What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
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It means she doesn't understand history and survival of the fittest. They just don't get it. It's why they're okay with bringing in all of the Muhammads and *click clicky click clicks* into America. They don't get that people conquer others and aren't all hugs and rainbows like they were taught in school or by Rick Maddow.
>Let them eat cake
The left never seems to think that this argument makes them look stupid.
>let in white peaceful foreign invaders, they kill everyone and take over
so lets let in muslims, they come in peace.
>What did she mean by this?
White people literally stole it, pick up a book.
>pick up a book.
Like what, Nietzsche?
Eating junk food into oblivion is what you do when you're forced to question your own self-hating white liberal indoctrination.
everything's bigger in texas
Technically we traded beads for the United States
Not saying it was a fair deal, but still....
If they actually believe this why don't they leave the country?
If indigenous people can't hold and defend it, did they own it?
>for the United States
for Manhattan* and it was fair, they willingly traded it over
Why not call it white cultural enrichment.
White people used to be pretty good at it.
Sam's got a dope watch.
I'm jelly.
By 2020 every liberal will be fat, and every one the right will be fit. wtf this time line. it used to be the other way around, so weird.
They don't even try to be funny anymore.
the right of land belongs to might
god damn right we stole it.
the tree niggers simply got conquered because they were so hilariously inferior to the Euros. They fought and killed each other for what? 400 years?
If Hillary can't have!! NO ONE WILL!!!
Stomps of like a baby
Why do you do this, I love Tina Fey. She's one of the few actually funny female writers.
There is no such thing as stealing land. Rule of conquest. If you can't defend it you don't deserve it.
then we beat down mexico and took their shit too.
pray we don't feel like taking anymore shit. kek
They deaperately want to dissolve the government and give it away to be nice. They really should be hanged for treason.
Sedition, whatever. They obviously dont want to be here.
Oy vey! Shut down this anti-Israel rhetoric.
>white people stole this country from the indians
>so let's give it to africans and arabs
liberal logic
You cannot "steal" land, that is impossible. Like putting it in your pocket and running away with it. Its called conquest.
>indigenous people
Fuckers we took it from came over from a land bridge. Probably killed the actual indigenous people when they came over.
>tfw trump winning the election caused all leftists to behave like retards and have eating disorder which will most likely cause them to lose a leg or two
>You cannot "steal" land, that is impossible. Like putting it in your pocket and running away with it. Its called conquest.
Just like Mexicans are conquering most of the US south without shooting a bullet
We are earning the land by out own actions and you can't object to it once we seize full control of it.
>survival of the fittest
exactly -- these people never heard of the Right of Conquest, e.g. If I can topple whoever sits on the throne, then the throne belongs to me.
Give all your land and assets to a native charity then bitch.
I thought it was one world no borders anyway???
I did pick up a book. Mein Kampf. Good read
This. Fuck the indians. And regardless, they were just standing on top of the dirt. We built the country.
Funny coming from people who don't believe in borders.
Survival of the fittest? That isn't the issue. The Indians are dead. Returning the land to them is impossible.
and whites can?
(((Ahem, my fellow white people, we atuk der luand, we atuk dit!)))
So, if you personally own a patch of land that doesn't have any buildings, you are saying anyone can come in and start building in it to live there, and if you object to it they are allowed to kill you?
Really makes ya think
I stopped watching SNL after the election, quick rundown?
So according to you, I should be allowed to come to your house tonight, kick in the door, shotgun you and your family to death, claim your house as my own, and you won't have any hard feelings in the afterlife and there shouldn't be any consequences for because "Hey, he should have slept with one eye open and defended his house better. The better man won"?
Maybe a few hundred years ago. Now you would have to defeat the American legal system as well. Why do you think they are importing a bunch of third worlders, user? Modern conquest
>So according to you
he didnt say that. you are implying he might based off his one single comment. pretty presumption of you, shill
It's interesting that in these past couple decades, people no longer refer to people who lost their land because they were conquered, but because it was "stolen".
Like how the fuck do you steal land from someone? Does the person just wake up and realize "looks like a bunch of thieves stole my land last night. Better go look for it"?
What's your point? That it was okay to do it until the legal system hypocritically forbade it?
Liberalism really is a mental illness.
Someone post that John Liebowitz quote about how we don't own anything
If that is the level of rules we're all playing by, and I'm aware that someone might lawfully attempt to conquer my estate by force, then if they get past my defenses, they deserve it.
Enlighten me then. What exactly was he saying/implying?
>places with no rules, had no rules
we have have rules now because of what we did with the land, and if you dont follow those rules you answer to government, not the citizen you attacked. maybe the natives should have had a rules against stealing their land but instead they sold it all for beads
His thinking is not in line with the current legal system, he's saying that it is OK to steal land from people if they aren't using it.
Furthermore, the legal system put in place is just semantics in place to make stealing "lawful", it doesn't change the fact that the land was stolen from someone
Conversely, if the government makes it legal to seize your "legally owned" properties, it's still stealing
>So according to you, I should be allowed to come to your house tonight, kick in the door, shotgun you and your family to death, claim your house as my own
"allowed"? No.
But if you can somehow stop me and American law enforcement, then who is to say that it's not your house to claim as your own?
he was talking about the past, einstein. reread the comment you replied to or are you in the wrong thread by mistake?
Unless your ancestors were the literal first humans to occupy the land, all land in the entirety of human history has been "stolen". Natives obliterated or assimilated with other tribes all of the time. The Europeans just happened to be white and did it more efficiently.
>rules we're all playing by
>aware that someone might lawfully attempt to conquer my estate by force
Please point out where this was some universally understood and agreed upon edict by all the peoples of the earth during the height of European colonialism.
yeah, you wake up and realize your homeland is full of foreigners who have brought in a foreign culture and all your countrymen love it
Right of conquest doesn't care if you think it's ok or not
Still sounds like you got conquered friendo.
The primary issue is that Europeans don't fully genocide the areas they conquer. If you don't think every tribe that was displaced didn't also kill the former owners of their land to the very last man, you've watched too many Disney movies.
Europeans leave survivors to complain about it 200 years later.
this statement is actually true if by "we" she means means (((us)))
lol you are welcome to try libshit, I have no family and I'm armed like any red blooded American
Islam stole the Middle East literally. Jews stealing it back. The circle of life for humanity.
No shit. That's because it's not a right, just a license to steal that a thief grants themselves.
She believes that her theft is moral and just.
If someone takes a thing, and then kills everyone who says it isn't theirs, then everyone believes its theirs no?
She is showing how funny she is
But didn't the natives technically say that no one could own land? So it's not stealing?
Implying I will watch this jewish bullshit even for the purposes of ridiculing it
>She's one of the few actually funny female writers.
Kill yourself
Whoa buddy, did you just call middle easterners, South American and North American Indians and Africans THIEVES just bc they practiced the right of conquest for all of human history?? Fucking racist shitlord
People like to pretend that all natives were peaceful "noble-savages" that just went around teaching the white man how to grow corn by putting a fish head under the ground. In reality they were much more like pic related.
Lawful behavior is more fit, however. So no.
Off with her head!!!
>aware that someone might lawfully attempt to conquer my estate by force
Historical precedence, and nature. The Indians had been doing the exact same shit amongst themselves for millennia. The Sioux for instance who make such butthurt about "muh sacred black hills" only came into possession of that region around 1790 AD when they forced the previous occupants off.
The Indians where already happily playing by the rules of "survival of the fittest" long before they came into contact with Europeans.
This is the enemy boys. Worthless fat pigs who can't resist doing a "goofy shot of us all pigging out for attention!" One of the most redpilling things for me was wondering why everyone on the left was either fat, ugly or majorly genetically inferior in some way. I wondered why a bunch of weak pathetic slobs we're always trying to lecture me on how to live my life
Kek yes and you fucking retards will turn the paradise you ran to, into the hell hole you came from. So your right, but you can't steal our civilization or this paradise that you want so badly. Mainly because you savages can't handle a real civilization in general. So you will take the land, and your culture will turn it all into the same shit hole you know and deserve.
That is the dumbest argument I've ever seen. If we use that logic then every country was stolen at some point. How do you get to a point where you hate yourself so much.
>"allowed"? No.
But the "allowed" part is the only part that matters.
Obviously the ultimate determinant of ownership at the end of the day is the sheer state of being in possession of something. That's not what the issue is. We still have say, however, as to what MEANS of possession we deem socially valid.
Sure, the aliens can come and wipe us out in an interplanetary war tomorrow and claim Earth for themselves, but you're talking about it as if them winning in the end makes a moot point of humans resisting. Don't act like you'd be okay with someone coming and taking your shit or that it's an acceptable means of acquiring something you desire to simply steal it.
>if you're there first you own it forever
Awesome! Looks like America owns the moon!
That's close to Adverse Possession. If you start using land and the owner does not object to your use then at some point you can claim ownership. It was from some dust bowl era where it was deemed important to not just have sections of abandoned land being unused.
This. Liberals seem to imply that had Indians or middle easterners or Africans conquered the world there would somehow be less violence. Spoiler alert, their hypothetical conquest would have involved a lot more genocide
in canada, our first census as a country has roughly 20,000 natives. they had no towns or cities, no permanent residence and were migrants moving up and down coast while warring with one another. they had not developed any land or farms or cleared wood or mapped the land or even explored most of the land. we did it all. cleared trees and made safe areas and established towns, roads, lines of communications, permanent settlements and farmland. we SETTLED the land. immigrants want to take without offering anything. they are invaders. almost all our immigration up until recently was from european whites and most were settlers for the west or other areas that built a country. a shitty leaf filled country, but a country. the current wave of invaders dont want to build anything. they want all the gibmes and no working or responsibility.
>The Indians
Not a collective homogeneous group with the cultural practices and beliefs about conquest. You named one tribe out of god knows how many unique tribes that occupied an entire continent when and I asked you to identify where the entirety of the human race openly agreed that "if you can take it, it's yours."
Many tribes were like that, bro
We seem to think so.
And many weren't.
>entire continent
they didnt occupy a continent. they didnt occupy shit. look at americas pop density right now on a map. most of america is uninhabited. canada is pretty much a border town next to america and completely empty. natives didnt fucking own a continent. they didnt explore shit. they had coastal areas and barely explored anything on the continent.
Which ones weren't?
I'm sure you have a specific example of a tribe never conquering land, and it's totally believable because of their detailed recording of their history.
Are you implying that any random brown person ”feels the pain” of their ancestors or something?
I'm not even sure what you are arguing. Bc some tribes might not have gone out conquering they wouldn't be aware that that's a thing?