Has Sup Forums even been fooled and embarrassed on notions they've held that have been utterly wrong?
Has Sup Forums even been fooled and embarrassed on notions they've held that have been utterly wrong?
Yeah, there were a lot of people here that didn't believe Trump is a kike puppet.
Motherfuking kek
BTFO is an understatement
That's a nice sculpture.
That sculpture is in the western tradition. She is talented but lets not kid ourselves these statues with this level of detail were not originally coming out of Asia.
Damn that thread is fucking satisfying. Calling out morons... what thing in life could be sweeter?
What is the Terracotta Army you retard?
>Chinese sculpt white women
you know, I get that nobody wants to admit it out loud. But its pretty obvious that every race agrees that white people are the most aesthetically pleasing race.
>inb4 some autist tries to argue that its a chinese woman
Its clearly not.
Asians can play Bach too
this was honestly one of the most hilarious things about the 2016 elections
the mental gymnastics that redditcucks and nupol do on a daily basis is just gold
Western style art so the point stands.
that's what happens when you drink too much of the cool aid . fucking try hards
>Being good at sculting anathomy = it's because western
We wuz everythan indeed
Those look like chink eyes to me, faggot
There are still some that haven't caught on yet. Check out, it's the most cancerous thread on Sup Forums that isn't a troll thread.
kek, what a retard, porbably a flase-flagging Kike
OP's pic is definately good art. If it was done by the typical (((American modern artist))) it'd be some lumpy barley human looking thing fucking or shitting
Asian sculpting was not anywhere close to the level of Europe.
Dont kid yourself, they had sculpting. But their shitty cloned army figurines aren't really that impressive.
Japan had painting, but their goofy paintings were not even close to the level of Europe.
compare the sculpture to the sculptor and tell me that with a straight face, you fucking can't.
also the hair is clearly not Chinese hair.
I respect and admire any artist that trains hard enough to acquire skills capable of producing that. This is real art, and not that bullshit that contemporary art schools are trying to pass as art.
No they don't. They are also fucking massive.
are you fucking retarted????
>Thinking the Chinks created this style
basic level of details in terracota army
master European sculpture
The best you are capable of comprehending is dramatic illustrations you philistine cuck lord.
>pictured is the first internet download from 1930
>sculpting anatomy accurately
>western style
Yeah you can fuck right off with that.
Kek dumb fucking regards.
People who arent as smart as me should just never say anything
Fucking leftist faggots, kill yourselves and go live in China, hopefully you will be able to eat insects, dogs and get eaten by a hole in the middle of the sidewalk
he said none that comes to mind. now he knows. what's the problem?
also is that stone or some other material? it's definitely not marble.
>long, thin, straight hair
Looks Chinese to me. Maybe you need to stop virtue signaling
>Be chinese
>Take a model
>Sculpt model 100% accurately
>Therefore it's western
LOL, this is why you don't go around assuming shit. It's better not to speak at all than to be thought of as a fool.
Stupid LARPers got rekt that's it. I don't jerk myself to muhh white heritage.
They get to praise a Chink, when it's a chink doing it. But they throw dirt in the most aesthetic and masterful pieces because they are western. Liberals are literal cancer, and must be purged.
its clay
>Chink woman makes a nice statue
>user gets personally offended
Explain why?
>chinks getting BTFO ITT
Go watch some Rick and Morty, that's probably up your politically correct alley anyway. Faggot.
Well china is the safe haven for wester culture.
While the west tries to kill it, TCHIIIIIIIIINA is making its best to keep it alive
The statue being made by a chink doesn't makes the style any less obsolete. It's just that
>Only WHITE MALES can do this!
And being proven wrong within a couple of seconds makes it pretty funny.
>being retarded on purpose
>misuses virtue signaling.
back to Sup Forums with you, your trolling is too basic for Sup Forums
Idiot. He should have posted a sculpture by Bernini or something
I hope that sculpture is made out of clay.
how could you not tell that wasnt made by a westerner
I'm embarrassed for all the retards ITT who always pretend to be art lovers but didn't see right away that the sculpture in OP's pic was modern
>Baww I was proven wrong, go watch cartoons for 10 yeras olds
Cry harder
what are you even trying to say? Modern art is trash.
Go shove a can of spaghettios up your ass while reading slam poetry, faggot. (this really happened only it was a girl and it her vagina)
wtf I hate Trump now. Thank you, based LARPflags!
HAHAHAHAHAHA fucking nerd virgins
chinese women worshiping white women?
>I'm embarrassed for all the retards ITT who always pretend to be art lovers but didn't see right away that the sculpture in OP's pic is fucking hideous
White males created it.
Enjoy the dogs soup if you want.
It's always a retarded meme response like this from you idiots. Yeah, the guy that has all his children (except Baron obviously) dating or married to Jews is in no way influenced by kikes, anyone who says so must be a shill or a LARPer.
Yeah I used to be a libtard.
Sure, we have plenty of retards here.
>White males created it.
Uhm no, it was chinese woman. Sorry you can't open images in your PC.
What's the hot branch of christianity in China? Protestantism?
Hmm no sweetie, thats literal cultural appropriation.
What is it with chinks and clay statues.
They are oreintal jews, aren't they.
The style is unequivocally western. Do you see how the fabric clings the the body like it's a wet drapery? That's a very particular aesthetic invention from European sculpture. The sculptor did an amazing job though, it doesn't make her work any less impressive since all art builds upon what came before it.
The notion that people can't borrow from different cultures ("cultural appropriation") is retarded. Integration, copying and invention is what moves culture forward.
>Proven wrong
I'm not even the same user you were responding to before. You are as big of a retard as the guy in OP's pic.
you think this is trash?
Who invented techniques of anatomically correct sculpting.
Of course, chinks 5million years ago.
Lol this...
I was so focused on hating Hillary, that I was almost willing to overlook this fact.
made by greeks
>be chinese
>dont sculpt model 100% accurately until western influence
>claim you did it of your own accord
Literally made by a Greek.
>Be European
>cook up a dish of rice vegetables and soy sauce
>Therefore it's Asian/Chinese
The artistic tradition skills and techniques used all had a history in the west not china I'm sure. They may put a chinese slant on it, but the art isn't derived from any chinese artistic history/tradition.
>Thousands of soldiers and horses in armor
>One sculptor making one statue over the course of years
Oh no! Trump is friends with some kikes?
I guess that means I hate border security, tax reform, and replacing Obamacare now.
Those things are like life-sized action figures. The other stuff in the exhibition had the real fine detailing.
Silk patterns. Hangings. That sort of thing. Western sculpture is untouched as the top tier.
Go look it up. Marble sculpting is fucking magic.
Fascism only helps the theme.
Composition is fucked, colours are screaming disharmony.
Futurism was interesting and it's experiments were cool.
You still wouldn't want to see that everyday
lol a fucking baby can make that shit out of clay. no where near the same amount of skill needed as making it from stone
>Integration, copying and invention is what moves culture forward.
integration and copying, yeah those are just as important as invention.
>muh linear cultural advancement
>Anyone anywhere sculpting a statue accurately is because western
>your daughter converting to judaism and raising her kid jewish is simply being friends with some kikes
Nothing I can say or show you will spawn anything but cognitive dissonance and irrational rationale. You idiots actually believe that you won a victory over the most powerful people in the world, do you really think the Jews would have him in there if they didn't want him there?
im not a fan of futurism or fascist art/architecture and im italian and right wing. however i can appreciate the ideas behind the art and the movement behind it. i can also respect its originality and it's groundbreaking divergence from tradition.
however personally i think it looks like shit compared to the work of the great masters and yes modern art, especially post modern art, is all shit
>quantity is better than quality
If I make a million scribbles, can I be the best artist?
I think the asian thinking would be if the scribbles are all exactly the same then yes
>chink woman makes a nice statue
>leftists use it to argue that white culture is nothing
>user gets personally offended
>I don't like cartoon therefore you like it
Baww it's Drumpfy triggered?
you think someone would really do that? go on the internet and post b8?
You can actually trace fairly direct descent of sculpture in the greek fashion, and that one fits. Its also the source of buddhist sculpture via Alexander.
Why not go back in time and prove them wrong? Or use facts instead of *spewing memes like some sort of shit spewing fan of some meme cartoon.
captcha being cheeky
Come on dude .....use your fucking brain just once today
Oh no! He talked to a kike! Now the whole agenda must be trashed.
>8 posts py this ID
ancaps unironically deserve the bullet along with libshits
>Shitty, late copycathing of pioneerful, unsurpassed mastery is equal to it
>Take a model
>Sculpt it accurately
>It's western because some white dude in the other end of the world did the same 1200 years ago
>He doesn't know that the Terracotta Army was actually sculpted by greek advisors that the Chinese then lied about and said they carved them.