What is Sup Forums opinion on Yuru Yuri?

What is Sup Forums opinion on Yuru Yuri?

Akari a best, China a shit.

horrible circlejerk

Love all its anime seasons.

Unfunny moeshit that is not even yuri.

Season 4 when?

Poor man's K-On.

I am fond of loose lesbians. This brat in particular.

>S1 omg this is great best comedy ever!
>S2 holy shit it just keeps getting better now way!
>S3 what the fuck is this shit??

I don't even find it that funny, but for some reason I have a giant smile on my face when watching Yuru Yuri. No other SoL anime does the same to me.

Fuck lesboshit and yuri. Lolis are only for men.

It's gay

ur gay

I want Chinatsu to sit on my face in her sweaty, smelly pink pantsu.

what's more essentail CGDCT anime - Yuru Yuri or Lucky Star?


I want to hug Yui!

Yuyushiki and Joshiraku are better shows. Prove me wrong.

>searching the thumbnail

That's quite literally what it always does retard.

I'll be one of them


Good show.
Tripfags ruined the threads on Sup Forums

It's better than K-ON!

S3 was disappointing, First two were amazing.

Yui is the definition of perfection.

Dogakobo giving it to ShitYO was a mistake.

Me on the left.


Sieg heil


What was so bad about S3? I thought it was just fine.

More yuri and less comedy.

fuck off nazi

S2 > S3 > S1

The Akarin intro is the only good thing about S1.
S2 didn't need it anymore.
S3 didn't have it and that was an improvement, but faggots keep saying that was a mistake, fucking kill yourselves idiots.

S1 was horrible memefest

That's kind of harsh, I mean S2 was better than S1 but it was still good. I agree though, the hate for S3 is unwarranted, S3 was very good, just different. It felt almost like a mixture of NNB and GJ bu.

I think I like S3 the most.



Great. Chitose is the best yuru.

It's comedy/shoujo ai, with the latter serving to enhance the former.

Some people dislike the art change (most didn't care), but the popular opinion was that it was too light on comedy in favor of expanding the yuri (though the movie and OVAs made by the same studio are mostly comedy). I preferred the first two seasons but thought S3 was fine too.

I want Chinatsu to spray her pee mist on my face.

But of course, there's a lot more Brat than in S1 and S2. Also TYO's Hanako is way cuter than DK's.

Was Hanako age eight (8) even in S1 or S2? I only remember her in S3.

It just lost alot of the charm that made Yuru Yuri unique and became a generic SoL.







>China will never PISS on you

I still don't know why PISS is written in uppercase

Passive Ignorance Silence Strike


Then I have no desire to be right

Very well, yurifag.

Because China urinates furiously, almost like a water jet. It helps writing in caps to express the sheer POWER behind her PISS

Don't open the spoiler

Artist should be hanged for this


China grew tits

It makes me happier than any other show ever made.

S3 lost that magic and I'm forever pissed at Dogakobo for it.

>though the movie and OVAs made by the same studio are mostly comedy
Half of Nachuyachi+ is looking over the dumb photos. No, it failed at comedy, the OVA too. The changed personalities and overall direction have too big of an impact. TYO undermined Yuru Yuri's iconic charm. As a fan, I'm disgusted.
If it had better pacing, music, and animation it could pass off as a good anime for SOL viewers, but as it stands anyone that supports TYO in this simply has no standards.

> changed personalities

example pls

All of Ayano. Why do I have to spell it out for you? Chinatsu is significantly more passive when dealing with Kyouko. She gets annoyed with Sakurako too. In the OVA she has a scene with both, and they cut out the interactions completely. It's out of character. This you can tell in a second.

breddy good

But the OVA was by the old studio.

Not the first one, the one that aired in theaters. What is the difference between that and a movie? Nobody knows, but that's what they are calling it.

Also, shit, I meant Nachuyachumi+ before.

Wait, I just looked it up and you're right. The OVA I had in mind was just that stupid China drawn story. Guess I just remembered wrong, sorry.

>Half of Nachuyachi+ is looking over the dumb photos.
>exaggerating this much
Rest of OVA was very good. Especially the second ep of n+
>If it had better music
Fuck off. Music was actually better than s2. Not stupidly loud and better timed.
>All of Ayano
She was rival-tsundere maybe for 2 episodes in s1, rest was just your generic >t-toshinou kyouko
TYO actually pushed at least a little towards Kyouko and don't forget her scene with Yui

She was a rival for only her introduction but she was an angry tsundere. That's the path the manga takes, the characters are animated and their reactions exaggerated. TYO Ayano has the same shriveled response to everything.

It's no exaggeration. The second half of the first episode is looking at the photos, and reminiscing about something that just happened. The second has something else just as boring. And all of it ends with an unnecessary "heartwarming" moment.
Now I remember, the photos were adapted from the bonus chapters. Instead of being cute and funny they had to put slow music over it and drag it out for the rest of the episode. They had the perfect material to work with and still butchered it.

The music was generic, the kind you find in VNs, and the poor pacing made it worse. At most I can say that half of the character songs turned out good.

>angry tsundere
ayy lmao
If you can show me at least 3 examples of this then maybe I'll belive you
>The second half of the first episode is looking at the photos
Which wasn't been done badly. It was just in manga.
>Instead of being cute and funny they had to put slow music over it and drag it out for the rest of the episode
You may have ADHD if you have problems with watching that scene.
>The music was generic, the kind you find in VNs, and the poor pacing made it worse.
There is no point in arguing that if all we are going to say is "I like it" and "I don't like it"

Also did I mention that character designs were better in TYOani YrYr?


>8 hours 36 minute ago

Your arguments are all "it was good, no better." The problem with the photos was they made it out to be more meaningful that it actually was, as well as obviously dragging it out so it lasts the episode.

>If you can show me at least 3 examples of this then maybe I'll belive you
You can't be serious. Here's one, for the rest actually watch the first two seasons.

No it didn't. Clearly you have actually read the source material.

>Your arguments are all "it was good, no better."
Your arguments are all "it was bad, no worse."
>The problem with the photos was they made it out to be more meaningful that it actually was
They just fucking watched photos in a cute and funny way. How is that more meaningful than it should be?
>dragging it
Manga chapter always lasts for around half of episode.
>Here's one, for the rest actually watch the first two seasons.
Fuck you. I won't be marathoning this again just to find 2 minutes of Ayano acting like you said

That's mostly about the music or pacing. The animation is absolutely worse, and the agitated looping they had is just embarrassing.
>How is that more meaningful than it should be?
Because of all the music, slow panning close-ups, the ooh's and ah's. It couldn't be normal, it had to be "artistic."

And I should be showing the manga instead of the anime if I wanted to point out inaccuracies. I shouldn't have to explain it, though. It is obvious that they went in a different direction and you are free to enjoy it as a no-taste dog, even more than the manga itself.

I liked s3 the best. The comedy was good and the supporting cast got a lot more screen time. Not sure why people bitch there wasn't as much comedy and it was more SoL, just rewatched the first two seasons and there was just as much SoL in them as well.

>and the agitated looping they had is just embarrassing
no such thing
>And I should be showing the manga instead of the anime if I wanted to point out inaccuracies.
>hey, look at this cherrypicking

never noticed in that picture that sakurako wrote on himawari with a marker

wonder if it's permanent

You're asking for examples, I'm just giving you what I had on hand. The animation was terrible, as evidenced when Yui crunched her toes or after the Hima kick. You cannot be this deluded.

where is the strawpoll guy?

to be honest, s3 is not as bad as other case like Minami-ke.

>You're asking for examples
I was asking for examples of How Ayano was angry-tsundere in s1 and s2, not in manga
>as evidenced when Yui crunched her toes or after the Hima kick.
Those were the best pieces actually.

someone post the webm where Yui rarely smile

Third season is always bad, not objectively but rather due to your brain unconsciously getting tired of the same shit

>Third season is always bad, not objectively but rather due to your brain unconsciously getting tired of the same shit
but people claim the third season was bad because it was different from the others

>I was asking for examples of How Ayano was angry-tsundere in s1 and s2, not in manga
It happens in both. First you have to accept the fact that S3 has a different tone than 1 and 2. Once you do that, you can see how posting differences from the anime wouldn't be good proof towards the changes TYO made from the original character. Even if that wasn't the case, then either the manga or anime would be good enough. Clearly I am dealing with a crazy person.

And to answer you previous post of denial, the scenes I mentioned included just that, short segments that looped very fast. It was lazy and ugly.

>TYO made from the original character.
I'm arguing why s3 isn't worse than DogaKobo seasons, not why is it better than manga
>Clearly I am dealing with a crazy person.
lmao ur retarded moar
>short segments that looped very fast
Are you talking about the music or animation? If animation, then you're right, but show me a studio that isn't doing this


The argument was that Ayano, among others, had received changes in her personalities. The proof was how scenes from the manga were handled differently in the same scene of the anime, as well as her reactions from scenes in the previous anime and their respective chapter of the manga.


>The argument was that Ayano, among others, had received changes in her personalities
Let me greentext it
>every season recives nearly equal level of angry-tsundere
>one or two gags from the manga were adapted differently
>this somehow makes s3 worse than s2 and s1
If last memearrow wasn't your point then we are literally wasting our time, because that's what I'm arguing about

TYO apologists are the worst. Full on delusion.

It's my favorite series alongside Lain and NGE.

Chinatsu is best girl. The show wouldn't be half as entertaining if it weren't for her antics. Truly an unsung hero.

lmao ur retarded too

I want to die

Please do and leave us forever


here is Yui very embarrassed

Chinatsu confirmed fat


It's the tightest shit