Stop saying this is heartbreaking. Stop saying this is soulcrushing. Stop saying that you cried and lost your boner at the end. This isn't even well written to begin with. It has good art but the story shouldn't begin to even make you cry or feel anything. Stop being a faggot and writing stuff like "D-DON'T READ THIS YOU'RE GOING TO CRY AND GET HEARTBROKEN IT'S SO SAD!". No, it's not sad. It's good for a fap and that's it. Stop being fucking pussy ass faggots.
Stop saying this is heartbreaking. Stop saying this is soulcrushing...
like dis if you cry evertim
Oh user, it's just a meme.
>It's good for a fap and that's it
Not even.
No shut the fuck up.
Fuck off.
>Stop being fucking pussy ass faggots.
Or what? Are you going to stay mad?
Well, then I'll stop. I don't want to make you suffer.
I still don't get how people interprets the ending is she dies.
It's her fault anyway, she was doing everything to fuck her shit up. By the way, I don't know why ShindoL keeps adding birth, it's physically impossuble to give birth to someone healthy with body that polluted.
She went straight to the slut valhalla.
The same people who like this shit happen to be the same people who like Re:Zero. If you like this, but claim to dislike R:Z then you're only fooling yourself.
Thus, it's a shit doujin with a shit fanbase.
>Akame game Kill
Oops, wrong name sorry.
Now don't undersell it, the artwork and sex scenes are still plenty arousing. At least up until she becomes a pregnant disease ridden whore.
ayy lmao
I'm the opposite. I like Re:Zero, but dislike this doujin. What do you know, your assumption is wrong.
Is it edge o'clock already?
that's pretty edgy user
Newfags too much?
indo goblok. Putang Ina mo
How is telling you retarded faggots that thinking this doujin is in anyway sad, edgy? Are you that fucking stupid that you can't comprehend how stupid you are but still think this doujin is "OH SO SAD OH I FEEL FOR HER UGH MY FEELS!".
Welcome to Sup Forums - Where there's newfags a plenty and nobody in their right mind cares.
The story was pretty touching, but a bit hyperbolised. Used to have a shy girl in school class, who ended up on a needle. She wasn't very pretty, but I think this could've ended another way, if we as kids weren't cruel heartless motherfucked.
Because that's how manga ends and there's nothing else after that?
>In Japan, the term is used to refer to amateur self-published works, including manga, novels, fan guides, art collections, music and video games. Some professional artists participate as a way to publish material outside the regular publishing industry.
Newfags, when will they learn.
Nothin personel kid
>How is telling you retarded faggots that thinking this doujin is in anyway sad, edgy?
A degradation of protagonist with most innocent motives in a cruel cold world is a sad thing.
There's newfags, and then there's too much newfags, who don't even know what are they talking about. scary....I'm sorry user, please don't """"""""""cut""""""""" me down with your katana or whatever.. :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
I think there's something wrong with your reading comprehension.
ow the edge
>Being sad over a slut
You're not even gonna be sad when your mother dies?
I've never cried when a family member died so no, fuck off you fucking pathetic beta faggot. People die all the time so fucking what.
Acting like a retard doesn't help you in the least. This shit isn't edgy, no matter how much you crybabies think it is.
Wuts dis called
Shit, I think I just cut myself on your post. Bleeding quite badly in fact.
Now this is edgy
Is this guy serious? kek
emergence, it has nice art but the story is really just shock value for the sake of shock value, like a serbian film
>This shit ain't edgy
It was genuinely heartbreaking. I also fapped to it so hard I chafed my dick. It's possible to be on both sides of the argument, user.
You are the edge
I mean, you could've just wrote "stop liking what I don't like" and saved yourself some energy
What to fap to, the porn scenes were generic. Except from the first cocaine in the bar, those postures were something.
>never heard of overdosing
Dumb anime poster
I don't know who to call out for being cancerous newfags anymore. All 25 of you fuck off.
not to mention she deserved it
all whores do
>story about falling down
>shock value
Really now. Next time you say that Kafka's The Metamorphosis (translated to japanese as Henshin btw) is just shock value for the sake of shock value.
Fuck off cancer.
>equalising Kafka and commercial porn
Are there any other hentai manga with a story like this one?
The tropes don't have to be the same...
Fuck off with your "MUH SAD HENTAI I'M SO SAD!" bullshit that you keep typing. Literally, fuck off.
this is really what it all comes down to
this entire thread is pointless and everyone in it knows it but they'll keep pretending to have an argument and waste everyone's time
they were pretty ugly on my end
ShindoL is a good artist but sometimes he goes too far with the drugs and corruption
I just said that I'm looking for a hentai with a story arc.
What's your problem, buddy?
You should try harder at least.
Are you a professional clown or do you just do this on your free time?
When time spent on Sup Forums has ever been productive?
I've always loved ShindoL's art style so that makes it really for me to fap to anything they make. The more fucked up the plot, the better, though.
Prolapsed Arab loli uterus used as an onahole.
honk honk honk
I may be a minority here but I can't get into ShindoL's art and stories. There's just this sense of gravity and realism that makes it quite morbid I find.
The only exception is that vanilla with the girl in wheelchair. That was cute.
>story arc
there's a tag for that
>There's just this sense of gravity and realism that makes it quite morbid I find.
Sounds like your parents left you to die in the streets and you grew up to become a pussy ass faggot that like taking it up the ass like the pussy ass faggot you are. Literally hang yourself from a bridge because that's the best way to repay mankind for your fucking failures you fucking faggot.
>girl in wheelchair + vanilla
Got a name for that? My dick's out and ready to go senpai.
Ok, I'll need sauce on this one.
really? it's just "Story"?
Other than ehentai, where do you go?
What's your gamertag, bro
You're a majority, yet accepting on a Sup Forums that you don't like what you're supposed not to like is a sign of bad manners.
Flower on the Battlefield. You're welcome.
ShindoL has enough vanila stories: Library Talk, This Ojou-sama's in trouble, Fragile and Tough, etc. though it really depends on what you think is "vanila" for you.
Barrier Free.
Did you get raped user? It's okay you can tell me.
>being this mad at people on the internet
Thank you user.I'm going to dedicate this fap to you. What's your name? I'm going to yell it out when I cum, just like in my sexy manga.
While I respect that view, it's actually morbidity that I find so appealing. It's the same reason people read ero guro. Combining sex, violence and the grotesque is always pretty compelling. And yeah, that one with the girl in the wheelchair was adorable.
Only a couple more weeks until school starts. Summer will be over at last.
Thanks familia
Thanks a bunch. Kids, don't try this it home, it's painful, irreversible and quite lethal.
shindol just created a perfect normalfag hentai, that should help him immensely
You may be done by now, but it's François. French name if you couldn't tell.
I don't dislike what he does really, it's for my dick that it's a no-no. Creating this sense of morbidity certainly takes skills.
I agree. And it's the same for all ShindoL stories other than the cowgirl one.
Usually the girls are so fucking stupid and inept that you feel like it was fair for them to get raped. They are literally as intelligent as livestock which is why they get put into their place as animals by the end.
Quite common story. With less nice bodies and cool angles, but that's how girls usually get knocked up in school.
That's fair, but I've gotten to the point where shit has to be goddamn gross for me to get off anymore. ShindioL just happens to be really good at doing that in interesting ways.
To be fair, Guts was plenty of edgy. That just doesn't mean we can'T have a good story with him.
>Goddamn gross
Oh newfags, when will they learn.
"Gross" for you starts from dickshitting nipples?
Just got to the good part where she looks like a cock starved whore. Good shit and i've barely even started.
Nah, the basics are almost always scat, puke and/or urination. That's the basics only.
Though they're not really available on any western hentai sites so I use a couple of chinese and korean sites.
ShindoL has vomit in his works. It looks like sparkling mountain dew, but still.
ShindoL uses rape and bestiality in his stories, that's more deviant than scat and the likes for most people. ShindoL is exactly just that, gross. When you dive into guro, torture and whatnot that's when you reach grotesque.
But it's not a central piece in his stuff which is what I'm after. It's like one/two panels and that's it.