>75% of violent crimes are committed by non-whites
>"White power! Non-white people are morally inferior!"
>90% of violent crimes are committed by men
Well, Sup Forums?
>75% of violent crimes are committed by non-whites
>"White power! Non-white people are morally inferior!"
>90% of violent crimes are committed by men
Well, Sup Forums?
ban black men
You need men for society to function, you don't need non-whites.
It's hard to commit violent crimes when you're weaker than over half of the population and have been conditioned to be docile. Plus, if they're accused, the justice system often lets them off pretty easily.
men are physically stronger, thus allowing them to be more violent
put men on forced estrogen to make them weaker
we can survive, indeed prosper, without non-white subhumans.We cannot without men.
So... just stay the course then?
75% of these men are black men then
Sounds reasonable
>100% of being a parasite is committed by women
Not necessarily true.
Remember the /r9k/ types.
I really like this picture. Do you mind if I save it?
Women's crimes are mostly not reported because men have thicker skin and can actually handle themselves on a female perpetrator.
Now count who stops the 90% of violent crimes.
Those are functionally women
sure! its all yours!
And 90% of accomplishments are committed by men too. Women are irrelevant baby factories that do nothing, good or bad. I legit think they will go extinct if artificial wombs and sex robots take off.
So basically how things are now?
Yum yum fluoridated tap water
Because white men are not women or non-white they are good people and non-whites and women are bad inhuman people. This is the ironclad code of our belief system and any arguments or information presented should be designed to defend this position regardless of objective facts or logic. You must be a black homosexual trans cuckold fetishist therefore you are stupid and immoral and should be imprisoned by police. What don't you get, homosexual cuckold?
I completely agree with you! Men are the heroes AND the villains of the human story while women are just background characters.
Women don't even pay taxes as a whole, they're a net drain
Women don't and can't do the vast majority of jobs that make the world actually function
Shitskins are useless and only undermine our quality of life
Fucking idiot you know the god damn answer
Men, like women, are a necessary component to keep humanity/nations alive so thhe increase of crime is worth it when the alternative is extinction
Non-whites in white countries do not serve any purpose other than genetic and cultural dilution with even more crime than white men
This is really obvious and you should feel bad for not figuring it out yourself
((str8 boiz)) are the only cuckolds in modern society with your women fucking every chad and tyrone they see out there while leaving you beta whyte boiz to support them when they reached their expiration date
So according to those numbers, 67.5% of violent crime is committed by non-white males.
Which means only 7.5% of violent crime is committed by white males compared to 10% of violent crimes are committed by roasties.
>Roasties BTFO
OP, read:
Also, pic related.
You left out a word:
>90% of violent crimes are caused by BLACK men....
>A white male is the same as a mudskin, beaner, and nigger males
100% of violent crimes are committed by humans, 0% by dogs