Hi anons....
Need suggestions on how to red pill normies about LV. I want everyone to know, but my issue is, I like our “private, quiet, Sup Forums community”. I don’t want to expose us and have a bunch of noobs come here shitting up the joint being LARP’s.
Secondly, I don’t want to give any information that could potentially get some of our fellow Sup Forums friends in trouble or put them in danger. Suggestions please!!! I want this exposed ASAP and don’t know how to execute it.
Red pilling normies
Other urls found in this thread:
Could you be anymore Reddit if you tried? Red pilling is a meme. Go the fuck back
Ewww I’m not a Redditer. Thanks tho
Ask them what the official LVMPD/FBI story is for what happened. They won't be able to because there isn't one after they changed the time when Campos was shot.
Ask them if they think this looks like a hallway where 200 rounds of high powered semi-auto rifle were fired youtube.com
Ask them why we haven't seen any security footage or security images yet they keep asking for the public's help. No video of him checking in or bringing bags with the weapons up to his room. Ask them why the LVMPD stopped taking questions and isn't holding anymore press conferences. Ask them how Paddock's house could be broken into 6 days after the shooting. usatoday.com
There are hundreds of unanswered questions just like this that don't make sense. Take your pick.
Great suggestions. Thank you for your input. Thanks also for taking this seriously. It’s a real issue IMO.
You may not be a Redditor but you are a chick. Tits or GTFO.
And you know that how?
i came for the tits.
You got your tits now I want answers lol
Jesus Campos' story as told on Ellen today. user posted it in previous thread. According to police, this series of events happened between 9:59pm and approximately 10:04:20 (Sheriff Lombardo's latest amendment to the timeline said shooting on concert started 40 seconds after shooting down hall towards Campos/Schuck).
It’s ridiculous. You think the truth will ever come out?
Start by asking them questions.
I saw a thread a couple of hours ago trying to analyze a close up of Paddock's revolver and saying there was a spent 5.56 case laying on top of it. That would be impossible unless either he didn't kill himself or someone was shooting after he died.
I think the revolver is a Smith and Wesson model 442 in .38 Special. I just happen to have a Smith and Wesson 442 (although mine is blued) and spent brass of various sorts.
Last pic with .38SP for reference. My conclusion is that there is definitely something on top of the revolver. If it was somehow attached to the revolver before hand he wouldn't have been able to load or unload it and that close to the cylinder it may have prevented the revolver from functioning.
Maybe don't be a fucking autist and try to change peoples ideologies. Y'all need Jesus (not campos)
Actual last pic. I thought one with nothing on top of the revolver would be a good idea too.
COMP them
Guys don't say Ewwww
Lol. Busted
You know the rules
At least you provided tits. There are 5 people related to this event that we've heard about
>Stephen Paddock
>MaryLou Danely
>Eric Paddock
>Jesus Campos
>Stephen Schuck
Ask Normies to find any information prior to Oct 1 on these people. Why is there NO INFORMATION on the history of ANY of these people?
I just posted tits
This is one dumb bitch.
Sage goes in all fields.
True. Did you fuckers see that Joe Lombardo is going to be on a talk show? Morning Joe
Why am I a dumb bitch? Go fuck yourself. I didn’t ask you to stick around cunt.
>no nips
>no timestamp
>go fuck yourself
Bye bitch. No slideshow pics for you. Back to Pornhub for you loser
Then no thread for you. Lurk moar, cunt.
who the fuck asked you to stick around?
Thoughts on Lombardo going on a talk show?
Well since it’s my thread, I guess I did retard.
Just copy and paste OP's first 5 posts from this thread.
That was a great post
Thoughts on Lombardo going on Morning Joe?
Morning Joe or Morning Cup of Joe that he's on every week? lasvegasnow.com
Compt lol
I think the latter but still... I mean don’t you feel like they’re mocking the victims?
I dunno if it's every week but he has made appearances on that show before, going back at least a year or maybe two.
Idk I feel like they’re making a joke out of this or a PR stunt??