" phase.
She has Down syndrome
>muslim apostate camps
user muslims don't beleive queers beloong in camps, they just throw them off buildings.
American education does this
Mass hysteria!
The water turns the frogs gay!!!
Flavor of the month.
You should be reporting it or at least replying with sage. These threads are pure cancer.
Oh look, it's millennial-poster again. How are you hanging in there big guy?
>Fuck my generation
>Fuck my life
They don't, but faggotry is massively encouraged in current year society. The moment it becomes socially unacceptable again, this shit ends.
Xenoestrogens in plastic
Estrogen and other hormones in tap water and animal products
Soy in almost all food
Sulphates in body wash and shampoo
Modern society rejects masculine men and worships women
The list goes on and on. It's all part of (((their))) plan.
Probably because (((they))) tell them to
The last time something like this happened in America, the driver was a white boy
>brainwash kids into thinking that gender is a spectrum
>oy vey why are kids so confused about gender?!
Jews run the media
because we got rid of bullying. it's time to bring it back
don't you get your fill on Sup Forums and reddit
Females who get addicted to fanfic-RP circles typically do. They receive insane amounts of praise and attention for pretending to be guys. In these circles, females are essentially just cybering with each other. The ones that take up male (top) characters are in super short supply, and receiving pick of the litter of any RP pairings.
In their brains, they're receiving social+ points for being guys. IRL, they're fujoshi / nerds and don't receive social+ points for being females. So, the amazing human brain adapts. In their confusion, they take on guy traits. Their brains think that this will lead to greater social acceptance and higher self-worth.
THEN, they leave high school and suddenly realize their andro-blob selves don't exactly receiving praise IRL. Women typically aren't into other women. Men typically aren't into dudes. With their worldview shattered, they get loud.
Also worth noting, they're looking for love that doesn't exist. In these RP fanfic circles, these idealized "men" do not exist IRL. They're fantasies. They're basically women in drag with dicks and (generally) get very rapey.
I could write more about this subject, but this is good enough. All my sources? I dated a reformed college-otaku girl. She confessed to me about all this shit she would do in some sites called like... angelRP? CherubRP? It was kinda sad-- she had terrible guilt issues with all the depraved RPs she wrote. In her mind though, it wasn't sex or anything taboo. Just writing. When I tried to introduce the concept of arousal addiction for females- she cried.
Kinda weird though- i never see this argument brought up when trying to explain gender dysphoria in females.
This. Absolutely this.
>Tfw be mtf
>tfw become fujoshit
Will everything fix itself in the end?
They don't. It's purely for attention.
There's no reason why that couldn't happen. Men and women have different brians
Because they don't. It's about 1 in 8000. But the internet is a big place and the more mentally ill someone is the more publicity they get.
You're trying to mutate yourself into a category that prides itself on looks first and foremost. Unless you look beautiful as a woman, you will never have the social+ bonus. In the Male domain, you can get away with not having the best looks, but have other desirable traits such as money, humor, money, cleverness, money, strength, money....
Why would you switch teams?
I got donkey brains
but thats a chick... right...?
Are you at least hot as a chick?
If not, did anyone tell you how horrible an idea this is? If so, did you carefully evaluate their advice in a calm and logical mindset?
>Kinda weird though- i never see this argument brought up when trying to explain gender dysphoria in females.
Because literally no one cares about dykes. Lip stick lesbians/bi sexual women get attention at parties, but the dyke with a boys hair cut just gets made fun off (of a pat on the head)...
If they are lucky, old men will try to give them some pointers on how to act manly, but that's just out of pity... Simply put a woman trying to act like a man is damn near useless so they simply get ignored.
Chemicals in the water
Gender bending plastics.
Always drinks in stabilised plastic. Look for a 1 in a triangle on the bottom of the bottle.
Childrens drinks always come in unstable plastic bottles because its the cheapest plastic.
Warn the parents of any young ones you know.
Always drink from "PETE" plastic bottles.
>Always drinks in stabilised plastic
Always drink from stabilised plastic bottles*
Garbage threads, shills so thick you can't see anything else. Yep it's a dumpster fire anymore.
No and no and I don’t care. I kinda expected my conservative extended family to disapprove but no one’s ever even mentioned it. But I love living now and being conscious isn’t the eternal torment it used to be so I’d say I’m happy with the results.
Really makes you think