What is Sup Forums's opinion on Strasserism?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Strasserism?
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socialism doesn't work
I ain't googlin' shit, what the heck is Strasserism?
Is that the Redpower 2 logo? I love that mod.
Like libertarian socialism except racist
They deserve a night of the long knives.
Too much government control for my taste.
Hitler pretty much exactly hit the sweet spot where government isn't too big or too small. I would still prefer Strasserism over our current system though.
Marxist Socialism doesn't
National Socialism with alot more socialism.
yes but the allocation problem still applies
Positive, especially its Germanic Russophilia
Hitler also realized that the biggest constituency he was pulling from wasn't going to like having more socialism. Hitler pulled support from the old Junker and military class that largely opposed communism/socialism. Strasser wasn't pragmatic in that he was against having any help from those entities. Hitler would've had a lot harder time just focusing on the workers as his main class. I was actually very surprised to find out that in the Hindenburg vs. Hitler presidential election, Hindenburg actually went for the worker vote to keep Hitler, who he greatly mistrusted, from the presidency. This was much to his dismay, as Hindenburg hated the working class as he himself was an elite.
I like Strasser himself though, he had some good ideas. Plus, he brought Goebbels along with him.
Ewww, why on Earth would I pay to help poor lazy pieces of shit?
T. Individualist
>Ewww, why on Earth would I pay to help poor lazy pieces of shit?
>I ain't googlin' shit, what the heck is Strasserism?
Hyper-individualism is the bane of Western society.
National Socialism does though.
The biggest fault of Strasser and Röhm was that they still wanted violent revolution even after Hindenburg had started to cooperate with the NSDAP. That was the reason they had to be purged, as their tactics would have led to a civil war.
As for the Junker class, many were loyal to Hitler, though there were also many that resented the fact that a commoner had risen above them. It's no coincidence that the attempt on his live in 1944 was planned and carried out mostly by aristocrats.
Try reading the constitution and the pro-liberty writing of our Forefathers.
Individualism is what we're founded on dingus.
Borderline communism
The "National" Socialists had such a masive national debt that they basiclly had to annex other countries for their recources, as their own were not sufficient anymore by 1939.
>implying free market capitalism does
>allocation problem
most of the political ideologies thrown around these days is posed to purposely used to prevent people from becoming nationalist / populist.
we live in a free market paradise.
But i do agree that natsocs are just hitler cultists. and know nothing about the fiscal policies of the reich
strasserism is both of those things
Fuck off back to leftypol
National Socialists that don't pretend that they are right-wing.
most of us don't come from there
second, i have seen communists who oppose refugees banned from /leftypol/ for ''strasserism''
Strasser was a traitor who wanted Germany to be conquered by Russia.
National socialists did not have national debt you retard.
they borrowed from everyone to pay back reparations
so they started a war to avoid paying back
Not necessarily a bad system but so unpopular it could never take over. Right wingers hate it due to the socialist aspects and left wingers hate it due to being against internationalism and race mixing. That said Strasser seems to be getting a bit of a revival lately with guys like Matthew Heimbach.
I think it's really interesting, pretty autistic but interesting. That strange guild system is like straight from some fantasy novel or something.