Wtf is so terrible about that???
>In fiscal 1941, real per capita federal spending was approximately $1,718. In fiscal 2017, which concluded at the end of September, it was about $12,239.
Wtf is so terrible about that???
>In fiscal 1941, real per capita federal spending was approximately $1,718. In fiscal 2017, which concluded at the end of September, it was about $12,239.
No gibs for niggers and spics. Fuck you whitey pay me. Race isn't real tho.
Tyranny has been the aim of every government since the beginning of time, what the fuck do you expect?
I hate illegal spics. Legal spics are actually pretty hard working and pay their shit
I expect the majority of the US population to not be stupid as fuck and to understand exactly what is going on. That may be an unrealistic expectation...
Yeah, what he said.
Thank God for legal spics.
It is unrealistic. Polycentric law may be the only solution, although we have yet to see the full influence that cheap communication (i.e. the internet) could have on taming monopolistic legal systems.
Most Americans cant point out where they live on a fucking map and you expect them to be aware of what our gubmant is doing? They only know what twitter, facebook and the TV tell them.
they are based, never mind them eating up more tax money then they earn, base mega pedes are always welcome
then maybe u fucking conservashits should stop spending so much when you're in power
>growth is the significant measure, not federal debt accumulated
Gorge Bush was a fucking idiot, but obama managed to spend even more then him
>republicans are conservative
Also it's still all growth fucker
You're drawing the wrong conclusion from the chart. The conclusion you should draw is that Reagan and Bush were not conservatives.
(Side note: Some people argue Reagan wanted to be a conservative but that Bush Senior ran his administration.)
also, conservatives cant spend less, there are wars to fight for their best ally, dont be a filthy anti semite
>lowest spending at the same time as record levels of debt
>somehow touting this as success.
lol retarded leaf doesn't understand US fiscal years
how r u still so fucking retarded that u don't know that FY2009 was Bush's last budget?
great point
conservashits think wars and military spending don't cost money
it's why they can't be trusted with money
show the real one
>what is inflation
it's why the goverment can't be trusted with money
FIFY, but keep on posting based bill clinton, i will upvote him any day
So how did Obama add $10 trillion of national debt in 8 years?
It's just the high cost of market fundamentalism. Can't not pay for all your neocon, market fundamentalist deficit spending. :^)
>in constant dollars
Not using real dollars. BAKA.
Other than ripping up the constitution, what is it that conservative people actually want to conserve?
holy shit those are real dollars
you're comparing 2 different things
u retards have no brain whatsoever
why r u allowed to vote? you're america's greatest liability
but why only slowly decrease it?
If you feel like the goverment is burning money, why would you not just cut that funding?
Also was that bush spending not so high because of the stimulus packet he set up?
We shouldnt have imported so many spics n nigs then.
Says the piece of shit who wants to ban free speech and guns.
I can't imagine being so stupid as you are that I didn't understand the deficit does not match the increase in total debt.
I really just can't imagine being that stupid. What is it like?
Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3 and was the slowest spender in 80 years So please explain in your words why did the debt go up?