north korea emp attack 5
If they did this there wouldn't be enough room on the Korean peninsula to put all the pisses off Facebook addicts.
I hope they do it and I hope there is a way I can make money from it.
If the US suffers a full blown emp your chances of dying are greater than your earning bottle caps
I wish people weren't retarded.
You need a megaton bomb to create an EMP that can even reach the surface. The Norks have nothing that powerful.
Oh please let it happen, i've done 1 month innawoods and enjoyed every bit of it. I would love to do more innawoods and laugh as the normies all die
second thread in an hour about this.
stop posting this dumb shit. If an emp attack happens it will be unexpected and kill almost everyone in the country. Its literally not worth worrying about
i have a lack of faith it will work.
if youre a city slicker maybe
oh boi
I think they have 10Mt, they started with 100kt about... year ago, two years?
Great news site, its filled with emoji reactions and not one scrap of info.
>what is THAD
Norks will do fookin nuttin.
For a complete event scale blackout your bomb needs to be at minimum 5,000 niggaton.
one nuke is gonna take out the whole country, yeah right nigga.
Wichita Kansas would take the brunt of the blow.
RIP world general aviation industry.
Protip: if anyone sets off an EMP it will be the Teamsters union.
Driverless trucks will cause the next revolution.
Their first hydrogen bomb from a month ago is no larger than 150-175 kT.
do it then faggot, just do it. stop bluffing and DO IT. STOP THE TALK. ACTION NOW. I DONT GIVE A FUCK JUST DO IT. DO IT FAGGOT. DO IT. DOOOOO ITTTTTTTT
Skyking is incoming in on 8992
I find these threads funny. People will actually die with no electricity. I have a large garden that I’ve stored for winter. I live near deer, bears, ducks, etc. and own hunting gear. I have fifty gallons of h2o stored. If it’s a SHTF situation, only retarded city dwellers will die because they can’t get by without daily trips to wal mart and made no effort to plan for disaster.
Well I'm sure glad it will only ruin life in shit hole flyover America. Anything of any value is in the blue.
set five off it's never gonna happen.